2009 |
107 | EE | Konrad Iwanicki,
Maarten van Steen:
Multi-hop Cluster Hierarchy Maintenance in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Case for Gossip-Based Protocols.
EWSN 2009: 102-117 |
106 | EE | Rena Bakhshi,
Daniela Gavidia,
Wan Fokkink,
Maarten van Steen:
An Analytical Model of Information Dissemination for a Gossip-Based Protocol.
ICDCN 2009: 230-242 |
105 | EE | Gian Paolo Jesi,
Edoardo Mollona,
Srijith K. Nair,
Maarten van Steen:
Prestige-based peer sampling service: interdisciplinary approach to secure gossip.
SAC 2009: 1209-1213 |
2008 |
104 | EE | Giovanni Russello,
Changyu Dong,
Naranker Dulay,
Michel R. V. Chaudron,
Maarten van Steen:
Encrypted Shared Data Spaces.
COORDINATION 2008: 264-279 |
103 | EE | Juan Luís Jiménez Laredo,
A. E. Eiben,
Maarten van Steen,
Pedro A. Castillo,
Antonio Miguel Mora,
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós:
P2P Evolutionary Algorithms: A Suitable Approach for Tackling Large Instances in Hard Optimization Problems.
Euro-Par 2008: 622-631 |
102 | | Maarten van Steen:
Understanding Gossiping in Distributed Systems.
MMB 2008: 189-190 |
101 | EE | Anna Chmielowiec,
Guillaume Pierre,
Jaap Gordijn,
Maarten van Steen:
Technical challenges in market-driven automated service provisioning.
MW4SOC 2008: 25-30 |
100 | EE | Juan Luís Jiménez Laredo,
Ágoston E. Eiben,
Maarten van Steen,
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós:
On the Run-Time Dynamics of a Peer-to-Peer Evolutionary Algorithm.
PPSN 2008: 236-245 |
99 | EE | Zhou Wei,
Dejun Jiang,
Guillaume Pierre,
Chi-Hung Chi,
Maarten van Steen:
Service-oriented data denormalization for scalable web applications.
WWW 2008: 267-276 |
98 | EE | Rena Bakhshi,
Daniela Gavidia,
Wan Fokkink,
Maarten van Steen:
An Analytical Model of Information Dissemination for a Gossip-based Protocol
CoRR abs/0810.1571: (2008) |
97 | EE | Michal Szymaniak,
David L. Presotto,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Practical large-scale latency estimation.
Computer Networks 52(7): 1343-1364 (2008) |
96 | EE | Pawel Garbacki,
Dick H. J. Epema,
Maarten van Steen:
Broker-placement in latency-aware peer-to-peer networks.
Computer Networks 52(8): 1617-1633 (2008) |
2007 |
95 | EE | W. R. M. U. K. Wickramasinghe,
Maarten van Steen,
A. E. Eiben:
Peer-to-peer evolutionary algorithms with adaptive autonomous selection.
GECCO 2007: 1460-1467 |
94 | EE | Vivek Rai,
Swaminathan Sivasubramanian,
Sandjai Bhulai,
Pawel Garbacki,
Maarten van Steen:
A Multiphased Approach for Modeling and Analysis of the BitTorrent Protocol.
ICDCS 2007: 10 |
93 | EE | Pawel Garbacki,
Dick H. J. Epema,
Maarten van Steen:
Optimizing Peer Relationships in a Super-Peer Network.
ICDCS 2007: 31 |
92 | EE | Konrad Iwanicki,
Maarten van Steen:
PL-Gossip: Area Hierarchy Maintenance in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks.
ICNP 2007: 324-325 |
91 | EE | Sandjai Bhulai,
Swaminathan Sivasubramanian,
Robert D. van der Mei,
Maarten van Steen:
Modeling and Predicting End-to-End Response Times in Multi-tier Internet Applications.
International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 519-532 |
90 | EE | Daniela Gavidia,
Maarten van Steen:
Enforcing Data Integrity in Very Large Ad Hoc Networks.
MDM 2007: 77-85 |
89 | EE | Spyros Voulgaris,
Maarten van Steen:
Hybrid Dissemination: Adding Determinism to Probabilistic Multicasting in Large-Scale P2P Systems.
Middleware 2007: 389-409 |
88 | EE | Konrad Iwanicki,
Maarten van Steen:
Towards a Versatile Problem Diagnosis Infrastructure for LargeWireless Sensor Networks.
