
Yizhou Yu

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35EEQing Wu, Chun Chen, Yizhou Yu: Wavelet-based hybrid multilinear models for multidimensional image approximation. ICIP 2008: 2828-2831
34EEWei-Wen Feng, Byung-Uck Kim, Yizhou Yu: Real-time data driven deformation using kernel canonical correlation analysis. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(3): (2008)
33EEQing Wu, Tian Xia, Chun Chen, Hsueh-Yi Sean Lin, Hongcheng Wang, Yizhou Yu: Hierarchical Tensor Approximation of Multi-Dimensional Visual Data. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(1): 186-199 (2008)
32EEJiayi Xu, Xiaogang Jin, Yizhou Yu, Tian Shen, Mingdong Zhou: Shape-constrained flock animation. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 19(3-4): 319-330 (2008)
31EEQing Wu, Tian Xia, Yizhou Yu: Hierarchical Tensor Approximation of Multidimensional Images. ICIP (4) 2007: 49-52
30EEYuntao Jia, Wei-Wen Feng, Yizhou Yu: Transplanting and Editing Animations on Skinned Meshes. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 431-434
29EEYizhou Yu: Laplacian Guided Editing, Synthesis, and Simulation. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 5
28EEWeiwei Xu, Kun Zhou, Yizhou Yu, Qifeng Tan, Qunsheng Peng, Baining Guo: Gradient domain editing of deforming mesh sequences. ACM Trans. Graph. 26(3): 84 (2007)
27EELin Shi, Yizhou Yu, Nathan Bell, Wei-Wen Feng: A fast multigrid algorithm for mesh deformation. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(3): 1108-1117 (2006)
26 Eiji Sugisaki, Yizhou Yu, Ken Anjyo, Shigeo Morishima: Simulation-Based Cartoon Hair Animation. WSCG (Full Papers) 2005: 117-122
25EELin Shi, Yizhou Yu: Controllable smoke animation with guiding objects. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(1): 140-164 (2005)
24EEHongcheng Wang, Qing Wu, Lin Shi, Yizhou Yu, Narendra Ahuja: Out-of-core tensor approximation of multi-dimensional matrices of visual data. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 527-535 (2005)
23EEYizhou Yu, Johnny T. Chang: Shadow Graphs and 3D Texture Reconstruction. International Journal of Computer Vision 62(1-2): 35-60 (2005)
22EEHong Wu, Yizhou Yu: Photogrammetric reconstruction of free-form objects with curvilinear structures. The Visual Computer 21(4): 203-216 (2005)
21EELin Shi, Yizhou Yu, Christopher Wojtan, Stephen Chenney: Controllable motion synthesis in a gaseous medium. The Visual Computer 21(7): 474-487 (2005)
20EEWei Hong, Yi Ma, Yizhou Yu: Reconstruction of 3-D Symmetric Curves from Perspective Images without Discrete Features. ECCV (3) 2004: 533-545
19EEQing Wu, Yizhou Yu: Feature matching and deformation for texture synthesis. ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 364-367 (2004)
18EEYizhou Yu, Kun Zhou, Dong Xu, Xiaohan Shi, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum: Mesh editing with poisson-based gradient field manipulation. ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 644-651 (2004)
17EELin Shi, Yizhou Yu: Inviscid and incompressible fluid simulation on triangle meshes. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 15(3-4): 173-181 (2004)
16EEYizhou Yu, Qing Wu: Video metamorphosis using dense flow fields. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 15(3-4): 387-397 (2004)
15EEDavid Edwards, Johnny T. Chang, Lin Shi, Yizhou Yu: Motion Field Estimation for Temporal Textures. DICTA 2003: 389-400
14EEQing Wu, Yizhou Yu: Two-Level Image Segmentation Based on Region and Edge Integration. DICTA 2003: 957-966
13EEYizhou Yu, Johnny T. Chang: Shadow Graphs and Surface Reconstruction. ECCV (2) 2002: 31-45
12EEZiqiang Liu, Ce Liu, Heung-Yeung Shum, Yizhou Yu: Pattern-Based Texture Metamorphosis. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 184-193
11EEYizhou Yu: Modeling Realistic Virtual Hairstyles. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2001: 295-304
10EEXinguo Liu, Yizhou Yu, Heung-Yeung Shum: Synthesizing bidirectional texture functions for real-world surfaces. SIGGRAPH 2001: 97-106
9EEYizhou Yu, Andras Ferencz, Jitendra Malik: Extracting Objects from Range and Radiance Images. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 7(4): 351-364 (2001)
8EEYizhou Yu, Paul E. Debevec, Jitendra Malik, Tim Hawkins: Inverse Global Illumination: Recovering Reflectance Models of Real Scenes from Photographs. SIGGRAPH 1999: 215-224
7EEYizhou Yu: Efficient visibility processing for projective texture mapping. Computers & Graphics 23(2): 245-253 (1999)
6 Paul E. Debevec, Yizhou Yu, George Borshukov: Efficient View-Dependent Image-Based Rendering with Projective Texture-Mapping. Rendering Techniques 1998: 105-116
5EEYizhou Yu, Jitendra Malik: Recovering Photometric Properties of Architectural Scenes from Photographs. SIGGRAPH 1998: 207-217
4 Yizhou Yu, Hong Wu: A Rendering Equation for Specular Transfers and Its Integration into Global Illumination. Comput. Graph. Forum 16(3): 283-292 (1997)
3 Yizhou Yu, Oscar H. Ibarra, Tao Yang: Parallel Progressive Radiosity with Adaptive Meshing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 42(1): 30-41 (1997)
2 Yizhou Yu, Oscar H. Ibarra, Tao Yang: Parallel Progressive Radiosity with Adaptive Meshing. IRREGULAR 1996: 159-170
1 Yizhou Yu, Qunsheng Peng: Multiresolution B-spline Radiosity. Comput. Graph. Forum 14(3): 285-298 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Narendra Ahuja [24]
2Ken Anjyo [26]
3Hujun Bao [18]
4Nathan Bell [27]
5George Borshukov [6]
6Johnny T. Chang [13] [15] [23]
7Chun Chen [33] [35]
8Stephen Chenney [21]
9Paul E. Debevec [6] [8]
10David Edwards [15]
11Wei-Wen Feng [27] [30] [34]
12Andras Ferencz [9]
13Baining Guo [18] [28]
14Tim Hawkins [8]
15Wei Hong [20]
16Oscar H. Ibarra [2] [3]
17Yuntao Jia [30]
18Xiaogang Jin [32]
19Byung-Uck Kim [34]
20Hsueh-Yi Sean Lin [33]
21Ce Liu [12]
22Xinguo Liu [10]
23Ziqiang Liu [12]
24Yi Ma [20]
25Jitendra Malik [5] [8] [9]
26Shigeo Morishima [26]
27Qunsheng Peng [1] [28]
28Tian Shen [32]
29Lin Shi [15] [17] [21] [24] [25] [27]
30Xiaohan Shi [18]
31Harry Shum (Heung-Yeung Shum) [10] [12] [18]
32Eiji Sugisaki [26]
33Qifeng Tan [28]
34Hongcheng Wang [24] [33]
35Christopher Wojtan [21]
36Hong Wu [4] [22]
37Qing Wu [14] [16] [19] [24] [31] [33] [35]
38Tian Xia [31] [33]
39Dong Xu [18]
40Jiayi Xu [32]
41Weiwei Xu [28]
42Tao Yang [2] [3]
43Kun Zhou [18] [28]
44Mingdong Zhou [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)