
Peter M. Dew

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40EEChris Martin, Mohammed H. Haji, Peter M. Dew, Mike Pilling, Peter K. Jimack: Semantically-Enhanced Model-Experiment-Evaluation Processes (SeMEEPs) within the Atmospheric Chemistry Community. IPAW 2008: 293-308
39EETran Vu Pham, Lydia M. S. Lau, Peter M. Dew: An Adaptive Approach to P2P Resource Discovery in Distributed Scientific Research Communities. CCGRID 2006: 12
38EETran Vu Pham, Peter M. Dew, Lydia M. S. Lau, Michael J. Pilling: Enabling e-Research in Combustion Research Community. e-Science 2006: 130
37EEJames Padgett, Karim Djemame, Peter M. Dew: Grid-Based SLA Management. EGC 2005: 1076-1085
36EEDuncan Russell, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame: Service-based Collaborative Workflow for DAME. IEEE SCC 2005: 139-146
35EEMohammed H. Haji, Iain Gourlay, Karim Djemame, Peter M. Dew: A SNAP-Based Community Resource Broker Using a Three-Phase Commit Protocol: A Performance Study. Comput. J. 48(3): 333-346 (2005)
34EEPing Liu, Jayne Curson, Peter M. Dew: Use of RDF for expertise matching within academia. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 8(1): 103-130 (2005)
33EEIain Gourlay, Mohammed H. Haji, Karim Djemame, Peter M. Dew: Performance Evaluation of a SNAP-Based Grid Resource Broker. FORTE Workshops 2004: 220-232
32EEMohammed H. Haji, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame, Iain Gourlay: A SNAP-Based Community Resource Broker Using a Three-Phase Commit Protocol. IPDPS 2004
31EEIain Gourlay, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame, John F. Snowdon, Gordon A. Russell: Supporting Bulk Synchronous Parallelism with a high-bandwidth optical interconnect. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(13): 1247-1270 (2004)
30EEAbdulla Othman, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame, Iain Gourlay: Adaptive Grid Resource Brokering. CLUSTER 2003: 172-179
29 Yang Tian, Lydia M. S. Lau, Peter M. Dew: A Peer-To-Peer Knowledge Sharing Approach for a Networked Research Community. ICEIS (3) 2003: 642-645
28EELydia M. S. Lau, Craig A. Adams, Peter M. Dew, Christine Leigh: Use of Scenario Evaluation in Preparation for Deployment of a Collaborative System for Knowledge Transfer - the Case of KiMERA. WETICE 2003: 148-152
27EEPing Liu, Jayne Curson, Peter M. Dew: Exploring RDF for Expertise Matching within an Organizational Memory. CAiSE 2002: 100-116
26EEPeter M. Dew, Aphrodite Galata, John Maxfield, Daniela Romano: Virtual artefacts to support negotiation within an augmented collaborative environment for alternate dispute resolution. CVE 2002: 10-16
25EEIain Gourlay, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame: Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computing Using a High Bandwidth Optical Interconnect. IPDPS 2002
24EENeal P. Juster, John Maxfield, Peter M. Dew, Stephen Taylor, Martin Fitchie, William J. Ion, Jeff Zhao, Martin Thompson: Predicting Product Aesthetic Quality Using Virtual Environments. J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. 1(2): 105-112 (2001)
23EERik Wade, Mourad Kara, Peter M. Dew: Study of a Transport Protocol Employing Bottleneck Probing and Token Bucket Flow Control. ISCC 2000: 225-230
22EELydia M. S. Lau, Jayne Curson, Richard Drew, Peter M. Dew, Christine Leigh: Use of Virtual Science Park resource rooms to support group work in a learning environment. GROUP 1999: 209-218
21 Paul M. Selwood, Martin Berzins, Jonathan M. Nash, Peter M. Dew: Portable Parallel Adaptation of Unstructured 3D Meshes. IRREGULAR 1998: 56-67
20 Don Goodeve, Simon A. Dobson, Jonathan M. Nash, John R. Davy, Peter M. Dew, Mourad Kara, Christopher P. Wadsworth: Toward a Model for Shared Data Abstraction with Performance. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 49(1): 156-167 (1998)
19 John Maxfield, Terrence Fernando, Peter M. Dew: A Distributed Virtual Environment for Collaborative Engineering. Presence 7(3): 241-261 (1998)
18 Jonathan M. Nash, Peter M. Dew, John R. Davy: A Parallelisation Approach for Supporting Scalable and Portable Computing. Euro-Par 1997: 678-682
17 Paul M. Selwood, Martin Berzins, Peter M. Dew: 3D Parallel Mesh Adaptivity: Data-Structures and Algorithms. PPSC 1997
16 Jonathan M. Nash, Peter M. Dew, John R. Davy, Martin E. Dyer: Implementation Issues Relating to the WPRAM Model for Scalable Computing. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 319-326
15EEZair Abdelouahab, Peter M. Dew: Programming concurrency and synchronisation in Actel. ICPADS 1996: 189-
14 Jonathan M. Nash, Peter M. Dew, Martin E. Dyer: A Scalable Shared Queue on a Distributed Memory Machine. Comput. J. 39(6): 483-495 (1996)
13 John R. Davy, Hossein Deldari, Peter M. Dew: Constructive Solid Geometry using Algorithmic Skeletons. Eurographics Workshop on Programming Paradigms in Graphics 1995: 69-84
12EEMartin E. Dyer, Jonathan M. Nash, Peter M. Dew: An Optimal Randomized Planar Convex Hull Algorithm With Good Empirical Performance. SPAA 1995: 21-26
11 John R. Davy, Peter M. Dew: A Polymorphic Library for Constructive Solid Geometry. J. Funct. Program. 5(3): 415-442 (1995)
10 K. Benmohammed-Mahieddine, Peter M. Dew, Mourad Kara: A Periodic Symmetrically-initiated Load Balancing Algorithm for Distributed Systems. ICDCS 1994: 616-623
9 K. Benmohammed-Mahieddine, Peter M. Dew: A Periodic Symmetrically-Initiated Load Balancing Algorithm for Distributed Systems. Operating Systems Review 28(1): 66-79 (1994)
8EEMingxian Fa, Terrence Fernando, Peter M. Dew: Interactive constraint-based solid modeling using allowable motion. Solid Modeling and Applications 1993: 243-252
7 Mingxian Fa, Terrence Fernando, Peter M. Dew: Direct 3D Manipulation Techniques for Interactive Constraint-based Solid Modelling. Comput. Graph. Forum 12(3): 237-248 (1993)
6  anonymous, Chung-Ming Wang, Peter M. Dew: Mistral-3: parallel solid modelling. The Visual Computer 9(7): 356-370 (1993)
5 Jonathan M. Nash, Peter M. Dew: XPRAM Model and Programming Interface. PARLE 1992: 981-982
4 David Mallon, Peter M. Dew: Communicating through Shared Objects. Programming Environments for Parallel Computing 1992: 181-191
3 Ken Brodlie, Martin Berzins, Peter M. Dew, A. Poon, Helen Wright: Visalization and its Use in Scientific Computation. Programming Environments for High-Level Scientific Problem Solving 1991: 293-305
2EEHan Wang, Peter M. Dew, Jon A. Webb: Implementation of Apply on a transputer array. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 3(1): 43-54 (1991)
1 David T. Morris, Peter M. Dew: An Adaptive Parallel Algorithm for Display of CSG Objects. CONPAR 1986: 206-213

