
David B. Skillicorn

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88EEHanady Abdulsalam, David B. Skillicorn, Patrick Martin: Classifying Evolving Data Streams Using Dynamic Streaming Random Forests. DEXA 2008: 643-651
87EEA. Little, David B. Skillicorn: Detecting deception in testimony. ISI 2008: 13-18
86EEJ. G. Dutrisac, David B. Skillicorn: Hiding clusters in adversarial settings. ISI 2008: 185-187
85EEJ. G. Dutrisac, David B. Skillicorn: Subverting prediction in adversarial settings. ISI 2008: 19-24
84EEScott Grant, James R. Cordy, David B. Skillicorn: Automated Concept Location Using Independent Component Analysis. WCRE 2008: 138-142
83EEPaul J. Kennedy, Simeon J. Simoff, Daniel R. Catchpoole, David B. Skillicorn, Franco Ubaudi, Ahmad Al-Oqaily: Integrative Visual Data Mining of Biomedical Data: Investigating Cases in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Visual Data Mining 2008: 367-388
82EESzeWang Fong, Dmitri Roussinov, David B. Skillicorn: Detecting Word Substitutions in Text. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(8): 1067-1076 (2008)
81EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Sabine M. McConnell: Distributed prediction from vertically partitioned data. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(1): 16-36 (2008)
80 Ali M. Roumani, David B. Skillicorn: Finding the Positive Nearest-Neighbor in Recommender Systems. DMIN 2007: 190-196
79 Ali M. Roumani, David B. Skillicorn: Positive Matching of Resources in Computational Grids. GCA 2007: 3-9
78EEHanady Abdulsalam, David B. Skillicorn, Patrick Martin: Streaming Random Forests. IDEAS 2007: 225-232
77EEDavid B. Skillicorn: Detecting Anomalies in Graphs. ISI 2007: 209-216
76EEDmitri Roussinov, SzeWang Fong, David B. Skillicorn: Detecting word substitutions: PMI vs. HMM. SIGIR 2007: 885-886
75EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Nikhil Vats: Novel information discovery for intelligence and counterterrorism. Decision Support Systems 43(4): 1375-1382 (2007)
74 Joydeep Ghosh, Diane Lambert, David B. Skillicorn, Jaideep Srivastava: Proceedings of the Sixth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, April 20-22, 2006, Bethesda, MD, USA SIAM 2006
73EEF. Y. Huang, C. B. Jay, David B. Skillicorn: Programming with heterogeneous structures: manipulating XML data using bondi. ACSC 2006: 287-295
72EEF. Y. Huang, C. B. Jay, David B. Skillicorn: Adaptiveness in well-typed Java bytecode verification. CASCON 2006: 248-262
71EES. Gupta, David B. Skillicorn: Improving a textual deception detection model. CASCON 2006: 345-348
70EESzeWang Fong, David B. Skillicorn, Dmitri Roussinov: Measures to Detect Word Substitution in Intercepted Communication. ISI 2006: 190-200
69EEP. S. Keila, David B. Skillicorn: Detecting unusual email communication. CASCON 2005: 117-125
68EER. Chandarana, David B. Skillicorn: Emotions as a metaphor for altering operational behavior in autonomic computing. CASCON 2005: 40-54
67EEDavid B. Skillicorn: Beyond Keyword Filtering for Message and Conversation Detection. ISI 2005: 231-243
66 Michael W. Berry, Umeshwar Dayal, Chandrika Kamath, David B. Skillicorn: Proceedings of the Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, April 22-24, 2004 SIAM 2004
65EESabine M. McConnell, David B. Skillicorn: Building predictors from vertically distributed data. CASCON 2004: 150-162
64EEAli M. Roumani, David B. Skillicorn: Mobile services discovery and selection in the publish/subscribe paradigm. CASCON 2004: 163-173
63EENikhil Vats, David B. Skillicorn: Information discovery within organizations using the Athens system. CASCON 2004: 282-292
62EETed J. Wasserman, Patrick Martin, David B. Skillicorn, Haider Rizvi: Developing a characterization of business intelligence workloads for sizing new database systems. DOLAP 2004: 7-13
61EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Abdelkader Hameurlain, Paul Watson, Salvatore Orlando: Topic 5: Parallel and Distributed Databases, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Euro-Par 2004: 346
60 David B. Skillicorn: Finding Unusual Correlation Using Matrix Decompositions. ISI 2004: 83-99
59EEAli M. Roumani, David B. Skillicorn: Large-Scale Resource Selection in Grids. OTM Workshops 2004: 154-164
58EEPaul J. Kennedy, Simeon J. Simoff, David B. Skillicorn, Daniel R. Catchpoole: Extracting and Explaining Biological Knowledge in Microarray Data. PAKDD 2004: 699-703
57EEBernhard Mitschang, David B. Skillicorn, Philippe Bonnet, Domenico Talia: Topic Introduction. Euro-Par 2003: 309
56EEDavid B. Skillicorn: Motivating Computational Grids. CCGRID 2002: 401-406
55EEHarald Kosch, David B. Skillicorn, Domenico Talia: Parallel and Distributed Databases, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Euro-Par 2002: 319-320