OTM Workshops (2) 2007: 845-855 |
87 | EE | Pawel Garbacki,
Dick H. J. Epema,
Maarten van Steen:
An Amortized Tit-For-Tat Protocol for Exchanging Bandwidth instead of Content in P2P Networks.
SASO 2007: 119-128 |
86 | EE | Gian Paolo Jesi,
David Hales,
Maarten van Steen:
Identifying Malicious Peers Before It's Too Late: A Decentralized Secure Peer Sampling Service.
SASO 2007: 237-246 |
85 | EE | Márk Jelasity,
Spyros Voulgaris,
Rachid Guerraoui,
Anne-Marie Kermarrec,
Maarten van Steen:
Gossip-based peer sampling.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 25(3): (2007) |
84 | EE | Michal Szymaniak,
Guillaume Pierre,
Mariana Simons-Nikolova,
Maarten van Steen:
Enabling service adaptability with versatile anycast.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(13): 1837-1863 (2007) |
83 | EE | Spyros Voulgaris,
Maarten van Steen,
Konrad Iwanicki:
Proactive gossip-based management of semantic overlay networks.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(17): 2299-2311 (2007) |
82 | EE | Swaminathan Sivasubramanian,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen,
Gustavo Alonso:
Analysis of Caching and Replication Strategies for Web Applications.
IEEE Internet Computing 11(1): 60-66 (2007) |
81 | EE | Anne-Marie Kermarrec,
Maarten van Steen:
Gossiping in distributed systems.
Operating Systems Review 41(5): 2-7 (2007) |
80 | EE | Giovanni Russello,
Michel R. V. Chaudron,
Maarten van Steen,
Ibrahim Bokharouss:
An experimental evaluation of self-managing availability in shared data spaces.
Sci. Comput. Program. 64(2): 246-262 (2007) |
2006 |
79 | | Maarten van Steen,
Michi Henning:
Middleware 2006, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference, Melbourne, Australia, November 27-December 1, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
78 | EE | Elth Ogston,
Arno Bakker,
Maarten van Steen:
On the Value of Random Opinions in Decentralized Recommendation.
DAIS 2006: 84-98 |
77 | EE | Pawel Garbacki,
Alexandru Iosup,
Dick H. J. Epema,
Maarten van Steen:
2Fast : Collaborative Downloads in P2P Networks.
Peer-to-Peer Computing 2006: 23-30 |
76 | EE | Konrad Iwanicki,
Maarten van Steen,
Spyros Voulgaris:
Gossip-Based Clock Synchronization for Large Decentralized Systems.
SelfMan 2006: 28-42 |
75 | EE | Arno Bakker,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
A wide-area Distribution Network for free software.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 6(3): 259-281 (2006) |
74 | EE | Özalp Babaoglu,
Márk Jelasity,
Anne-Marie Kermarrec,
Alberto Montresor,
Maarten van Steen:
Managing clouds: a case for a fresh look at large unreliable dynamic networks.
Operating Systems Review 40(3): 9-13 (2006) |
2005 |
73 | | Özalp Babaoglu,
Márk Jelasity,
Alberto Montresor,
Christof Fetzer,
Stefano Leonardi,
Aad P. A. van Moorsel,
Maarten van Steen:
Self-star Properties in Complex Information Systems, Conceptual and Practical Foundations [the book is a result from a workshop at Bertinoro, Italy, Summer 2004]
Springer 2005 |
72 | EE | Swaminathan Sivasubramanian,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Autonomic Data Placement Strategies for Update-intensiveWeb applications.
AAA-IDEA 2005: 2-9 |
71 | EE | Giovanni Russello,
Michel R. V. Chaudron,
Maarten van Steen:
Dynamically Adapting Tuple Replication for Managing Availability in a Shared Data Space.
COORDINATION 2005: 109-124 |
70 | EE | Spyros Voulgaris,
Maarten van Steen:
Epidemic-Style Management of Semantic Overlays for Content-Based Searching.
Euro-Par 2005: 1143-1152 |
69 | EE | Bogdan C. Popescu,
Maarten van Steen,
Bruno Crispo,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
Jan Sacha,
Ihor Kuz:
Securely Replicated Web Documents.
IPDPS 2005 |
68 | EE | Michal Szymaniak,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Latency-Driven Replica Placement.
SAINT 2005: 399-405 |
67 | EE | Swaminathan Sivasubramanian,
Gustavo Alonso,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
GlobeDB: autonomic data replication for web applications.
WWW 2005: 33-42 |
66 | | Nicky Boertien,
Maarten van Steen,
Henk Jonkers:
Evaluation of Component-Based Development Methods.
Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies 2005: 323-343 |
65 | EE | Aline Baggio,
Maarten van Steen:
Distributed redirection for the World-Wide Web.
Computer Networks 49(6): 743-765 (2005) |
64 | | Spyros Voulgaris,
Daniela Gavidia,
Maarten van Steen:
CYCLON: Inexpensive Membership Management for Unstructured P2P Overlays.
J. Network Syst. Manage. 13(2): (2005) |
2004 |
63 | | Chi-Hung Chi,
Maarten van Steen,
Craig E. Wills:
Web Content Caching and Distribution: 9th International Workshop, WCW 2004, Beijing, China, October 18-20, 2004. Proceedings
Springer 2004 |
62 | EE | Swaminathan Sivasubramanian,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Scalable strong consistency for web applications.
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2004: 33 |
61 | EE | Giovanni Russello,
Michel R. V. Chaudron,
Maarten van Steen:
Dynamic Adaptation of Data Distribution Policies in a Shared Data Space System.
CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (2) 2004: 1225-1242 |
60 | EE | Giovanni Russello,
Michel R. V. Chaudron,
Maarten van Steen:
Exploiting Differentiated Tuple Distribution in Shared Data Spaces.
Euro-Par 2004: 579-586 |
59 | EE | Spyros Voulgaris,
Anne-Marie Kermarrec,
Laurent Massoulié,
Maarten van Steen:
Exploiting Semantic Proximity in Peer-to-Peer Content Searching.
FTDCS 2004: 238-243 |
58 | EE | Michal Szymaniak,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Scalable Cooperative Latency Estimation.
ICPADS 2004: 367-376 |
57 | EE | Swaminathan Sivasubramanian,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Replicating Web Applications On-Demand.
IEEE SCC 2004: 227-236 |
56 | EE | Márk Jelasity,
Rachid Guerraoui,
Anne-Marie Kermarrec,
Maarten van Steen:
The Peer Sampling Service: Experimental Evaluation of Unstructured Gossip-Based Implementations.
Middleware 2004: 79-98 |
55 | EE | Márk Jelasity,
Wojtek Kowalczyk,
Maarten van Steen:
An Approach to Massively Distributed Aggregate Computing on Peer-to-Peer Networks.
PDP 2004: 200-207 |
54 | EE | Swaminathan Sivasubramanian,
Michal Szymaniak,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Replication for web hosting systems.
ACM Comput. Surv. 36(3): 291-334 (2004) |
53 | EE | Elth Ogston,
Maarten van Steen,
Frances M. T. Brazier:
Group Formation Among Decentralized Autonomous Agents.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 18(9-10): 953-970 (2004) |
52 | EE | Maarten van Steen:
On the Complexity of Simple Distributed Systems.
IEEE Distributed Systems Online 5(5): (2004) |
51 | EE | Jan-Mark S. Wams,
Maarten van Steen:
Unifying User-to-User Messaging Systems.
IEEE Internet Computing 8(2): 76-82 (2004) |
50 | | Ton Kalker,
Dick H. J. Epema,
Pieter H. Hartel,
Reginald L. Lagendijk,
Maarten van Steen:
Music2Share - Copyright-Compliant Music Sharing in P2P Systems.
Proceedings of the IEEE 92(6): 961-970 (2004) |
49 | EE | Spyros Voulgaris,
Maarten van Steen,
Aline Baggio,
Gerco Ballintijn:
Transparent Data Relocation in Highly Available Distributed Systems.
Stud. Inform. Univ. 3(1): 1-18 (2004) |
2003 |
48 | EE | Elth Ogston,
Benno J. Overeinder,
Maarten van Steen,
Frances M. T. Brazier:
A method for decentralized clustering in large multi-agent systems.
AAMAS 2003: 789-796 |
47 | EE | Spyros Voulgaris,
Márk Jelasity,
Maarten van Steen:
A Robust and Scalable Peer-to-Peer Gossiping Protocol.
AP2PC 2003: 47-58 |
46 | EE | Elth Ogston,
Benno J. Overeinder,
Maarten van Steen,
Frances M. T. Brazier:
Group Formation Among Peer-to-Peer Agents: Learning Group Characteristics.
AP2PC 2003: 59-70 |
45 | EE | Bernd J. Krämer,
Maarten van Steen,
Steve Vinoski:
DOA 2003 PC Co-chairs' Message.
CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2003: 1050 |
44 | EE | Jan-Mark S. Wams,
Maarten van Steen:
A Flexible Middleware Layer for User-to-User Messaging.
