
Akhil Kumar

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51EEAkhil Kumar, Zhe Shan: Algorithms Based on Pattern Analysis for Verification and Adapter Creation for Business Process Composition. OTM Conferences (1) 2008: 120-138
50EEAkhil Kumar, Rong Liu: A Rule-Based Framework Using Role Patterns for Business Process Compliance. RuleML 2008: 58-72
49EERong Liu, Akhil Kumar, Wil M. P. van der Aalst: A formal modeling approach for supply chain event management. Decision Support Systems 43(3): 761-778 (2007)
48EEJacques Wainer, Akhil Kumar, Paulo Barthelmess: DW-RBAC: A formal security model of delegation and revocation in workflow systems. Inf. Syst. 32(3): 365-384 (2007)
47EERong Liu, Akhil Kumar, Alan J. Stenger: Simulation results for supply chain configurations based on information sharing. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 627-635
46EEShuang Sun, Akhil Kumar, John Yen: Merging workflows: A new perspective on connecting business processes. Decision Support Systems 42(2): 844-858 (2006)
45EERong Liu, Akhil Kumar: An Analysis and Taxonomy of Unstructured Workflows. Business Process Management 2005: 268-284
44EEJianrui Wang, Akhil Kumar: A Framework for Document-Driven Workflow Systems. Business Process Management 2005: 285-301
43EEJ. Leon Zhao, George W. Brown, Michael J. Carey, Akhil Kumar, James C. Spohrer, Mohan Tanniru: Services Science: Services Innovation Research & Education. IEEE SCC 2005
42EEJacques Wainer, Akhil Kumar: A fine-grained, controllable, user-to-user delegation method in RBAC. SACMAT 2005: 59-66
41EEAkhil Kumar, Jacques Wainer: Meta workflows as a control and coordination mechanism for exception handling in workflow systems. Decision Support Systems 40(1): 89-105 (2005)
40 Emily "Rong" Liu, Akhil Kumar: Leveraging Information Sharing to Increase Supply Chain Configurability. ICIS 2003: 523-537
39 Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Akhil Kumar, H. M. W. (Eric) Verbeek: Organizational Modeling in UML and XML in the Context of Workflow Systems. SAC 2003: 603-608
38EEAkhil Kumar, Jacques Wainer, Zuopeng Zhang: Meta-workflows and ESP: A Framework for Coordination, Exception Handling and Adaptability in Workflow Systems. WES 2003: 13-27
37EEJacques Wainer, Paulo Barthelmess, Akhil Kumar: W-RBAC - A Workflow Security Model Incorporating Controlled Overriding of Constraints. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 12(4): 455-485 (2003)
36EEAkhil Kumar, J. Leon Zhao: EROICA: A Rule-Based Approach to Organizational Policy Management in Workflow Systems. WAIM 2002: 201-212
35EEAkhil Kumar, J. Leon Zhao: Workflow support for electronic commerce applications. Decision Support Systems 32(3): 265-278 (2002)
34EEVassilis Christophides, Richard Hull, Akhil Kumar: Querying and Splicing of XML Workflows. CoopIS 2001: 386-402
33EEVassilis Christophides, Richard Hull, Gregory Karvounarakis, Akhil Kumar, Geliang Tong, Ming Xiong: Beyond Discrete E-Services: Composing Session-Oriented Services in Telecommunications. TES 2001: 58-73
32EEWil M. P. van der Aalst, Akhil Kumar: A reference model for team-enabled workflow management systems. Data Knowl. Eng. 38(3): 335-363 (2001)
31EEVassilis Christophides, Richard Hull, Akhil Kumar, Jérôme Siméon: Workflow Mediation using VorteXML. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 24(1): 40-45 (2001)
30 Akhil Kumar: An efficient algorithm for solving the partial sum query problem. Inf. Sci. 137(1-4): 245-258 (2001)
29EEJ. Leon Zhao, Akhil Kumar, Edward A. Stohr: A Workflow-Centric Study of Organizational Knowledge Distribution. HICSS 2000
28 Richard Hull, Akhil Kumar, Jérôme Siméon: Smart supply web: an application of web-based data and workflow mediation. TES 2000: 227-246
27EEAkhil Kumar: An Efficient SuperGrid Protocol for High Availability and Load Balancing. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(10): 1126-1133 (2000)
26EEAkhil Kumar: A New Algorithm for the Decentralized Aggregation Problem. Distributed and Parallel Databases 7(4): 415-427 (1999)
25 Akhil Kumar: A Randomized Algorithm for Distributed Consensus. SRDS 1998: 287-292
24 Akhil Kumar, Noha Adly: HPP: A Reliable Causal Broadcast Protocol for Large-Scale Replication. Comput. J. 41(2): 108-124 (1998)
