
Michele Flammini

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89EEMichele Flammini, Alfredo Navarra: Layouts for mobility management in wireless ATM networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(1): 98-111 (2009)
88EEMichele Flammini, Gianpiero Monaco, Luca Moscardelli, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: Approximating the Traffic Grooming Problem with Respect to ADMs and OADMs. Euro-Par 2008: 920-929
87EEAngelo Fanelli, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: The Speed of Convergence in Congestion Games under Best-Response Dynamics. ICALP (1) 2008: 796-807
86EEVittorio Bilò, Angelo Fanelli, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: When Ignorance Helps: Graphical Multicast Cost Sharing Games. MFCS 2008: 108-119
85EEVittorio Bilò, Angelo Fanelli, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: Graphical congestion games with linear latencies. SPAA 2008: 194-196
84EEVittorio Bilò, Angelo Fanelli, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: Graphical Congestion Games. WINE 2008: 70-81
83EEMichele Flammini, Gianpiero Monaco, Luca Moscardelli, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: Selfishness, collusion and power of local search for the ADMs minimization problem. Computer Networks 52(9): 1721-1731 (2008)
82EEMichele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: Approximating the traffic grooming problem. J. Discrete Algorithms 6(3): 472-479 (2008)
81EEMichele Flammini, Gianpiero Monaco, Luca Moscardelli, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: Approximating the traffic grooming problem in tree and star networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(7): 939-948 (2008)
80EEMichele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli, Alfredo Navarra, Stéphane Pérennes: Asymptotically Optimal Solutions for Small World Graphs. Theory Comput. Syst. 42(4): 632-650 (2008)
79EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Giovanna Melideo, Luca Moscardelli: On Nash equilibria for multicast transmissions in ad-hoc wireless networks. Wireless Networks 14(2): 147-157 (2008)
78EEMichele Flammini, Ralf Klasing, Alfredo Navarra, Stephane Perennes: Tightening the upper bound for the minimum energy broadcasting. Wireless Networks 14(5): 659-669 (2008)
77EEIoannis Caragiannis, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: An Exponential Improvement on the MST Heuristic for Minimum Energy Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. ICALP 2007: 447-458
76EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini: Extending the Notion of Rationality of Selfish Agents: Second Order Nash Equilibria. MFCS 2007: 621-632
75EEAngelo Fanelli, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: On the convergence of multicast games in directed networks. SPAA 2007: 330-338
74EEAngelo Fanelli, Michele Flammini, Domenico Mango, Giovanna Melideo, Luca Moscardelli: Experimental Evaluations of Algorithms for IP Table Minimization. WEA 2007: 324-337
73EEStefania Di Giannantonio, Michele Flammini, Gianpiero Monaco, Luca Moscardelli, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: Selfishness, Collusion and Power of Local Search for the ADMs Minimization Problem. WINE 2007: 404-411
72EEMichele Flammini, Ralf Klasing, Alfredo Navarra, Stephane Perennes: Improved Approximation Results for the Minimum Energy Broadcasting Problem. Algorithmica 49(4): 318-336 (2007)
71EEMichele Flammini, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: On minimizing the number of ADMs - Tight bounds for an algorithm without preprocessing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(4): 448-455 (2007)
70EEMichele Flammini, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: On Minimizing the Number of ADMs - Tight Bounds for an Algorithm Without Preprocessing. CAAN 2006: 72-85
69EEMichele Flammini, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: On Minimizing the Number of ADMs in a General Topology Optical Network. DISC 2006: 459-473
68EEMarco Autili, Michele Flammini, Paola Inverardi, Alfredo Navarra, Massimo Tivoli: Synthesis of Concurrent and Distributed Adaptors for Component-Based Systems. EWSA 2006: 17-32
67EEIoannis Caragiannis, Michele Flammini, Christos Kaklamanis, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Luca Moscardelli: Tight Bounds for Selfish and Greedy Load Balancing. ICALP (1) 2006: 311-322
