
Zbigniew J. Czech

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23EEZbigniew J. Czech: Statistical measures of a fitness landscape for the vehicle routing problem. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
22EEAgnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz, Zbigniew J. Czech: Theoretical and Practical Issues of Parallel Simulated Annealing. PPAM 2007: 189-198
21EEZbigniew J. Czech: Speeding Up Sequential Simulated Annealing by Parallelization. PARELEC 2006: 349-356
20EEZbigniew J. Czech, Bozena Wieczorek: Solving Bicriterion Optimization Problems by Parallel Simulated Annealing. PDP 2006: 7-14
19EEZbigniew J. Czech, Bozena Wieczorek: Frequency of Co-operation of Parallel Simulated Annealing Processes. PPAM 2005: 43-50
18 Agnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz, Zbigniew J. Czech: A Concurrent Implementation of Simulated Annealing and its Application to the VRPTW Optimization Problem. DAPSYS 2004: 201-209
17EEMariusz Boryczka, Zbigniew J. Czech, Wojciech Wieczorek: Ant Colony Programming for Approximation Problems. GECCO 2003: 142-143
16EEPiotr Czarnas, Zbigniew J. Czech, Przemyslaw Gocyla: Parallel Simulated Annealing for Bicriterion Optimization Problems. PPAM 2003: 233-240
15 Mariusz Boryczka, Zbigniew J. Czech: Solving Approximation Problems By Ant Colony Programming. GECCO 2002: 133
14 Mariusz Boryczka, Zbigniew J. Czech: Solving Approximation Problems by Ant Colony Programming. GECCO Late Breaking Papers 2002: 39-46
13 Wojciech Wieczorek, Zbigniew J. Czech: Selection Schemes in Evolutionary Algorithms. Intelligent Information Systems 2002: 185-194
12EEZbigniew J. Czech, Piotr Czarnas: Parallel Simulated Annealing for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. PDP 2002: 376-
11EEZbigniew J. Czech: Three Parallel Algorithms for Simulated Annealing. PPAM 2001: 210-217
10 Zbigniew J. Czech: Quasi-Perfect Hashing. Comput. J. 41(6): 416-421 (1998)
9 Zbigniew J. Czech, Wojciech Mikanik: Randomized PRAM Simulation. Fundam. Inform. 36(4): 317-336 (1998)
8EEZbigniew J. Czech, George Havas, Bohdan S. Majewski: Perfect Hashing. Theor. Comput. Sci. 182(1-2): 1-143 (1997)
7 Zbigniew J. Czech, Wojciech Mikanik: Randomized PRAM Simulation Using T9000 Transputers. HPCN Europe 1996: 736-743
6 Bohdan S. Majewski, Nicholas C. Wormald, George Havas, Zbigniew J. Czech: A Family of Perfect Hashing Methods. Comput. J. 39(6): 547-554 (1996)
5 George Havas, Bohdan S. Majewski, Nicholas C. Wormald, Zbigniew J. Czech: Graphs, Hypergraphs and Hashing. WG 1993: 153-165
4 Zbigniew J. Czech, Bohdan S. Majewski: A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding Minimal Perfect Hash Functions. Comput. J. 36(6): 579-587 (1993)
3 Zbigniew J. Czech, Marek Konopka, Bohdan S. Majewski: Parallel Algorithms for Finding a Suboptimal Fundamental-Cycle Set in a Graph. Parallel Computing 19(9): 961-971 (1993)
2 Zbigniew J. Czech, George Havas, Bohdan S. Majewski: An Optimal Algorithm for Generating Minimal Perfect Hash Functions. Inf. Process. Lett. 43(5): 257-264 (1992)
1 Zbigniew J. Czech: Efficient Implementation of Detection of Undefined Variables. Comput. J. 31(6): 545-549 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Mariusz Boryczka [14] [15] [17]
2Piotr Czarnas [12] [16]
3Agnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz [18] [22]
4Przemyslaw Gocyla [16]
5George Havas [2] [5] [6] [8]
6Marek Konopka [3]
7Bohdan S. Majewski [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
8Wojciech Mikanik [7] [9]
9Bozena Wieczorek [19] [20]
10Wojciech Wieczorek [13] [17]
11Nicholas C. Wormald [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)