DAIS 2003: 297-309 |
43 | EE | Spyros Voulgaris,
Maarten van Steen:
An Epidemic Protocol for Managing Routing Tables in Very Large Peer-to-Peer Networks.
DSOM 2003: 41-54 |
42 | | Michal Szymaniak,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Netairt: A Flexible Redirection System for Apache.
ICWI 2003: 435-442 |
41 | EE | Aline Baggio,
Maarten van Steen:
Transparent Distributed Redirection of HTTP Requests.
NCA 2003: 17-24 |
40 | EE | Maarten van Steen:
Towards Very Large, Self-Managing Distributed Systems: Extended Abstract.
OPODIS 2003: 3-6 |
39 | | Giovanni Russello,
Michel R. V. Chaudron,
Maarten van Steen:
Customizable Data Distribution for Shared Data Spaces.
PDPTA 2003: 122-131 |
38 | EE | Jan-Mark S. Wams,
Maarten van Steen:
Pervasive Messaging.
PerCom 2003: 495-504 |
2002 |
37 | EE | Bogdan C. Popescu,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
A Security Architecture for Object-Based Distributed Systems.
ACSAC 2002: 161-171 |
36 | EE | Márk Jelasity,
Mike Preuß,
Maarten van Steen,
Ben Paechter:
Maintaining Connectivity in a Scalable and Robust Distributed Environment.
CCGRID 2002: 389-394 |
35 | EE | Maarten van Steen,
Gerco Ballintijn:
Achieving Scalability in Hierarchical Location Services.
COMPSAC 2002: 899-906 |
34 | | Spyros Voulgaris,
Maarten van Steen,
Aline Baggio,
Gerco Ballintijn:
Transparent Data Relocation in Highly Available Distributed Systems.
OPODIS 2002: 9-16 |
33 | EE | Frances M. T. Brazier,
Benno J. Overeinder,
Maarten van Steen,
Niek J. E. Wijngaards:
Agent factory: generative migration of mobile agents in heterogeneous environments.
SAC 2002: 101-106 |
32 | EE | Özalp Babaoglu,
Anne-Marie Kermarrec,
Robbert van Renesse,
Luís Rodrigues,
Maarten van Steen,
Amin Vadhat:
Workshop on Reliable Peer-to-Peer Distributed Systems.
SRDS 2002: 316- |
31 | EE | Ihor Kuz,
Maarten van Steen,
Henk J. Sips:
The globe infrastructure directory service.
Computer Communications 25(9): 835-845 (2002) |
30 | EE | Niek J. E. Wijngaards,
Benno J. Overeinder,
Maarten van Steen,
Frances M. T. Brazier:
Supporting Internet-scale multi-agent systems.
Data Knowl. Eng. 41(2-3): 229-245 (2002) |
29 | EE | Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
Dynamically Selecting Optimal Distribution Strategies for Web Documents.
IEEE Trans. Computers 51(6): 637-651 (2002) |
2001 |
28 | EE | Guido van 't Noordende,
Frances M. T. Brazier,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
Maarten van Steen:
Mansion, A Distributed Multi-Agent System.
HotOS 2001: 183 |
27 | EE | Frances M. T. Brazier,
Maarten van Steen,
Niek J. E. Wijngaards:
Distributed Shared Agent Representations.
Multi-Agent-Systems and Applications 2001: 213-220 |
26 | EE | Arno Bakker,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
A Law-Abiding Peer-to-Peer Network for Free-Software Distribution.
NCA 2001: 60-67 |
25 | EE | Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen:
Globule: A Platform for Self-Replicating Web Documents.
PROMS 2001: 1-11 |
24 | EE | Aline Baggio,
Gerco Ballintijn,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
Efficient Tracking of Mobile Objects in Globe.
Comput. J. 44(5): 340-353 (2001) |
23 | | Guillaume Pierre,
Ihor Kuz,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
Differentiated strategies for replicating Web documents.
Computer Communications 24(2): 232-240 (2001) |
22 | EE | Maarten van Steen:
Book Review: Distributed Systems Book Covers all the Relevant Issues.
IEEE Distributed Systems Online 2(1): (2001) |
21 | EE | Gerco Ballintijn,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
Scalable Human-Friendly Resource Names.
IEEE Internet Computing 5(5): 20-27 (2001) |
20 | | M. Jansen,
E. Klaver,
Patrick Verkaik,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
Encapsulating distribution by remote objects.
Information & Software Technology 43(6): 353-363 (2001) |
2000 |
19 | EE | Aline Baggio,
Gerco Ballintijn,
Maarten van Steen:
Mechanisms for effective caching in the Globe location service.
