
Donald Owen Case

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16EEDonald Owen Case: Collection of family health histories: The link between genealogy and public health. JASIST 59(14): 2312-2319 (2008)
15EEJ. David Johnson, Donald Owen Case, James E. Andrews, Suzanne L. Allard, Nathaniel E. Johnson: Fields and pathways: Contrasting or complementary views of information seeking. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(2): 569-582 (2006)
14EEDonald Owen Case, J. David Johnson, James E. Andrews, Suzanne L. Allard, Kimberly M. Kelly: From two-step flow to the Internet: The changing array of sources for genetics information seeking. JASIST 55(8): 660-669 (2004)
13EEDonald Owen Case: Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs and behavior. Inf. Res. 8(3): (2003)
12EEDonald Owen Case: Book reviews: Current theory in library and information science. JASIST 54(4): 358 (2003)
11 Donald Owen Case, Georgeann M. Higgins: How can we investigate citation behavior? A study of reasons for citing literature in communication. JASIS 51(7): 635-645 (2000)
10 Donald Owen Case: Highway of Dreams: A Critical View along the Information Superhighway, by Michael Noll. JASIS 49(2): 185-186 (1998)
9 Donald Owen Case: The Highwaymen: Warriors of the Information Superhighway, by Ken Auletta. JASIS 49(4): 389-390 (1998)
8 Donald Owen Case: The Trouble with Computers: Usefulness, Usability, and Productivity, by Thomas K. Landauer. JASIS 47(3): 255-256 (1996)
7 Donald Owen Case: Book Reviewing. JASIS 46(5): 325-326 (1995)
6 Donald Owen Case: The Social Shaping of Videotex: How Information Services for the Public Have Evolved. JASIS 45(7): 483-497 (1994)
5 Matthew B. Gilmore, Donald Owen Case: Historians, Books, Computers, and the Library. Library Trends 40(4): (1992)
4 Donald Owen Case: Conceptual organization and retrieval of text by historians: The role of memory and metaphor. JASIS 42(9): 657-668 (1991)
3EEDonald Owen Case: How Do the Experts Do It? The Use of Ethnographic Methods as an Aid to Understanding the Cognitive Processing and Retrieval of Large Bodies of Text. SIGIR 1988: 127-133
2EEDonald Owen Case, Christine L. Borgman, Charles T. Meadow: End-user information-seeking in the energy field: Implications for end-user access to DOE/RECON databases. Inf. Process. Manage. 22(4): 299-308 (1986)
1 Christine L. Borgman, Donald Owen Case, Charles T. Meadow: Designing an Information Retrieval Interface Based on User Characteristics. SIGIR 1985: 139-146

Coauthor Index

1Suzanne L. Allard [14] [15]
2James E. Andrews [14] [15]
3Christine L. Borgman [1] [2]
4Matthew B. Gilmore [5]
5Georgeann M. Higgins [11]
6J. David Johnson [14] [15]
7Nathaniel E. Johnson [15]
8Kimberly M. Kelly [14]
9Charles T. Meadow [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)