
Paul A. Cairns

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31EEMark Blythe, Paul A. Cairns: Critical methods and user generated content: the iPhone on YouTube. CHI 2009: 1467-1476
30EECharlene Jennett, Anna Louise Cox, Paul A. Cairns: Investigating computer game immersion and the component real world dissociation. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3407-3412
29EESarah Faisal, Brock Craft, Paul A. Cairns, Ann Blandford: Internalization, qualitative methods, and evaluation. BELIV 2008: 5
28EEJulie Schiller, Paul A. Cairns: There's always one!: modelling outlying user performance. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3513-3518
27EEBrock Craft, Paul A. Cairns: Directions for Methodological Research in Information Visualization. IV 2008: 44-50
26EEPaul A. Cairns, Harold W. Thimbleby: Affordance and Symmetry in User Interfaces. Comput. J. 51(6): 650-661 (2008)
25EESimon Attfield, Ann Blandford, John Dowell, Paul A. Cairns: Uncertainty-tolerant design: Evaluating task performance and drag-and-link information gathering for a news-writing task. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(6): 410-424 (2008)
24EECharlene Jennett, Anna Louise Cox, Paul A. Cairns, Samira Dhoparee, Andrew Epps, Tim Tijs, Alison Walton: Measuring and defining the experience of immersion in games. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(9): 641-661 (2008)
23EEAnna Louise Cox, Paul A. Cairns, Alison Walton, Sasha Lee: Tlk or txt? Using voice input for SMS composition. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12(8): 567-588 (2008)
22EESarah Faisal, Paul A. Cairns, Ann Blandford: Building for Users not for Experts: Designing a Visualization of the Literature Domain. IV 2007: 707-712
21EEPaul A. Cairns, Jeremy Gow: Integrating Searching and Authoring in Mizar. J. Autom. Reasoning 39(2): 141-160 (2007)
20EESarah Faisal, Paul A. Cairns, Ann Blandford: Developing User Requirements for Visualizations of Literature Knowledge Domains. IV 2006: 264-269
19EESimon Colton, Pedro Torres, Paul A. Cairns, Volker Sorge: Managing Automatically Formed Mathematical Theories. MKM 2006: 237-250
18EEKevin Cheng, Paul A. Cairns: Behaviour, realism and immersion in games. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1272-1275
17EEJeremy Gow, Harold W. Thimbleby, Paul A. Cairns: Automatic Critiques of Interface Modes. DSV-IS 2005: 201-212
16EEBrock Craft, Paul A. Cairns: Beyond Guidelines: What Can We Learn from the Visual Information Seeking Mantra? IV 2005: 110-118
15 Hyunjin Cha, Lidia Oshlyansky, Paul A. Cairns: Mobile Phone Preferences and Values: the U.K. vs. Korea. IWIPS 2005: 29-41
14EEPaul A. Cairns, Jeremy Gow: Literate Proving: Presenting and Documenting Formal Proofs. MKM 2005: 159-173
13EEEmily Brown, Paul A. Cairns: A grounded investigation of game immersion. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1297-1300
12 Lidia Oshlyansky, Paul A. Cairns, Kevin Foy: User Centred Design and the Japanese User. IWIPS 2004: 9-20
11EEPaul A. Cairns: Informalising Formal Mathematics: Searching the Mizar Library with Latent Semantics. MKM 2004: 58-72
10EELidia Oshlyansky, Harold W. Thimbleby, Paul A. Cairns: Breaking affordance: culture as context. NordiCHI 2004: 81-84
9EEPaul A. Cairns, Jeremy Gow: Using and Parsing the Mizar Language. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 93: 60-69 (2004)
8EEPaul A. Cairns, Jeremy Gow: A Theoretical Analysis of Hierarchical Proofs. MKM 2003: 175-187
7EEGeorgi Goguadze, Erica Melis, Carsten Ullrich, Paul A. Cairns: Problems and Solutions for Markup for Mathematical Examples and Exercises. MKM 2003: 80-92
6 Paul A. Cairns, Jeremy Gow, Peter Collins: On Dynamically Presenting a Topology Course. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 38(1-3): 91-104 (2003)
5 Paul A. Cairns, Christian R. Huyck, Ian Mitchell, Wendy Xihyu Wu: A Comparison of Categorisation Algorithms for Predicting the Cellular Localisation Sites of Proteins. DEXA Workshop 2001: 296-300
4EEHarold W. Thimbleby, Paul A. Cairns, Matt Jones: Usability analysis with Markov models. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 8(2): 99-132 (2001)
3EEHarold W. Thimbleby, Stuart Anderson, Paul A. Cairns: Reply to `Comment on "A Framework for Modelling Trojans and Computer Virus Infection"' by E. Mäkinen. Comput. J. 44(4): 324-325 (2001)
2 Paul A. Cairns: Enumerated Types in Java. Softw., Pract. Exper. 29(3): 291-297 (1999)
1 Harold W. Thimbleby, Stuart Anderson, Paul A. Cairns: A Framework for Modelling Trojans and Computer Virus Infection. Comput. J. 41(7): 444-458 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Stuart Anderson [1] [3]
2Simon Attfield [25]
3Ann Blandford [20] [22] [25] [29]
4Mark Blythe [31]
5Emily Brown [13]
6Hyunjin Cha [15]
7Kevin Cheng [18]
8Peter Collins [6]
9Simon Colton [19]
10Anna Louise Cox [23] [24] [30]
11Brock Craft [16] [27] [29]
12Samira Dhoparee [24]
13John Dowell [25]
14Andrew Epps [24]
15Sarah Faisal [20] [22] [29]
16Kevin Foy [12]
17Georgi Goguadze [7]
18Jeremy Gow [6] [8] [9] [14] [17] [21]
19Christian R. Huyck [5]
20Charlene Jennett [24] [30]
21Matt Jones [4]
22Sasha Lee [23]
23Erica Melis [7]
24Ian M. Mitchell (Ian Mitchell) [5]
25Lidia Oshlyansky [10] [12] [15]
26Julie Schiller [28]
27Volker Sorge [19]
28Harold W. Thimbleby [1] [3] [4] [10] [17] [26]
29Tim Tijs [24]
30Pedro Torres [19]
31Carsten Ullrich [7]
32Alison Walton [23] [24]
33Wendy Xihyu Wu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)