54EEDavid B. Skillicorn: The Case for Datacentric Grids. IPDPS 2002
53 David B. Skillicorn, Domenico Talia: Mining Large Data Sets on Grids: Issues and Prospects. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 21(4): (2002)
52 David B. Skillicorn: Parallel frequent set counting. Parallel Computing 28(5): 815-825 (2002)
51EEF. Y. Huang, David B. Skillicorn: The Spider Model of Agents. MATA 2001: 209-218
50 Susanna Pelagatti, David B. Skillicorn: Coordinating Programs in the Network of Tasks Model. Journal of Systems Integration 10(2): 107-126 (2001)
49EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Yu Wang: Parallel and Sequential Algorithms for Data Mining Using Inductive Logic. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 3(4): 405-421 (2001)
48 David B. Skillicorn, Susanna Pelagatti: Building Programs in the Network of Tasks Model. SAC (1) 2000: 248-254
47EEDavid B. Skillicorn: Treeworld: A Conceptual Model for Large-Scale Hypermedia. J. UCS 6(5): 503-516 (2000)
46 Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: BSP clusters: High performance, reliable and very low cost. Parallel Computing 26(2-3): 199-242 (2000)
45EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Domenico Talia: High Performance Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery - Introduction. Euro-Par 1999: 1439-1440
44EEStephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Exploiting Global Structure for Performance on Clusters. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 176-182
43 Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Performance Results for a Reliable Low-Latency Cluster Communication Protocol. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 1097-1114
42EEDavid B. Skillicorn: Parallel Predictor Generation. Large-Scale Parallel Data Mining 1999: 190-196
41 Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Predictable communication on unpredictable networks: implementing BSP over TCP/IP and UDP/IP. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 11(11): 687-700 (1999)
40EEStephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Communication performance optimisation requires minimising variance. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(3): 453-459 (1999)
39EECristina Boeres, Vinod E. F. Rebello, David B. Skillicorn: Static Scheduling Using Task Replication for LogP and BSP Models. Euro-Par 1998: 337-346
38EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Marco Danelutto, Susanna Pelagatti, Andrea Zavanella: Optimizing Data-Parallel Programs Using the BSP Cost Model. Euro-Par 1998: 698-703
37EEStephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Predictable Communication on Unpredictable Networks: Implementing BSP over TCP/IP. Euro-Par 1998: 970-980
36 Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Communication Performance Optimisation Requires Minimising Variance. HPCN Europe 1998: 776-783
35 R. O. Rogers, David B. Skillicorn: Using the BSP Cost Model to Optimise Parallel Neural Network Training. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 297-305
34 David B. Skillicorn: Building BSP Programs Using the Refinement Calculus. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 790-795
33EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Domenico Talia: Models and Languages for Parallel Computation. ACM Comput. Surv. 30(2): 123-169 (1998)
32EER. O. Rogers, David B. Skillicorn: Using the BSP cost model to optimise parallel neural network training. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 14(5-6): 409-424 (1998)
31 Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Lessons Learned from Implementing BSP. HPCN Europe 1997: 762-771
30EEDavid B. Skillicorn: Structured Parallel Parallel Computation in Structured Documents. J. UCS 3(1): 42-68 (1997)
29EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Jonathan M. D. Hill, William F. McColl: Questions and Answers about BSP. Scientific Programming 6(3): 249-274 (1997)
28 David B. Skillicorn: Using Distributed Hypermedia for Collaborative Learning in Universities. Comput. J. 39(6): 471-482 (1996)
27EEDavid B. Skillicorn: A Parallel Tree Difference Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 60(5): 231-235 (1996)
26 David B. Skillicorn: Parallel Implementation of Tree Skeletons. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 39(2): 115-125 (1996)
25 David B. Skillicorn, Wentong Cai: A Cost Calculus for Parallel Functional Programming. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 28(1): 65-83 (1995)
24 K. G. Kumar, David B. Skillicorn: Data Parallel Geometric Operations on Lists. Parallel Computing 21(3): 447-459 (1995)
23 Wentong Cai, David B. Skillicorn: Calculating Recurrences Using the Bird-Meertens Formalism. Parallel Processing Letters 5: 179-190 (1995)