66EEAngelo Fanelli, Michele Flammini, Giovanna Melideo, Luca Moscardelli: Multicast Transmissions in Non-cooperative Networks with a Limited Number of Selfish Moves. MFCS 2006: 363-374
65EEMichele Flammini, Gianpiero Monaco, Luca Moscardelli, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: Approximating the Traffic Grooming Problem in Tree and Star Networks. WG 2006: 147-158
64EEMichele Flammini, Alfredo Navarra, Stephane Perennes: The "real" approximation factor of the MST heuristic for the minimum energy broadcasting. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 11: (2006)
63EEMichele Flammini, Gaia Nicosia: Competitive algorithms for the bicriteria k-server problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(15): 2117-2127 (2006)
62EEMichele Flammini, Alfredo Navarra, Gaia Nicosia: Efficient offline algorithms for the bicriteria k-server problem and online applications. J. Discrete Algorithms 4(3): 414-432 (2006)
61EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: Pareto approximations for the bicriteria scheduling problem. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(3): 393-402 (2006)
60EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Giovanna Melideo, Luca Moscardelli, Alfredo Navarra: Sharing the cost of multicast transmissions in wireless networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 369(1-3): 269-284 (2006)
59EEMichele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli, Alfredo Navarra, Stéphane Pérennes: Asymptotically Optimal Solutions for Small World Graphs. DISC 2005: 414-428
58EEMichele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli, Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks: Approximating the Traffic Grooming Problem. ISAAC 2005: 915-924
57EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: On Nash Equilibria in Non-cooperative All-Optical Networks. STACS 2005: 448-459
56EEMichele Flammini, Alfredo Navarra, Stéphane Pérennes: The "Real" Approximation Factor of the MST Heuristic for the Minimum Energy Broadcasting. WEA 2005: 22-31
55EEMichele Flammini, Stéphane Pérennes: Lower bounds on systolic gossip. Inf. Comput. 196(2): 71-94 (2005)
54EEMichele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Alfredo Navarra: Wireless ATM Layouts for Chain Networks. MONET 10(1-2): 35-45 (2005)
53EEMichele Flammini, Alfredo Navarra, Andrzej Proskurowski: On routing of wavebands for all-to-all communications in all-optical paths and cycles. Theor. Comput. Sci. 333(3): 401-413 (2005)
52EEMichele Flammini, Alfredo Navarra, Ralf Klasing, Stéphane Pérennes: Improved approximation results for the minimum energy broadcasting problem. DIALM-POMC 2004: 85-91
51EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini: On the IP Routing Tables Minimization with Addresses Reassignment. IPDPS 2004
50EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Luca Moscardelli: Pareto Approximations for the Bicriteria Scheduling Problem. IPDPS 2004
49EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Giovanna Melideo, Luca Moscardelli: On Nash Equilibria for Multicast Transmissions in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks. ISAAC 2004: 172-183
48EEVittorio Bilò, Chiara Di Francescomarino, Michele Flammini, Giovanna Melideo: Sharing the cost of multicast transmissions in wireless networks. SPAA 2004: 180-187
47EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Roberto Giovannelli: Experimental analysis of online algorithms for the bicriteria scheduling problem. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(9): 1086-1100 (2004)
46EEMichele Flammini, Stéphane Pérennes: Lower Bounds on the Broadcasting and Gossiping Time of Restricted Protocols. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 17(4): 521-540 (2004)
45EEMichele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Alessandro Gasparini, Alfredo Navarra: Dynamic Layouts for Wireless ATM. Euro-Par 2003: 1056-1063
44EEMichele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Alfredo Navarra: Wireless ATM Layouts for Chain Networks. IPDPS 2003: 220
43EEVittorio Bilò, Adriano Di Pasquale, Fabio Fioravanti, Michele Flammini, Luca Forlizzi, Francesco Lo Presti, Giovanna Melideo, Enrico Nardelli, Alfredo Navarra, Guido Proietti: Quality of Service in Wireless Networks. IPDPS 2003: 224
