2009 |
98 | EE | Ian Davidson,
S. S. Ravi:
Using instance-level constraints in agglomerative hierarchical clustering: theoretical and empirical results.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 18(2): 257-282 (2009) |
2008 |
97 | EE | Gabriel Istrate,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi:
Adversarial Scheduling Analysis of Game-Theoretic Models of Norm Diffusion.
CiE 2008: 273-282 |
96 | EE | Reinhard C. Laubenbacher,
Abdul Salam Jarrah,
Henning S. Mortveit,
S. S. Ravi:
A mathematical formalism for agent-based modeling
CoRR abs/0801.0249: (2008) |
95 | EE | Gabriel Istrate,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi:
Adversarial Scheduling Analysis of Game Theoretic Models of Norm Diffusion
CoRR abs/0803.2495: (2008) |
94 | EE | Gabriel Istrate,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi:
Adversarial Scheduling in Evolutionary Game Dynamics
CoRR abs/0812.1194: (2008) |
93 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns,
Mayur Thakur:
Errata for the paper "Predecessor existence problems for finite discrete dynamical systems" [TCS 386 (1-2) (2007) 3-37].
Theor. Comput. Sci. 395(1): 132-133 (2008) |
2007 |
92 | EE | Ian Davidson,
S. S. Ravi:
Intractability and clustering with constraints.
ICML 2007: 201-208 |
91 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns,
Mayur Thakur:
Computational Aspects of Analyzing Social Network Dynamics.
IJCAI 2007: 2268-2273 |
90 | EE | Ian Davidson,
S. S. Ravi,
Martin Ester:
Efficient incremental constrained clustering.
KDD 2007: 240-249 |
89 | EE | Gaurav Singh,
S. S. Ravi,
Sumit Ahuja,
Sandeep K. Shukla:
Complexity of Scheduling in Synthesizing Hardware from Concurrent Action Oriented Specifications.
Power-aware Computing Systems 2007 |
88 | EE | Ian Davidson,
S. S. Ravi:
The complexity of non-hierarchical clustering with instance and cluster level constraints.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 14(1): 25-61 (2007) |
87 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns,
Mayur Thakur:
Predecessor existence problems for finite discrete dynamical systems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 386(1-2): 3-37 (2007) |
2006 |
86 | | Thomas Kunz,
S. S. Ravi:
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks, 5th International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2006, Ottawa, Canada, August 17-19, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
85 | | Ian Davidson,
S. S. Ravi:
Identifying and Generating Easy Sets of Constraints for Clustering.
AAAI 2006 |
84 | EE | Liang Zhao,
Errol L. Lloyd,
S. S. Ravi:
Topology Control for Constant Rate Mobile Networks.
83 | EE | Liang Zhao,
Errol L. Lloyd,
S. S. Ravi:
Topology Control for Simple Mobile Networks.
82 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
Complexity of reachability problems for finite discrete dynamical systems.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(8): 1317-1345 (2006) |
81 | EE | Errol L. Lloyd,
Rui Liu,
S. S. Ravi:
Approximating the Minimum Number of Maximum Power Users in Ad hoc Networks.
MONET 11(2): 129-142 (2006) |
80 | EE | Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Giri Kumar Tayi,
S. S. Ravi:
Obtaining online approximation algorithms for facility dispersion from offline algorithms.
Networks 47(4): 206-217 (2006) |
2005 |
79 | EE | Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Sanjay Goel,
S. S. Ravi,
Jagdish Gangolly:
Structure-Based Resilience Metrics for Service-Oriented Networks.
EDCC 2005: 345-362 |
78 | EE | Ian Davidson,
S. S. Ravi:
Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering with Constraints: Theoretical and Empirical Results.
PKDD 2005: 59-70 |
77 | | Ian Davidson,
S. S. Ravi:
Clustering with Constraints: Feasibility Issues and the k-Means Algorithm.
SDM 2005 |
76 | EE | Giri Kumar Tayi,
Ram Ramanathan,
S. S. Ravi,
Sanjay Goel:
Guest Editors' Introduction.
Information Systems Frontiers 7(2): 111-112 (2005) |
75 | EE | Errol L. Lloyd,
Rui Liu,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Ram Ramanathan,
S. S. Ravi:
Algorithmic Aspects of Topology Control Problems for Ad Hoc Networks.
MONET 10(1-2): 19-34 (2005) |
2004 |
74 | EE | Errol L. Lloyd,
Rui Liu,
S. S. Ravi:
Approximating the Minimum Number of Maximum Power Users in Ad Hoc Networks.
