
Maurice Clint

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52EEAlan Stewart, Maurice Clint, Terry Harmer, Peter Kilpatrick, Ronald H. Perrott, Joaquim Gabarró: Assessing the Reliability and Cost of Web and Grid Orchestrations. ARES 2008: 428-433
51EEAlan Stewart, Joaquim Gabarró, Maurice Clint, Terence J. Harmer, Peter Kilpatrick, Ronald H. Perrott: Managing Grid Computations: An ORC-Based Approach. ISPA 2006: 278-291
50EEMaurice Clint, Efstratios Gallopoulos, Esmond Ng, Jean Roman: Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'04). Parallel Computing 32(2): 113-114 (2006)
49EEAlan Stewart, Maurice Clint, Joaquim Gabarró: Barrier synchronisation: Axiomatisation and relaxation. Formal Asp. Comput. 16(1): 36-50 (2004)
48EEJoaquim Gabarró, Alan Stewart, Maurice Clint, Eamonn Boyle, Isabel Vallejo: Computational Models for Web- and Grid-Based Computation. Euro-Par 2003: 640-650
47EEJoaquim Gabarró, Alan Stewart, Maurice Clint: Grab and Go Systems: a CPO approach to concurrent web and grid-based computation. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 66(3): (2002)
46EEAlan Stewart, Maurice Clint, Joaquim Gabarró, Maria J. Serna: Towards Formally Refining BSP Barrier s into Explicit Two-Sided Communications. Euro-Par 2001: 549-559
45EEN. Reid, Peter Kilpatrick, Maurice Clint: Towards a Semantics For Multidimensional Array Assignment in Fortran 95. IWFM 2001
44EEAlan Stewart, Maurice Clint: BSP-style Computation: a Semantic Investigation. Comput. J. 44(3): 174-185 (2001)
43EEAlan Stewart, Maurice Clint, Joaquim Gabarró: Axiomatic Frameworks for Developing Bsp-style Programs*. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 14(4): 271-292 (2000)
42EEMarek Szularz, Jim Weston, Maurice Clint: Restarting Techniques for the Lanczos Algorithm and their Implementation in Parallel Computing Environments: Architectural Influences. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 14(1): 57-77 (1999)
41 Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Maurice Clint: Explicitly restarted Lanczos algorithms in an MPP environment. Parallel Computing 25(5): 613-631 (1999)
40 Erricos John Kontoghiorghes, Maurice Clint, Hans-Heinrich Naegeli: Recursive least-squares using a hybrid Householder algorithm on massively parallel SIMD systems. Parallel Computing 25(9): 1147-1159 (1999)
39EEMaurice Clint, Wolfgang Kreuchlin: Numerical and Symbolic Algorithms. Euro-Par 1998: 747-750
38EEStephen Kilpatrick, Maurice Clint, Peter Kilpatrick: A Case Study on Proving Transformations Correct: Data-Parallel Conversion. IWFM 1998
37 Alan Stewart, Maurice Clint: Synchronising Asynchronous Communications. Euro-Par 1997: 511-520
36 Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Maurice Clint: Robust Parallel Lanczos Methods for Clustered Eigenvalues. Euro-Par 1997: 710-717
35 Marek Szularz, Maurice Clint, Jim Weston: Lanczos Algorithms for Massively Parallel Processors. PARCO 1997: 619-622
34EEKieran Murphy, Maurice Clint, Marek Szularz, Jim Weston: The Parallel Computation of Partial Eigensolutions Using a Modified Lanczos Method. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 11(3-4): 299-323 (1997)
33 Stephen Fitzpatrick, Terence J. Harmer, Alan Stewart, Maurice Clint, James M. Boyle: The Automated Transformation of Abstract Specifications of Numerical Algorithms into Efficient Array Processor Implementations. Sci. Comput. Program. 28(1): 1-41 (1997)
32 Kieran Murphy, Maurice Clint, Marek Szularz, Jim Weston: The Computation of Partial Eigensolutions on a Distributed Memory Machine Using a Modified Lanzos Method. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 22-25
31 Jim Weston, Marek Szularz, Maurice Clint, Kieran Murphy: The Parallel Computation of Partial Eigensolutions of Large Matrices on a Massively Parallel Processor. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 26-33
30 Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Maurice Clint, Kieran Murphy: A Highly Parallel Explicitly Restarted Lanczos Algorithm. PARA 1996: 651-660
29 Stephen Fitzpatrick, Maurice Clint, Terence J. Harmer, Peter Kilpatrick: The Tailoring of Abstract Functional Specifications of Numerical Algorithms for Sparse Data Structures through Automated Program Derivation and Transformation. Comput. J. 39(2): 145-168 (1996)
28EEMarek Szularz, Jim Weston, Kieran Murphy, Maurice Clint: Monitoring the Convergence of the Lanczos Algorithm in Parallel Computing Environments. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 6(4): 287-302 (1995)
27 Maurice Clint, Jim Weston, J. B. Flannagan: Efficient Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisation on an Array Processor. CONPAR 1994: 218-228
26 M. B. Stuart, Maurice Clint: An algorithm for the Eigensolution of Tridiagonal Sparse Symmetric Matrices on Massively Parallel Processors. EUROSIM 1994: 415-422
25 Maurice Clint, Stephen Fitzpatrick, Terence J. Harmer, Peter Kilpatrick, James M. Boyle: A Family of Data-Parallel Derivations. HPCN 1994: 457-462
