
Charles H. Davis

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10EECharles H. Davis, Florin Vladica: Use of Internet Technologies and e-Business Solutions: A Structural Model of Sources of Business Value among Canadian Micro-Enterprises. HICSS 2006
9EECharles H. Davis: Development of Electronic Commerce in Spanish-Speaking Latin America. HICSS 1999
8 Qinglan Sun, Debora Shaw, Charles H. Davis: A Model for Estimating the Occurrence of Same-Frequency Words and the Boundary Between High- and Low-Frequency Words in Texts. JASIS 50(3): 280-286 (1999)
7 Charles H. Davis, Geoffrey W. McKim: Systematic Weighting and Ranking: Cutting the Gordian Knot. JASIS 50(7): 626-628 (1999)
6 Charles H. Davis: Information Science: Still an Emerging Discipline, edited by James G. Williams and Toni Carbo. JASIS 49(6): 569 (1998)
5 Charles H. Davis: At the Crossroads: Librarians on the Information Superhighway, by Herbert S. White. JASIS 47(10): 789-790 (1996)
4 Debora Shaw, Charles H. Davis: The Modern Language Association: Electronic and Paper Surveys of Computer-Based Tool Use. JASIS 47(12): 932-940 (1996)
3 Charles H. Davis, Donald H. Kraft: Bernard M. Fry, 1915-1994. JASIS 45(8): 547 (1994)
2 Charles H. Davis, Blaise Cronin: Acknowledgments and Intellectual Indebtedness: A Bibliometric Conjecture. JASIS 44(10): 590-592 (1993)
1EECharles H. Davis: Teaching of chemical information science to graduates. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 25(3): 323-326 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Blaise Cronin [2]
2Donald H. Kraft [3]
3Geoffrey W. McKim [7]
4Debora Shaw [4] [8]
5Qinglan Sun [8]
6Florin Vladica [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)