ADHOC-NOW 2004: 1-13 |
73 | EE | Giri Kumar Tayi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Local base station assignment with time intervals in mobile computing environments.
European Journal of Operational Research 157(2): 267-285 (2004) |
72 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Martin Drozda,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
James P. Smith:
A mobility and traffic generation framework for modeling and simulating ad hoc communication networks.
Scientific Programming 12(1): 1-23 (2004) |
2003 |
71 | EE | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Rui Liu,
Errol L. Lloyd,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Ram Ramanathan,
S. S. Ravi:
Topology Control Problems under Symmetric and Asymmetric Power Thresholds.
ADHOC-NOW 2003: 187-198 |
70 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
Predecessor and Permutation Existence Problems for Sequential Dynamical Systems.
DMCS 2003: 69-80 |
69 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
Reachability problems for sequential dynamical systems with threshold functions.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 295: 41-64 (2003) |
2002 |
68 | EE | Errol L. Lloyd,
Rui Liu,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Ram Ramanathan,
S. S. Ravi:
Algorithmic aspects of topology control problems for ad hoc networks.
MobiHoc 2002: 123-134 |
67 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Madhav V. Marathe,
James P. Smith,
S. S. Ravi:
A mobility and traffic generation framework for modeling and simulating ad hoc communication networks.
SAC 2002: 122-126 |
66 | EE | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Diana Poensgen,
S. S. Ravi,
Hans-Christoph Wirth:
Budgeted Maximum Graph Coverage.
WG 2002: 321-332 |
65 | EE | Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Venkatesh Radhakrishnan,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
Parallel Approximation Schemes for a Class of Planar and Near Planar Combinatorial Optimization Problems.
Inf. Comput. 173(1): 40-63 (2002) |
2001 |
64 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns,
Predrag T. Tosic:
Gardens of Eden and Fixed Points in Sequential Dynamical Systems.
DM-CCG 2001: 95-110 |
63 | EE | Christopher L. Barrett,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
Analysis Problems for Sequential Dynamical Systems and Communicating State Machines.
MFCS 2001: 159-172 |
62 | EE | Gabriel Istrate,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi:
Adversarial models in evolutionary game dynamics.
SODA 2001: 719-720 |
61 | EE | Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Lin Yu,
S. S. Ravi:
Efficient Construction of Minimum Makespan Schedules for Tasks with a Fixed Number of Distinct Execution Times.
Algorithmica 30(1): 83-100 (2001) |
60 | EE | R. Ravi,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Harry B. Hunt III:
Approximation Algorithms for Degree-Constrained Minimum-Cost Network-Design Problems.
Algorithmica 31(1): 58-78 (2001) |
59 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
S. S. Ravi,
Hans-Christoph Wirth:
Upgrading bottleneck constrained forests.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 108(1-2): 129-142 (2001) |
58 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi:
Models and Approximation Algorithms for Channel Assignment in Radio Networks.
Wireless Networks 7(6): 575-584 (2001) |
2000 |
57 | EE | Srinivas Doddi,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
David Scot Taylor,
Peter Widmayer:
Approximation Algorithms for Clustering to Minimize the Sum of Diameters.
SWAT 2000: 237-250 |
56 | EE | Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Giri Kumar Tayi,
S. S. Ravi:
Algorithms for Path-Based Placement of Inspection Stations on Networks.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 12(2): 136-149 (2000) |
55 | | Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Giri Kumar Tayi,
S. S. Ravi:
Facility Dispersion Problems Under Capacity and Cost Constraints.
J. Comb. Optim. 4(1): 7-33 (2000) |
54 | | Srinivas Doddi,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
David Scot Taylor,
Peter Widmayer:
Approximation Algorithms for Clustering to Minimize the Sum of Diameters.
Nord. J. Comput. 7(3): 185-203 (2000) |
53 | EE | K. B. Lakshmanan,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Alarm placement in systems with fault propagation.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 243(1-2): 269-288 (2000) |
1999 |
52 | | Ragini Narasimhan,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Using Data Flow Information to Obtain Efficient Check Sets for Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance.
International Journal of Parallel Programming 27(4): 289-323 (1999) |
51 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
R. Ravi,
S. S. Ravi,
Ravi Sundaram,
Hans-Christoph Wirth:
Improving Minimum Cost Spanning Trees by Upgrading Nodes.
J. Algorithms 33(1): 92-111 (1999) |
50 | EE | Giri Kumar Tayi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Path problems in networks with vector-valued edge weights.
