
Carol Tenopir

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12EESuzie Allard, Kenneth J. Levine, Carol Tenopir: Design engineers and technical professionals at work: Observing information usage in the workplace. JASIST 60(3): 443-454 (2009)
11EECarol Tenopir, Peiling Wang, Yan Zhang, Beverly Simmons, Richard Pollard: Academic users' interactions with ScienceDirect in search tasks: Affective and cognitive behaviors. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(1): 105-121 (2008)
10EERobert J. Sandusky, Carol Tenopir: Finding and using journal-article components: Impacts of disaggregation on teaching and research practice. JASIST 59(6): 970-982 (2008)
9EEConcepción S. Wilson, Carol Tenopir: Local citation analysis, publishing and reading patterns: Using multiple methods to evaluate faculty use of an academic library's research collection. JASIST 59(9): 1393-1408 (2008)
8EEPaul Huntington, David Nicholas, Hamid R. Jamali M., Carol Tenopir: Article decay in the digital environment: An analysis of usage of OhioLINK by date of publication, employing deep log methods. JASIST 57(13): 1840-1851 (2006)
7EECarol Tenopir, Donald W. King, Peter B. Boyce, Matt Grayson, Keri-Lynn Paulson: Relying on electronic journals: Reading patterns of astronomers. JASIST 56(8): 786-802 (2005)
6EEDonald W. King, Peter B. Boyce, Carol Hansen Montgomery, Carol Tenopir: Library Economic Metrics: Examples of the Comparison of Electronic and Print Journal Collections and Collection Services. Library Trends 51(3): (2003)
5EECarol Tenopir: Electronic Publishing: Research Issues for Academic Librarians and Users. Library Trends 51(4): (2003)
4 Peiling Wang, William B. Hawk, Carol Tenopir: Users' interaction with World Wide Web resources: an exploratory study using a holistic approach. Inf. Process. Manage. 36(2): 229-251 (2000)
3 Diane Nahl, Carol Tenopir: Affective and Cognitive Searching Behavior of Novice End-Users of a Full-Text Database. JASIS 47(4): 276-286 (1996)
2EECarol Tenopir: Authors and Readers: The Keys to Success of Failure for Electronic Publishing. Library Trends 43(4): 571-591 (1995)
1 Carol Tenopir: Online reference and information retrieval. JASIS 41(2): 152-153 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Suzie Allard [12]
2Peter B. Boyce [6] [7]
3Matt Grayson [7]
4William B. Hawk [4]
5Paul Huntington [8]
6Donald W. King [6] [7]
7Kenneth J. Levine [12]
8Hamid R. Jamali M. [8]
9Carol Hansen Montgomery [6]
10Diane Nahl [3]
11David Nicholas [8]
12Keri-Lynn Paulson [7]
13Richard Pollard [11]
14Robert J. Sandusky [10]
15Beverly Simmons [11]
16Peiling Wang [4] [11]
17Concepción S. Wilson [9]
18Yan Zhang [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)