
Bin Yao

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33EEBin Yao, Feifei Li, Piyush Kumar: Reverse Furthest Neighbors in Spatial Databases. ICDE 2009: 664-675
32EEVarun Agrawal, William J. Peine, Bin Yao: Modeling of a closed loop cable-conduit transmission system. ICRA 2008: 3407-3412
31EEBin Yao, Haisen Li, Tian Zhou, Baowei Chen: Theoretical Research on Topological Properties of Generalized K-Ary n-Cube Interconnection Network. ICYCS 2008: 106-111
30EEXiaocong Zhu, Guoliang Tao, Bin Yao, Jian Cao: Adaptive robust posture control of a parallel manipulator driven by pneumatic muscles. Automatica 44(9): 2248-2257 (2008)
29EEJian Tian, Xuexia Guo, Xiaoyu Chu, Ningfeng Wu, Jun Guo, Bin Yao: Predicting the protein family of Methyl Parathion Hydrolase. IJBRA 4(2): 201-210 (2008)
28EEYi-Cheng Tu, Song Liu, Sunil Prabhakar, Bin Yao, William Schroeder: Using Control Theory for Load Shedding in Data Stream Management. ICDE 2007: 1491-1492
27EEYun Hong, Bin Yao: A globally stable saturated desired compensation adaptive robust control for linear motor systems with comparative experiments. Automatica 43(10): 1840-1848 (2007)
26EEDan G. Waddington, Bin Yao: High-fidelity C/C++ code transformation. Sci. Comput. Program. 68(2): 64-78 (2007)
25EEBin Yao, William Mielke, Steve Kennedy, Rick Buskens: C Macro Handling in Automated Source Code Transformation Systems. ICSM 2006: 68-69
24EEYi-Cheng Tu, Song Liu, Sunil Prabhakar, Bin Yao: Load Shedding in Stream Databases: A Control-Based Approach. VLDB 2006: 787-798
23EEYonghong Peng, Bin Yao, Jianmin Jiang: Knowledge-discovery incorporated evolutionary search for microcalcification detection in breast cancer diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 37(1): 43-53 (2006)
22EEMarcio Buss, Stephen A. Edwards, Bin Yao, Dan G. Waddington: Pointer Analysis for Source-to-Source Transformations. SCAM 2005: 139-150
21 Shoukat Ali, Tracy D. Braun, Howard Jay Siegel, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Noah Beck, Ladislau Bölöni, Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Albert I. Reuther, James P. Robertson, Mitchell D. Theys, Bin Yao: Characterizing Resource Allocation Heuristics for Heterogeneous Computing Systems. Advances in Computers 63: 93-129 (2005)
20EEDan G. Waddington, Bin Yao: High-Fidelity C/C++ Code Transformation. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(4): 35-56 (2005)
19EEBin Yao, Jianmin Jiang, Yonghong Peng: A CBR Driven Genetic Algorithm for Microcalcification Cluster Detection. EKAW 2004: 494-496
18EEMarina Thottan, Erran L. Li, Bin Yao, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Sanjoy Paul: Distributed Network Monitoring for Evolving IP Networks. ICDCS 2004: 712-719
17EEBin Yao, Sanjay N. Rakhade, Qunfang Li, Sharlin Ahmed, Raul Krauss, Sorin Draghici, Jeffrey A. Loeb: Accuracy of cDNA microarray methods to detect small gene expression changes induced by neuregulin on breast epithelial cells. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 99 (2004)
16EEErran L. Li, Marina Thottan, Bin Yao, Sanjoy Paul: Distributed Network Monitoring with Bounded Link Utilization in IP Networks. INFOCOM 2003
15EEBin Yao, Ramesh Viswanathan, Fangzhe Chang, Dan G. Waddington: Topology Inference in the Presence of Anonymous Routers. INFOCOM 2003
14EEDan G. Waddington, Fangzhe Chang, Ramesh Viswanathan, Bin Yao: Topology discovery for public IPv6 networks. Computer Communication Review 33(3): 59-68 (2003)
13 Fanping Bu, Bin Yao: Nonlinear Model Based Coordinated Adaptive Robust Control of Electro-hydraulic Robotic Arms via Overparametrizing Method. ICRA 2001: 3459-3464
12EEBin Yao, W. Kent Fuchs: Recovery Proxy for Wireless Applications. ISSRE 2001: 112-121
11EEBin Yao, W. Kent Fuchs: Message Logging Optimization for Wireless Networks. SRDS 2001: 182-185
10EETracy D. Braun, Howard Jay Siegel, Noah Beck, Ladislau Bölöni, Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Albert I. Reuther, James P. Robertson, Mitchell D. Theys, Bin Yao, Debra A. Hensgen, Richard F. Freund: A Comparison of Eleven Static Heuristics for Mapping a Class of Independent Tasks onto Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 61(6): 810-837 (2001)
9 Funping Bu, Bin Yao: Observer Based Coordinated Adaptive Robust Control of Robot Manipulators Driven by Single-Rod Hydraulic Actuators. ICRA 2000: 3034-3039
8EEBin Yao, W. Kent Fuchs: Proxy-based Recovery for Applications on Wireless Hand-held Devices. SRDS 2000: 2-10
7EEBin Yao, Kuo-Feng Ssu, W. Kent Fuchs: Message Logging in Mobile Computing. FTCS 1999: 294-301
6EETracy D. Braun, Howard Jay Siegel, Noah Beck, Ladislau Bölöni, Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Albert I. Reuther, James P. Robertson, Mitchell D. Theys, Bin Yao, Debra A. Hensgen, Richard F. Freund: A Comparison Study of Static Mapping Heuristics for a Class of Meta-tasks on Heterogeneous Computing Systems. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1999: 15-29
5EEKuo-Feng Ssu, Bin Yao, W. Kent Fuchs: An Adaptive Checkpointing Protocol to Bound Recovery Time with Message Logging. SRDS 1999: 244-252
4 Tracy D. Braun, Howard Jay Siegel, Noah Beck, Ladislau Bölöni, Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Albert I. Reuther, James P. Robertson, Mitchell D. Theys, Bin Yao: A Taxonomy for Describing Matching and Scheduling Heuristics for Mixed-Machine Heterogeneous Computing Systems. SRDS 1998: 330-335
3 Bin Yao, Masayoshi Tomizuka: Robust Adaptive Constrained Motion and Force Control of Manipulators with Guaranteed Transient Performance. ICRA 1995: 893-898
2 Bin Yao, Masayoshi Tomizuka: Robust Desired Compensation Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulators with Guaranteed Transient Performance. ICRA 1994: 1830-1838
1 Bin Yao, Masayoshi Tomizuka: Adaptive Coordinated Control Of Multiple Manipulators Handling A Constrained Object. ICRA (1) 1993: 624-629