Networks 34(1): 19-35 (1999) |
49 | EE | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
Madhav V. Marathe,
R. Ravi,
S. S. Ravi,
Ravi Sundaram,
Hans-Christoph Wirth:
Improving Spanning Trees by Upgrading Nodes.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 221(1-2): 139-155 (1999) |
1998 |
48 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
S. S. Ravi,
Hans-Christoph Wirth:
Upgrading Bottleneck Constrained Forests.
WG 1998: 215-226 |
47 | EE | Madhav V. Marathe,
R. Ravi,
Ravi Sundaram,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Harry B. Hunt III:
Bicriteria Network Design Problems
CoRR cs.CC/9809103: (1998) |
46 | | Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Venkatesh Radhakrishnan,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
NC-Approximation Schemes for NP- and PSPACE-Hard Problems for Geometric Graphs.
J. Algorithms 26(2): 238-274 (1998) |
45 | | Madhav V. Marathe,
R. Ravi,
Ravi Sundaram,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Harry B. Hunt III:
Bicriteria Network Design Problems.
J. Algorithms 28(1): 142-171 (1998) |
44 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
R. Ravi,
S. S. Ravi:
Approximation Algorithms for Certain Network Improvement Problems.
J. Comb. Optim. 2(3): 257-288 (1998) |
43 | EE | Kay U. Drangmeister,
Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
S. S. Ravi:
Modifying Edges of a Network to Obtain Short Subgraphs.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 203(1): 91-121 (1998) |
1997 |
42 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
R. Ravi,
S. S. Ravi,
Ravi Sundaram,
Hans-Christoph Wirth:
Improving Spanning Trees by Upgrading Nodes.
ICALP 1997: 281-291 |
41 | EE | Parvathi Chundi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Multi-site distributed database transactions utilizing deferred update.
SAC 1997: 118-122 |
40 | EE | Madhav V. Marathe,
Venkatesh Radhakrishnan,
Harry B. Hunt III,
S. S. Ravi:
Hierarchically Specified Unit Disk Graphs.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(1-2): 23-65 (1997) |
39 | EE | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
Venkatesh Radhakrishnan,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz:
Compact Location Problems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 181(2): 379-404 (1997) |
1996 |
38 | EE | Parvathi Chundi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Deferred Updates and Data Placement in Distributed Databases.
ICDE 1996: 469-476 |
37 | | Sandeep K. Shukla,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
I/O Automata Based Verification of Finite State Distributed Systems: Complexity Issues (Abstract).
PODC 1996: 122 |
36 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Kay U. Drangmeister:
Modifying Networks to Obtain Low Cost Trees.
WG 1996: 293-307 |
35 | | Evangelos Kranakis,
Danny Krizanc,
S. S. Ravi:
On Multi-Label Linear Interval Routing Schemes.
Comput. J. 39(2): 133-139 (1996) |
34 | EE | Madhav V. Marathe,
Harry B. Hunt III,
S. S. Ravi:
Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Domatic Partition and on-line Coloring of Circular Arc Graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 64(2): 135-149 (1996) |
33 | EE | Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi:
On Approximation Algorithms for the Minimum Satisfiability Problem.
Inf. Process. Lett. 58(1): 23-29 (1996) |
32 | EE | R. Ravi,
Ravi Sundaram,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Spanning Trees - Short or Small.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(2): 178-200 (1996) |
1995 |
31 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
S. S. Ravi,
Madhav V. Marathe:
Compact Location Problems with Budget and Communication Constraints.
COCOON 1995: 510-519 |
30 | | Madhav V. Marathe,
R. Ravi,
Ravi Sundaram,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Harry B. Hunt III:
Bicriteria Network Design Problems.
ICALP 1995: 487-498 |
29 | | Parvathi Chundi,
Ragini Narasimhan,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Active Client Primary-Backup Protocols (Abstract).
PODC 1995: 264 |
28 | | Sven Oliver Krumke,
Hartmut Noltemeier,
S. S. Ravi,
Madhav V. Marathe:
Complexity and Approximability of Certain Bicriteria Location Problems.
WG 1995: 73-87 |
1994 |
27 | | Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Venkatesh Radhakrishnan,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
A Unified Approach to Approximation Schemes for NP- and PSPACE-Hard Problems for Geometric Graphs.
ESA 1994: 424-435 |
26 | | Harry B. Hunt III,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Venkatesh Radhakrishnan,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Richard Edwin Stearns:
Approximation Schemes Using L-Reductions.
FSTTCS 1994: 342-353 |
25 | | R. Ravi,
Ravi Sundaram,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Spanning Trees Short or Small.