42 Michele Flammini, Alfredo Navarra, Andrzej Proskurowski: On Routing of Wavebands for Gossiping in All-Optical Paths and Cycles. SIROCCO 2003: 133-145
41EEVittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Roberto Giovannelli: Experimental Analysis of Online Algorithms for the Bicriteria Scheduling Problem. WEA 2003: 33-46
40EEClaudio Arbib, Michele Flammini, Fabrizio Marinelli: Minimum Flow Time Graph Ordering. WG 2003: 23-33
39EEJean-Claude Bermond, Miriam Di Ianni, Michele Flammini, Stephane Perennes: Deadlock Prevention by Acyclic Orientations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 129(1): 31-47 (2003)
38EEMichele Flammini, Bruce M. Maggs, Jop F. Sibeyn, Berthold Vöcking: Routing and Communication in Interconnection Networks. Euro-Par 2002: 735
37 Adriano Di Pasquale, Michele Flammini, Enrico Nardelli: Allocation Problems in Scalable Distributed Data Structures. WDAS 2002: 133-142
36 Claudio Arbib, Michele Flammini: On the upper chromatic number of (v3, b2)-configurations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 120(1-3): 3-12 (2002)
35EESerafino Cicerone, Gabriele Di Stefano, Michele Flammini: Static and dynamic low-congested interval routing schemes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 276(1-2): 315-354 (2002)
34EEMichele Flammini, Enrico Nardelli, Guido Proietti: ATM layouts with bounded hop count and congestion. Distributed Computing 14(2): 65-73 (2001)
33EESerafino Cicerone, Gabriele Di Stefano, Michele Flammini: Compact-Port Routing Models and Applications to Distance-Hereditary Graphs. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 61(10): 1472-1488 (2001)
32EEMichele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Umberto Nanni, Richard B. Tan: Characterization results of all shortest paths interval routing schemes. Networks 37(4): 225-232 (2001)
31EEMichele Flammini, Stephane Perennes: On the Optimality of General Lower Bounds for Broadcasting and Gossiping. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 14(2): 267-282 (2001)
30 Michele Flammini, Enrico Nardelli, Guido Proietti, Paul G. Spirakis: SIROCCO 7, Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, Laquila, Italy, June 20-22, 2000 Carleton Scientific 2000
29 Michele Flammini, Gaia Nicosia: On Multicriteria Online Problems. ESA 2000: 191-201
28EEClaudio Arbib, Michele Flammini, Enrico Nardelli: How to Survive While Visiting a Graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics 99(1-3): 279-293 (2000)
27EESerafino Cicerone, Gabriele Di Stefano, Michele Flammini: Low-congested interval routing schemes for hypercubelike networks. Networks 36(3): 191-201 (2000)
26 Serafino Cicerone, Gabriele Di Stefano, Michele Flammini: Compact-Port Routing Models and Applications to Distance-Hereditary Graphs. SIROCCO 1999: 62-77
25EEMichele Flammini: Deadlock-free interval routing schemes. Networks 34(1): 47-60 (1999)
24EEMichele Flammini, Christian Scheideler: Simple, Efficient Routing Schemes for All-Optical Networks. Theory Comput. Syst. 32(3): 387-420 (1999)
23EESerafino Cicerone, Gabriele Di Stefano, Michele Flammini: Static and Dynamic Low-Congested Interval Routing Schemes. ICALP 1998: 592-603
22 Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Umberto Nanni, Richard B. Tan: Characterization results of all shortest paths interval routing schemes. SIROCCO 1998: 201-213
21 Michele Flammini, Jan van Leeuwen, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela: The Complexity of Interval Routing on Random Graphs. Comput. J. 41(1): 16-25 (1998)
20 Tamar Eilam, Michele Flammini, Shmuel Zaks: A Complete Characterization of the Path Layout Construction Problem for ATM Networks with Given Hop Count and Load. Parallel Processing Letters 8(2): 207-220 (1998)
19EEMichele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Umberto Nanni, Richard B. Tan: Multidimensional Interval Routing Schemes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 205(1-2): 115-133 (1998)
18 Tamar Eilam, Michele Flammini, Shmuel Zaks: A Complete Characterization of the Path Layout Construction Problem for ATM Networks with Given Hop Count and Load (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1997: 527-537
17EEMichele Flammini, Stephane Perennes: Lower Bounds on Systolic Gossip. IPPS 1997: 517-521