22 Boleslaw K. Szymanski, John Feo, J. Hicks, J. Jagannathan, Vivek Sarkar, David B. Skillicorn: Is there a future for functional languages in parallel programming? ICCL 1994: 299-304
21 David B. Skillicorn: The Categorial Data Type Approach to General-Purpose Parallel Computation. IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 565-570
20 Jeremy Gibbons, Wentong Cai, David B. Skillicorn: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Tree Accumulations. Sci. Comput. Program. 23(1): 1-18 (1994)
19 David B. Skillicorn, David T. Barnard: Compiling in Parallel. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 17(4): 337-352 (1993)
18 David B. Skillicorn: Deriving Parallel Programs from specification Susing Cost Information. Sci. Comput. Program. 20(3): 205-221 (1993)
17 David T. Barnard, David B. Skillicorn: Context-Free Parsing on O(n) Processors. Comput. Lang. 17(1): 61-66 (1992)
16 David T. Barnard, James P. Schmeiser, David B. Skillicorn: Associative Operators for Language Recognition. Bulletin of the EATCS 43: 131-138 (1991)
15 David B. Skillicorn: Practical Concurrent Programming for Parallel Machines. Comput. J. 34(4): 302-310 (1991)
14 David B. Skillicorn: Architecture-Independent Parallel Computation. IEEE Computer 23(12): 38-50 (1990)
13 David T. Barnard, David B. Skillicorn: Pipelining Tree-Structured Algorithms on Simd Architectures. Inf. Process. Lett. 35(2): 79-84 (1990)
12 David B. Skillicorn: Techniques for Compiling and Executing Dataflow Graphs. IFIP Congress 1989: 27-32
11EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Janice I. Glasgow: Real-Time Specification Using Lucid. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(2): 221-229 (1989)
10 David B. Skillicorn, David T. Barnard: Parallel Parsing on the Connection Machine. Inf. Process. Lett. 31(3): 111-117 (1989)
9EEDavid B. Skillicorn, David T. Barnard: Parallel parsing on the connection machine. Inf. Process. Lett. 32(3): 111-117 (1989)
8 David B. Skillicorn, William Kocay: A Global Measure of Network Connectivity. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 7(1): 165-177 (1989)
7 Glenn H. MacEwen, David B. Skillicorn: Using Higher-order Logic for Modular Specification of Real-time Distributed Systems. FTRTFT 1988: 36-66
6 David B. Skillicorn: A Taxonomy for Computer Architectures. IEEE Computer 21(11): 46-57 (1988)
5 David B. Skillicorn: A New Class of Fault-Tolerant Static Interconnection Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(11): 1468-1470 (1988)
4 M. Bajantri, David B. Skillicorn: A Fast Multiprocessor Message Passing Implementation. Inf. Process. Lett. 24(6): 381-389 (1987)
3 Jeremy E. Dawson, Jennifer Seberry, David B. Skillicorn: The directed packing numbers DD (t, v, v), t>=;4. Combinatorica 4(2): 121-130 (1984)
2EEDavid B. Skillicorn: More generalized packing numbers. Discrete Mathematics 39(1): 75-86 (1982)
1 Jennifer Seberry, David B. Skillicorn: All Directed BIBDs with k = 3 Exist. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 29(2): 244-248 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Hanady Abdulsalam [78] [88]
2Ahmad Al-Oqaily [83]
3M. Bajantri [4]
4David T. Barnard [9] [10] [13] [16] [17] [19]
5Michael W. Berry [66]
6Cristina Boeres [39]
7Philippe Bonnet [57]
8Wentong Cai [20] [23] [25]
9Daniel R. Catchpoole [58] [83]
10R. Chandarana [68]
11James R. Cordy [84]
12Marco Danelutto [38]
13Jeremy E. Dawson [3]
14Umeshwar Dayal [66]
15Stephen R. Donaldson [36] [37] [40] [41] [43] [44] [46]
16J. G. Dutrisac [85] [86]
17John Feo [22]
18SzeWang Fong [70] [76] [82]
19Joydeep Ghosh [74]
20Jeremy Gibbons [20]
21Janice I. Glasgow [11]
22Scott Grant [84]
23S. Gupta [71]
24Abdelkader Hameurlain [61]
25J. Hicks [22]
26Jonathan M. D. Hill [29] [31] [36] [37] [40] [41] [43] [44] [46]
27F. Y. Huang [51] [72] [73]
28J. Jagannathan [22]
29C. B. Jay [72] [73]
30Chandrika Kamath [66]
31P. S. Keila [69]
32Paul J. Kennedy [58] [83]
33William Kocay [8]
34Harald Kosch [55]
35K. G. Kumar [24]
36Diane Lambert [74]
37A. Little [87]
38Glenn H. MacEwen [7]
39Patrick Martin (T. Patrick Martin) [62] [78] [88]
40William F. McColl [29]
41Sabine M. McConnell [65] [81]
42Bernhard Mitschang [57]
43Salvatore Orlando [61]
44Susanna Pelagatti [38] [48] [50]
45Vinod E. F. Rebello [39]
46Haider Rizvi [62]
47R. O. Rogers [32] [35]
48Ali M. Roumani [59] [64] [79] [80]
49Dmitri Roussinov [70] [76] [82]
50Vivek Sarkar [22]
51James P. Schmeiser [16]
52Jennifer Seberry (Jennifer Seberry Wallis) [1] [3]
53Simeon J. Simoff [58] [83]
54Jaideep Srivastava [74]
55Boleslaw K. Szymanski [22]
56Domenico Talia [33] [45] [53] [55] [57]
57Franco Ubaudi [83]
58Nikhil Vats [63] [75]
59Yu Wang [49]
60Ted J. Wasserman [62]
61Paul Watson [61]
62Andrea Zavanella [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)