
Lisa Covi

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10EELisa Covi, Melissa H. Cragin: Reconfiguring control in library collection development: A conceptual framework for assessing the shift toward electronic collections. JASIST 55(4): 312-325 (2004)
9EEStephanie Teasley, Lisa Covi, Mayuram S. Krishnan, Judith S. Olson: Rapid Software Development through Team Collocation. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 28(7): 671-683 (2002)
8EEStephanie Teasley, Lisa Covi, Mayuram S. Krishnan, Judith S. Olson: How does radical collocation help a team succeed? CSCW 2000: 339-346
7 Lisa Covi: Debunking the myth of the Nintendo generation: How doctoral students introduce new electronic communication practices into university. JASIS 51(14): 1284-1294 (2000)
6 Lisa Covi: Material Mastery: Situating Digital Library Use in University Research Practices. Inf. Process. Manage. 35(3): 293-316 (1999)
5EELisa Covi, Judith S. Olson, Elena Rocco, William J. Miller, Paul Allie: A Room of Your Own: What Do We Learn about Support of Teamwork from Assessing Teams in Dedicated Project Rooms? CoBuild 1998: 53-65
4 Lisa Covi, Rob Kling: Organizational Dimensions of Effective Digital Library Use: Closed Rational and Open Natural Systems Models. JASIS 47(9): 672-689 (1996)
3EELisa Covi, Mark S. Ackerman: Such easy-to-use systems!: How organizations shape the design and use of online help systems. COOCS 1995: 280-288
2EERob Kling, Lisa Covi: Electronic Journals and Legitimate Media in the Systems of Scholarly Communication. Inf. Soc. 11(4): (1995)
1EEAnne Webster, Donna Tatro, Cindy Sanford, Linda Downing, Lisa Covi: Micro labs and laser printing: scenarios and solutions. SIGUCCS 1987: 275

Coauthor Index

1Mark S. Ackerman [3]
2Paul Allie [5]
3Melissa H. Cragin [10]
4Linda Downing [1]
5Rob Kling [2] [4]
6Mayuram S. Krishnan [8] [9]
7William J. Miller [5]
8Judith S. Olson [5] [8] [9]
9Elena Rocco [5]
10Cindy Sanford [1]
11Donna Tatro [1]
12Stephanie Teasley [8] [9]
13Anne Webster [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)