16EEMichele Flammini, Christian Scheideler: Simple, Efficient Routing Schemes for All-Optical Networks. SPAA 1997: 170-179
15 Michele Flammini: Deadlock-Free Interval Routing Schemes. STACS 1997: 351-362
14 Michele Flammini, Enrico Nardelli, Guido Proietti: ATM Layouts with Bounded Hop Count and Congestion. WDAG 1997: 52-65
13 Jean-Claude Bermond, Miriam Di Ianni, Michele Flammini, Stephane Perennes: Acyclic Orientations for Deadlock Prevention in Interconnection Networks (Extended Abstract). WG 1997: 52-64
12 Michele Flammini: On the Hardness of Devising Interval Routing Schemes. Parallel Processing Letters 7(1): 39-47 (1997)
11EEMichele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi: On Devising Boolean Routing Schemes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 186(1-2): 171-198 (1997)
10 Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Sandro Salomone: Interval Routing Schemes. Algorithmica 16(6): 549-568 (1996)
9 Michele Flammini, Jan van Leeuwen, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela: The Complexity of Interval Routing on Random Graphs. MFCS 1995: 37-49
8 Miriam Di Ianni, Michele Flammini, Rossella Flammini, Sandro Salomone: Systolic Acyclic Orientations for Deadlock Prevention. SIROCCO 1995: 1-12
7 Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Sandro Salomone: Interval Routing Schemes. STACS 1995: 279-290
6 Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Umberto Nanni, Richard B. Tan: Multi-Dimensional Interval Routing Schemes. WDAG 1995: 131-144
5 Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Sandro Salomone: On Devising Boolean Routing Schemes. WG 1995: 222-236
4 Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Sandro Salomone: Interval Labeling Scheme for Chordal Rings. SIROCCO 1994: 111-124
3 Michele Flammini: On the Learnability of Monotone k \mu-DNF Formulae Under Product Distributions. Inf. Process. Lett. 52(3): 167-173 (1994)
2 Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Sandro Salomone: Boolean Routing. WDAG 1993: 219-233
1EEMichele Flammini, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Ludek Kucera: Learning DNF Formulae Under Classes of Probability Distributions. COLT 1992: 85-92

Coauthor Index

1Claudio Arbib [28] [36] [40]
2Marco Autili [68]
3Jean-Claude Bermond [13] [39]
4Vittorio Bilò [41] [43] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [57] [60] [61] [76] [79] [84] [85] [86]
5Ioannis Caragiannis [67] [77]
6Serafino Cicerone [23] [26] [27] [33] [35]
7Tamar Eilam [18] [20]
8Angelo Fanelli [66] [74] [75] [84] [85] [86] [87]
9Fabio Fioravanti [43]
10Rossella Flammini [8]
11Luca Forlizzi [43]
12Chiara Di Francescomarino [48]
13Giorgio Gambosi [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [19] [22] [32] [44] [45] [54]
14Alessandro Gasparini [45]
15Stefania Di Giannantonio [73]
16Roberto Giovannelli [41] [47]
17Miriam Di Ianni [8] [13] [39]
18Paola Inverardi [68]
19Christos Kaklamanis [67]
20Panagiotis Kanellopoulos [67]
21Ralf Klasing [52] [72] [78]
22Ludek Kucera [1]
23Jan van Leeuwen [9] [21]
24Bruce M. Maggs [38]
25Domenico Mango [74]
26Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela [1] [9] [21]
27Fabrizio Marinelli [40]
28Giovanna Melideo [43] [48] [49] [60] [66] [74] [79]
29Gianpiero Monaco [65] [73] [81] [83] [88]
30Luca Moscardelli [49] [50] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [65] [66] [67] [73] [74] [75] [77] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88]
31Umberto Nanni [6] [19] [22] [32]
32Enrico Nardelli [14] [28] [30] [34] [37] [43]
33Alfredo Navarra [42] [43] [44] [45] [52] [53] [54] [56] [59] [60] [62] [64] [68] [72] [78] [80] [89]
34Gaia Nicosia [29] [62] [63]
35Adriano Di Pasquale [37] [43]
36Stéphane Pérennes (Stephane Perennes) [13] [17] [31] [39] [46] [52] [55] [56] [59] [64] [72] [78] [80]
37Francesco Lo Presti [43]
38Guido Proietti [14] [30] [34] [43]
39Andrzej Proskurowski [42] [53]
40Sandro Salomone [2] [4] [5] [7] [8] [10]
41Christian Scheideler [16] [24]
42Mordechai Shalom [58] [65] [69] [70] [71] [73] [81] [82] [83] [88]
43Jop F. Sibeyn [38]
44Paul G. Spirakis [30]
45Gabriele Di Stefano [23] [26] [27] [33] [35]
46Richard B. Tan [6] [19] [22] [32]
47Massimo Tivoli [68]
48Berthold Vöcking [38]
49Shmuel Zaks [18] [20] [58] [65] [69] [70] [71] [73] [81] [82] [83] [88]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)