SODA 1994: 546-555 |
24 | | Young C. Wee,
Seth Chaiken,
S. S. Ravi:
Rectilinear Steiner Tree Heuristics and Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms Using Geographic Nearest Neighbors.
Algorithmica 12(6): 421-435 (1994) |
23 | | Dechang Gu,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Construction of Check Sets for Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance.
IEEE Trans. Computers 43(6): 641-650 (1994) |
22 | | Madhav V. Marathe,
Harry B. Hunt III,
S. S. Ravi:
The Complexity of Approximation PSPACE-Complete Problems for Hierarchical Specifications.
Nord. J. Comput. 1(3): 275-316 (1994) |
1993 |
21 | | Venkatesh Radhakrishnan,
Sven Oliver Krumke,
Madhav V. Marathe,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Compact Location Problems.
FSTTCS 1993: 238-247 |
20 | | Ragini Shamsunder,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Exploiting Data Flow Information in Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance.
FTCS 1993: 280-289 |
19 | | Madhav V. Marathe,
Harry B. Hunt III,
S. S. Ravi:
The Complexity of Approximating PSPACE-Complete Problems for Hierarchical Specifications (Extended Abstract).
ICALP 1993: 76-87 |
18 | | Madhav V. Marathe,
Harry B. Hunt III,
S. S. Ravi:
Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Domatic Partition and On-Line Coloring of Circular Arc Graphs.
ICCI 1993: 26-30 |
17 | EE | R. Ravi,
Madhav V. Marathe,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Harry B. Hunt III:
Many birds with one stone: multi-objective approximation algorithms.
STOC 1993: 438-447 |
16 | | Madhav V. Marathe,
Venkatesh Radhakrishnan,
Harry B. Hunt III,
S. S. Ravi:
Hierarchical Specified Unit Disk Graphs (Extended Abstract).
WG 1993: 21-32 |
15 | | Evangelos Kranakis,
Danny Krizanc,
S. S. Ravi:
On Multi-Label Linear Interval Routing Schemes (Extended Abstract).
WG 1993: 338-349 |
14 | | Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Improved Bounds for Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance.
IEEE Trans. Computers 42(5): 630-635 (1993) |
13 | | S. S. Ravi,
Errol L. Lloyd:
Graph Theoretic Analysis of PLA Folding Heuristics.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 46(3): 326-348 (1993) |
12 | | Dechang Gu,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Determining Performance Measures of Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerant Systems.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(1): 56-70 (1993) |
1991 |
11 | | Dechang Gu,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
S. S. Ravi:
Construction and Analysis of Fault-Secure Multiprocessor Schedules.
FTCS 1991: 120-127 |
10 | | S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Giri Kumar Tayi:
Facility Dispersion Problems: Heuristics and Special Cases (Extended Abstract).
WADS 1991: 355-366 |
9 | EE | Sreejit Chakravarty,
Xin He,
S. S. Ravi:
Minimum area layout of series-parallel transistor networks is NP-hard.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 10(7): 943-949 (1991) |
1990 |
8 | EE | Sreejit Chakravarty,
S. S. Ravi:
Computing optimal test sequences from complete test sets for stuck-open faults in CMOS circuits.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 9(3): 329-331 (1990) |
1989 |
7 | EE | S. S. Ravi:
On the orderability problem for PLA folding.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 25(3): 317-320 (1989) |
6 | | Sreejit Chakravarty,
Harry B. Hunt III,
S. S. Ravi,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz:
The Complexity of Generating Minimum Test Sets for PLA's and Monotone Combinational Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Computers 38(6): 865-869 (1989) |
5 | | Peter A. Bloniarz,
S. S. Ravi:
An O(n log n) Lower Bound for Decomposing a Set of Points into Chains.
Inf. Process. Lett. 31(6): 319-322 (1989) |
1988 |
4 | EE | S. S. Ravi,
Dechang Gu:
On approximation algorithms for microcode bit minimization.
MICRO 1988: 67-69 |
3 | | S. S. Ravi,
Errol L. Lloyd:
The Complexity of Near-Optimal Programmable Logic Array Folding.
SIAM J. Comput. 17(4): 696-710 (1988) |
1987 |
2 | | S. S. Ravi,
Harry B. Hunt III:
An Application of the Planar Separator Theorem to Counting Problems.
Inf. Process. Lett. 25(5): 317-322 (1987) |
1984 |
1 | | Errol L. Lloyd,
S. S. Ravi:
One-Layer Routing without Component Constraints.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 28(3): 420-438 (1984) |