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2000: 55-60 |
18 | EE | Ihor Kuz,
Patrick Verkaik,
Maarten van Steen,
Henk J. Sips:
A Distributed-Object Infrastructure for Corporate Websites.
DOA 2000: 165-176 |
17 | EE | Arno Bakker,
E. Amade,
Gerco Ballintijn,
Ihor Kuz,
Patrick Verkaik,
I. van der Wijk,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
The Globe Distribution Network.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, FREENIX Track 2000: 141-152 |
16 | EE | Maarten van Steen:
Research from the Trenches: Call for Submissions.
IEEE Distributed Systems Online 1(2): (2000) |
15 | | Gerco Ballintijn,
Maarten van Steen:
Characterizing Internet Performance to Support Wide-area Application Development.
Operating Systems Review 34(4): 41-47 (2000) |
14 | EE | Henri E. Bal,
Raoul Bhoedjang,
Rutger F. H. Hofman,
Ceriel J. H. Jacobs,
Thilo Kielmann,
Jason Maassen,
Rob van Nieuwpoort,
John Romain,
Luc Renambot,
Tim Rühl,
Ronald Veldema,
Kees Verstoep,
Aline Baggio,
Gerco Ballintijn,
Ihor Kuz,
Guillaume Pierre,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
Gerben Doornbos,
Desmond Germans,
Hans J. W. Spoelder,
Evert Jan Baerends,
Stan J. A. van Gisbergen,
Hamid Afsermanseh,
G. Dick van Albada,
Adam Belloum,
David Dubbeldam,
Zeger W. Hendrikse,
Louis O. Hertzberger,
Alfons G. Hoekstra,
Kamil Iskra,
Drona Kandhai,
Dennis Koelma,
Frank van der Linden,
Benno J. Overeinder,
Peter M. A. Sloot,
Piero Spinnato,
Dick H. J. Epema,
Arjan J. C. van Gemund,
Pieter P. Jonker,
Andrei Radulescu,
Kees van Reeuwijk,
Henk J. Sips,
Peter M. W. Knijnenburg,
Michael S. Lew,
Floris Sluiter,
Lex Wolters,
Hans Blom,
Cees de Laat:
The Distributed ASCI Supercomputer Project.
Operating Systems Review 34(4): 76-96 (2000) |
1999 |
13 | EE | Arno Bakker,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
From Remote Objects to Physically Distributed Objects.
FTDCS 1999: 47-52 |
12 | EE | Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
Ihor Kuz,
Henk J. Sips:
A scalable middleware solution for advanced wide-area Web services.
Distributed Systems Engineering 6(1): 34-42 (1999) |
1998 |
11 | EE | Arno Bakker,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
Replicated invocations in wide-area systems.
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1998: 130-137 |
10 | EE | Maarten van Steen,
Stefan Van der Zijden,
Henk J. Sips:
Software Engineering for Scalable Distributed Applications.
COMPSAC 1998: 285-293 |
9 | EE | Mark Polman,
Maarten van Steen,
Arie de Bruin:
A Structured Design Technique for Distributed Programs.
COMPSAC 1998: 308-315 |
8 | EE | Anne-Marie Kermarrec,
Ihor Kuz,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
A Framework for Consistent, Replicated Web Objects.
ICDCS 1998: 276-291 |
7 | | Maarten van Steen,
Franz J. Hauck,
Gerco Ballintijn,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
Algorithmic Design of the Globe Wide-Area Location Service.
Comput. J. 41(5): 297-310 (1998) |
1996 |
6 | EE | Philip Homburg,
Maarten van Steen,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
An architecture for a wide area distributed system.
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1996: 75-82 |
5 | | Mark Polman,
Maarten van Steen:
Design Level Support for Parallel and Distributed Applications.
HPCN Europe 1996: 812-819 |
1994 |
4 | | Maarten van Steen,
Henk J. Sips,
Hai-Xiang Lin:
Software Engineering for Parallelism: an Exercise in Separating Design and Implementation.
EUROSIM 1994: 125-134 |
3 | | Armand ten Dam,
Teus Vogel,
Maarten van Steen:
Exploiting Parallelisms for Real Time Applications: the Hamlet Approach.
EUROSIM 1994: 559-567 |
1991 |
2 | EE | Maarten van Steen,
Edwin D. de Jong:
Designing Highly Parallel Applications Using Database Programming Concepts.
PDIS 1991: 38-45 |
1986 |
1 | | Maarten van Steen,
Luuk Groenewegen,
Ger Oosting:
Parallel Control Processes: Modular Parallelism and Communication.
IAS 1986: 562-579 |