23EEJ. Leon Zhao, Akhil Kumar: Data Management Issues for Large Scale, Distributed Workflow Systems on the Internet. DATA BASE 29(4): 22-32 (1998)
22 Akhil Kumar, Waleed A. Muhanna, Raymond A. Patterson: Mean-Variance Analysis of the Performance of Spatial Ordering Methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12(3): 269-289 (1998)
21 Akhil Kumar: New Techniques for Data Reduction in a Database System for Knowledge Discovery Applications. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 10(1): 31-48 (1998)
20EEAkhil Kumar, J. Leon Zhao: A Framework for Dynamic Routing and Operational Integrity Controls in a Workflow Management System. HICSS (3) 1996: 492-501
19 Akhil Kumar, Kavindra Malik: Optimizing the Costs of Hierarchical Quorum Consensus. Acta Inf. 33(3): 255-275 (1996)
18 Akhil Kumar: A Study of Spatial Clustering techniques. DEXA 1994: 57-71
17 Shun Yan Cheung, Akhil Kumar: Efficient Quorumcast Routing Algorithms. INFOCOM 1994: 840-847
16EEAkhil Kumar: G-Tree: A New Data Structure for Organizing Multidimensional Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(2): 341-347 (1994)
15 Akhil Kumar, Michael Rabinovich, Rakesh K. Sinha: A Performance Study of General Grid Structures for Replicated Data. ICDCS 1993: 178-185
14EEAkhil Kumar, Arie Segev: Cost and Availability Tradeoffs in Replicated Data Concurrency Control. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 18(1): 102-131 (1993)
13 Akhil Kumar: Techniques for Indexing Large Numbers of Constraints and Rules in a Database System. DEXA 1992: 65-71
12 Akhil Kumar: Hierarchical Quorum Consensus: A New Algorithm for Managing Replicated Data. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(9): 996-1004 (1991)
11 Akhil Kumar, Shun Yan Cheung: A High Availability \sqrt{N} Hierarchical Grid Algorithm for Replicated Data. Inf. Process. Lett. 40(6): 311-316 (1991)
10 Akhil Kumar: Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Quorum Consensus Algorithm for Replicated Objects. ICDCS 1990: 378-385
9EEAkhil Kumar: An Analysis of Borrowing Policies for Escrow Transactions in a Replicated Data Environment. ICDE 1990: 446-454
8EEAkhil Kumar: A Crash Recovery Algorithm Based on Multiple Logs that Exploits Parallelism. SPDP 1990: 156-159
7 Akhil Kumar, Arie Segev: Optimization And Evaluating Algorithms for Replicated Data Concurrency Control. ICDCS 1989: 101-109
6EEAkhil Kumar, Michael Stonebraker: Performance Considerations for an Operating System Transaction Manager. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(6): 705-714 (1989)
5EEAkhil Kumar, Arie Segev: Optimizing Voting-Type Algorithms for Replicated Data. EDBT 1988: 428-442
4EEAkhil Kumar, Michael Stonebraker: Semantics Based Transaction Management Techniques for Replicated Data. SIGMOD Conference 1988: 117-125
3EEAkhil Kumar, Michael Stonebraker: Performance Evaluation of an Operating System Transaction Manager. VLDB 1987: 473-481
2EEAkhil Kumar, Michael Stonebraker: The Effect of Join Selectivities on Optimal Nesting Order. SIGMOD Record 16(1): 28-41 (1987)
1EEMichael Stonebraker, Akhil Kumar: Operating System Support for Data Management. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 9(3): 43-50 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Wil M. P. van der Aalst [32] [39] [49]
2Noha Adly [24]
3Paulo Barthelmess [37] [48]
4George W. Brown [43]
5Michael J. Carey [43]
6Shun Yan Cheung [11] [17]
7Vassilis Christophides [31] [33] [34]
8Richard Hull [28] [31] [33] [34]
9Gregory Karvounarakis (Grigoris Karvounarakis) [33]
10Emily "Rong" Liu [40]
11Rong Liu [45] [47] [49] [50]
12Kavindra Malik [19]
13Waleed A. Muhanna [22]
14Raymond A. Patterson [22]
15Michael Rabinovich [15]
16Arie Segev [5] [7] [14]
17Zhe Shan [51]
18Jérôme Siméon [28] [31]
19Rakesh K. Sinha [15]
20James C. Spohrer (Jim Spohrer) [43]
21Alan J. Stenger [47]
22Edward A. Stohr [29]
23Michael Stonebraker [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
24Shuang Sun [46]
25Mohan Tanniru [43]
26Geliang Tong [33]
27H. M. W. (Eric) Verbeek (H. M. W. Verbeek, Eric Verbeek) [39]
28Jacques Wainer [37] [38] [41] [42] [48]
29Jianrui Wang [44]
30Ming Xiong [33]
31John Yen [46]
32Zuopeng Zhang [38]
33J. Leon Zhao [20] [23] [29] [35] [36] [43]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)