Coauthor Index

1Zair Abdelouahab [15]
2Craig A. Adams [28]
3K. Benmohammed-Mahieddine [9] [10]
4Martin Berzins [3] [17] [21]
5Ken Brodlie (Ken W. Brodlie) [3]
6Jayne Curson [22] [27] [34]
7John R. Davy [11] [13] [16] [18] [20]
8Hossein Deldari (Hossain Deldari) [13]
9Karim Djemame [25] [30] [31] [32] [33] [35] [36] [37]
10Simon A. Dobson (Simon Dobson) [20]
11Richard Drew [22]
12Martin E. Dyer [12] [14] [16]
13Mingxian Fa [7] [8]
14Terrence Fernando [7] [8] [19]
15Martin Fitchie [24]
16Aphrodite Galata [26]
17Don Goodeve [20]
18Iain Gourlay [25] [30] [31] [32] [33] [35]
19Mohammed H. Haji [32] [33] [35] [40]
20William J. Ion [24]
21Peter K. Jimack [40]
22Neal P. Juster [24]
23Mourad Kara [10] [20] [23]
24Lydia M. S. Lau [22] [28] [29] [38] [39]
25Christine Leigh [22] [28]
26Ping Liu [27] [34]
27David Mallon [4]
28Chris Martin [40]
29John Maxfield [19] [24] [26]
30David T. Morris [1]
31Jonathan M. Nash [5] [12] [14] [16] [18] [20] [21]
32Abdulla Othman [30]
33James Padgett [37]
34Tran Vu Pham [38] [39]
35Michael J. Pilling [38]
36Mike Pilling [40]
37A. Poon [3]
38Daniela Romano [26]
39Duncan Russell [36]
40Gordon A. Russell [31]
41Paul M. Selwood [17] [21]
42John F. Snowdon [31]
43Stephen Taylor [24]
44Martin Thompson [24]
45Yang Tian [29]
46Rik Wade [23]
47Christopher P. Wadsworth [20]
48Chung-Ming Wang [6]
49Han Wang [2]
50Jon A. Webb [2]
51Helen Wright [3]
52Jeff Zhao [24]
53 anonymous [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)