
Mahes Visvalingam

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14EEJohn C. Whelan, Mahes Visvalingam: Formulated Silhouettes for Sketching Terrain. TPCG 2003: 90-96
13EEP.-L. Lesage, Mahes Visvalingam: Towards sketch-based exploration of terrain. Computers & Graphics 26(2): 309-328 (2002)
12EEMahes Visvalingam, Kurt Dowson: Towards cognitive evaluation of computer-drawn sketches. The Visual Computer 17(4): 219-235 (2001)
11EEMahes Visvalingam, C. I. Brown: The deconstruction of teragons into decogons. Computers & Graphics 23(1): 155-167 (1999)
10EEMahes Visvalingam, Kurt Dowson: Algorithms for sketching surfaces. Computers & Graphics 22(2-3): 269-280 (1998)
9 Mahes Visvalingam, Dominic A. Varley, Chris Wright: A Cognitive Approach to Road Recognition with Novel Feature Indicators. Comput. J. 39(9): 751-756 (1996)
8 Mahes Visvalingam, Dominic A. Varley, Chris Wright: Recognition of Urban Roads on Large-Scale Maps: the Prototypical Cases. IGIS 1994: 225-236
7 Dominic A. Varley, Mahes Visvalingam: Road Extraction and Topographic Data Validation Using Area Topology. Comput. J. 37(1): 3-15 (1994)
6EEMahes Visvalingam, J. D. Whyatt: Cartographic Algorithms: Problems of Implementation and Evaluation and the Impact of Digitising Errors. Comput. Graph. Forum 10(3): 225-235 (1991)
5EEMahes Visvalingam, J. D. Whyatt: The Douglas-Peucker Algorithm for Line Simplification: Re-evaluation through Visualization. Comput. Graph. Forum 9(3): 213-228 (1990)
4EEMahes Visvalingam: Digital cartography. Computer-Aided Design 22(3): 114 (1990)
3EEMahes Visvalingam: Trends and concerns in digital cartography. Computer-Aided Design 22(3): 115-130 (1990)
2EEG. H. Kirby, Mahes Visvalingam: User-friendly communications software for a Unix workstation. Computer Communications 9(1): 9-14 (1986)
1 Mahes Visvalingam: Indexing with Codes Deltas-A Data Compaction Technique. Softw., Pract. Exper. 6(3): 397-403 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1C. I. Brown [11]
2Kurt Dowson [10] [12]
3G. H. Kirby [2]
4P.-L. Lesage [13]
5Dominic A. Varley [7] [8] [9]
6John C. Whelan [14]
7J. D. Whyatt [5] [6]
8Chris Wright [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)