Coauthor Index

1Varun Agrawal [32]
2Sharlin Ahmed [17]
3Shoukat Ali [21]
4Noah Beck [4] [6] [10] [21]
5Ladislau Bölöni [4] [6] [10] [21]
6Tracy D. Braun [4] [6] [10] [21]
7Fanping Bu [13]
8Funping Bu [9]
9Rick Buskens [25]
10Marcio Buss [22]
11Jian Cao [30]
12Fangzhe Chang [14] [15]
13Baowei Chen [31]
14Xiaoyu Chu [29]
15Sorin Draghici [17]
16Stephen A. Edwards [22]
17Richard F. Freund [6] [10]
18W. Kent Fuchs [5] [7] [8] [11] [12]
19Jun Guo [29]
20Xuexia Guo [29]
21Debra A. Hensgen [6] [10]
22Yun Hong [27]
23Jianmin Jiang [19] [23]
24Steve Kennedy [25]
25Raul Krauss [17]
26Piyush Kumar [33]
27Erran L. Li (Li Li, Li (Erran) Li) [16] [18]
28Feifei Li [33]
29Haisen Li [31]
30Qunfang Li [17]
31Song Liu [24] [28]
32Jeffrey A. Loeb [17]
33Anthony A. Maciejewski [21]
34Muthucumaru Maheswaran [4] [6] [10] [21]
35William Mielke [25]
36Vahab S. Mirrokni (Seyed Vahab Mirrokni) [18]
37Sanjoy Paul [16] [18]
38William J. Peine [32]
39Yonghong Peng [19] [23]
40Sunil Prabhakar [24] [28]
41Sanjay N. Rakhade [17]
42Albert I. Reuther [4] [6] [10] [21]
43James P. Robertson [4] [6] [10] [21]
44William Schroeder [28]
45Howard Jay Siegel [4] [6] [10] [21]
46Kuo-Feng Ssu [5] [7]
47Guoliang Tao [30]
48Mitchell D. Theys [4] [6] [10] [21]
49Marina Thottan [16] [18]
50Jian Tian [29]
51Masayoshi Tomizuka [1] [2] [3]
52Yi-Cheng Tu (Yicheng Tu) [24] [28]
53Ramesh Viswanathan [14] [15]
54Dan G. Waddington [14] [15] [20] [22] [26]
55Ningfeng Wu [29]
56Tian Zhou [31]
57Xiaocong Zhu [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)