
Shan-Tai Chen

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12EEShan-Tai Chen, Chien-Chen Wu, Wann-Jin Chen, Jen-Chi Hu: Rain-Area Identification Using TRMM/TMI Data by Data Mining Approach. JACIII 12(3): 243-248 (2008)
11EEShan-Tai Chen, Shung-Lin Dou, Wann-Jin Chen: A Data Mining Approach to Rainfall Intensity Classification Using TRMM/TMI Data. JACIII 12(6): 516-522 (2008)
10EEShan-Tai Chen, Shun-Shii Lin, Li-Te Huang: A Two-Phase Optimization Algorithm For Mastermind. Comput. J. 50(4): 435-443 (2007)
9EEShan-Tai Chen, Shun-Shii Lin, Li-Te Huang, Sheng-Hsuan Hsu: Strategy optimization for deductive games. European Journal of Operational Research 183(2): 757-766 (2007)
8EEPi-Rong Sheu, Shan-Tai Chen: On the Hardness of Approximating the Multicast Delay Variation Problem. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(11): 1575-1577 (2007)
7EELi-Te Huang, Shan-Tai Chen, Shun-Shii Lin: Exact-Bound Analyzes and Optimal Strategies for Mastermind with a Lie. ACG 2006: 195-209
6EEShan-Tai Chen, Shun-Shii Lin: Optimal Algorithms for 2 [times] n Mastermind Games-a Graph-Partition Approach. Comput. J. 47(5): 602-611 (2004)
5EEShan-Tai Chen, Shun-Shii Lin, Li-Te Huang, Chun-Jen Wei: Towards the Exact Minimization of BDDs-An Elitism-Based Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm. J. Heuristics 10(3): 337-355 (2004)
4EEShan-Tai Chen, Shun-Shii Lin: Optimal Algorithms for 2xn AB Games - A Graph-Partition Approach. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(1): 105-126 (2004)
3EEPi-Rong Sheu, Shan-Tai Chen: A fast and efficient heuristic algorithm for the delay- and delay variation-bounded multicast tree problem. Computer Communications 25(8): 825-833 (2002)
2EEPi-Rong Sheu, Shan-Tai Chen: A Fast and Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for the Delay- and Delay Variation Bound Multicast Tree Problem. ICOIN 2001: 611-618
1 Shun-Shii Lin, Shan-Tai Chen: On Detecting Multiple Faults in Baseline Interconnection Networks. Comput. J. 41(4): 254-269 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Wann-Jin Chen [11] [12]
2Shung-Lin Dou [11]
3Sheng-Hsuan Hsu [9]
4Jen-Chi Hu [12]
5Li-Te Huang [5] [7] [9] [10]
6Shun-Shii Lin [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10]
7Pi-Rong Sheu [2] [3] [8]
8Chun-Jen Wei [5]
9Chien-Chen Wu [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)