24 Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Kieran Murphy, Maurice Clint: Parallel Algorithms for the Partial Eigensolution of Large Sparse Matrices on Novel Architecture Computers. PARA 1994: 469-482
23EEMaurice Clint, C. W. Bleakney, J. S. Weston: Comparison of parallel Fortran environments on the AMT DAP510 for a linear algebra application. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 6(3): 193-204 (1994)
22 J. S. Weston, Maurice Clint, A. Lee: Array Processor Algorithms for the Symmetric Eigenproblem: An Evaluation. PARCO 1993: 231-240
21 J. P. Wray, Stephen Fitzpatrick, Maurice Clint, P. L. Kilpatrick: Deriving Processing on SYDAMA-2: Concept and Realization of the Software. PARCO 1993: 354-360
20 L. C. Waring, Maurice Clint: Computation of the Eigenvalues of Real Symmetric Matrices Using a Processor Farm. CONPAR 1992: 355-360
19 James M. Boyle, Maurice Clint, Stephen Fitzpatrick, Terence J. Harmer: The Construction of Numerical Mathematical Software for the AMT DAP by Program Transformation. CONPAR 1992: 761-767
18 Jim Weston, Maurice Clint, C. W. Bleakney: Parallel Implementations of Jacobi's Algorithm for the Eigensolution of Large Matrices Using Array Processors. CONPAR 1992: 787-788
17 Maurice Clint, Jim Weston, C. W. Bleakney: A comparison of two Fortran dialects for expressing parallel solutions for a problem in linear algebra. Parallel Computing 18(12): 1325-1333 (1992)
16EEJ. S. Weston, Maurice Clint, C. W. Bleakney: The parallel computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large Hermitian matrices using the AMT DAP 510. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 3(3): 179-185 (1991)
15 L. C. Waring, Maurice Clint: Parallel Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation on a network of transputers. Parallel Computing 17(9): 1043-1050 (1991)
14 Maurice Clint, Jim Weston, C. W. Bleakney: Hybrid Algorithms for the Eigensolution of Large Sparse Symmetric Matrices on the AMT DAP 510. CONPAR 1990: 766-773
13 Jim Weston, Maurice Clint: Two algorithms for the parallel computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large symmetric matrices using the ICL DAP. Parallel Computing 13(3): 281-288 (1990)
12 Donal Roantree, Maurice Clint: A Specification-Verification Framework for Distributed Applications Software. Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems 1988: 153-183
11 Maurice Clint, Donal Roantree, Alan Stewart: Towards the construction of an eigenvalue engine. Parallel Computing 8(1-3): 127-132 (1988)
10 Christopher M. Holt, Alan Stewart, Maurice Clint, Ronald H. Perrott: An Improved Parallel Thinning Algorithm. Commun. ACM 30(2): 156-160 (1987)
9 D. Gault, Maurice Clint: A Fast Algorithm for the Towers of Hanoi Problem. Comput. J. 30(4): 376-378 (1987)
8 Ronald H. Perrott, Christopher M. Holt, Maurice Clint, Alan Stewart: A Parallel Processing Algorithm for Thinning Digitised Pictures. CONPAR 1986: 183-189
7 Maurice Clint, C. Vicent: The Use of Ghost Variables and Virtual Programming in the Documentation and Verfication of Programs. Softw., Pract. Exper. 14(8): 711-737 (1984)
6 Maurice Clint, Ronald H. Perrott, Christopher M. Holt, Alan Stewart: The Influence of Hardware and Software Considerations on the Design of Synchronous Parallel Algorithms. Softw., Pract. Exper. 13(10): 961-974 (1983)
5 Maurice Clint: On the Use of History Variables. Acta Inf. 16: 15-30 (1981)
4 Maurice Clint, Ronald H. Perrott: Algorithms for Parallel Computers. On the Construction of Programs 1980: 283-318
3 Maurice Clint: Program Proving: Coroutines Acta Inf. 2: 50-63 (1973)
2 Maurice Clint, C. A. R. Hoare: Program Proving: Jumps and Functions Acta Inf. 1: 214-224 (1972)
1 Maurice Clint, A. Jennings: The Evaluation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Real Symmetric Matrices by Simultaneous Iteration. Comput. J. 13(1): 76-80 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1C. W. Bleakney [14] [16] [17] [18] [23]
2Eamonn Boyle [48]
3James M. Boyle [19] [25] [33]
4Stephen Fitzpatrick [19] [21] [25] [29] [33]
5J. B. Flannagan [27]
6Joaquim Gabarró [43] [46] [47] [48] [49] [51] [52]
7Efstratios Gallopoulos [50]
8D. Gault [9]
9Terence J. Harmer [19] [25] [29] [33] [51]
10Terry Harmer [52]
11C. A. R. Hoare (Tony Hoare) [2]
12Christopher M. Holt [6] [8] [10]
13A. Jennings [1]
14Peter Kilpatrick (P. L. Kilpatrick) [21] [25] [29] [38] [45] [51] [52]
15Stephen Kilpatrick [38]
16Erricos John Kontoghiorghes [40]
17Wolfgang Kreuchlin [39]
18A. Lee [22]
19Kieran Murphy [24] [28] [30] [31] [32] [34]
20Hans-Heinrich Naegeli [40]
21Esmond Ng [50]
22Ronald H. Perrott [4] [6] [8] [10] [51] [52]
23N. Reid [45]
24Donal Roantree [11] [12]
25Jean Roman [50]
26Maria J. Serna [46]
27Alan Stewart [6] [8] [10] [11] [33] [37] [43] [44] [46] [47] [48] [49] [51] [52]
28M. B. Stuart [26]
29Marek Szularz [24] [28] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] [41] [42]
30Isabel Vallejo [48]
31C. Vicent [7]
32L. C. Waring [15] [20]
33J. S. Weston [16] [22] [23]
34Jim Weston [13] [14] [17] [18] [24] [27] [28] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] [41] [42]
35J. P. Wray [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)