
Yonghong Peng

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15EEZhi Qing Wu, Jianmin Jiang, Yonghong Peng: Effective features based on normal linear structures for detecting microcalcifications in mammograms. ICPR 2008: 1-4
14EEYonghong Peng, Xuegong Zhang: Integrative data mining in systems biology: from text to network mining. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 41(2): 83-86 (2007)
13EEYutao Ma, Yonghong Peng: Co-expression Gene Discovery from Microarray for Integrative Systems Biology. ADMA 2006: 809-818
12EEYuan Wu, Qian Huang, Yonghong Peng, Wuchao Situ: Detection of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms Based on Dual-Threshold. Digital Mammography / IWDM 2006: 347-354
11EEZhi Qing Wu, Jianmin Jiang, Yonghong Peng, Thor Ole Gulsrud: A Filter-Based Approach Towards Automatic Detection of Microcalcification. Digital Mammography / IWDM 2006: 424-432
10EEYonghong Peng, Bin Yao, Jianmin Jiang: Knowledge-discovery incorporated evolutionary search for microcalcification detection in breast cancer diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 37(1): 43-53 (2006)
9EEYonghong Peng: Integration of gene functional diversity for effective cancer detection. Int. J. Systems Science 37(13): 931-938 (2006)
8EEFadi A. Thabtah, Peter I. Cowling, Yonghong Peng: Multiple labels associative classification. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 9(1): 109-129 (2006)
7EEYonghong Peng: Robust Ensemble Learning for Cancer Diagnosis Based on Microarray Data Classification. ADMA 2005: 564-574
6EEFadi A. Thabtah, Peter I. Cowling, Yonghong Peng: MCAR: multi-class classification based on association rule. AICCSA 2005: 33
5EEYonghong Peng, Qian Huang, Ping Jiang, Jianmin Jiang: Cost-Sensitive Ensemble of Support Vector Machines for Effective Detection of Microcalcification in Breast Cancer Diagnosis. FSKD (2) 2005: 483-493
4EEPing Jiang, Yonghong Peng, Quentin Mair, Mingwei Yuan: A Variable Resolution Virtual Sensor in Social Behaviour Networks. SOAS 2005: 86-94
3EEBin Yao, Jianmin Jiang, Yonghong Peng: A CBR Driven Genetic Algorithm for Microcalcification Cluster Detection. EKAW 2004: 494-496
2EEFadi A. Thabtah, Peter I. Cowling, Yonghong Peng: MMAC: A New Multi-Class, Multi-Label Associative Classification Approach. ICDM 2004: 217-224
1EEYonghong Peng, Peter A. Flach, Carlos Soares, Pavel Brazdil: Improved Dataset Characterisation for Meta-learning. Discovery Science 2002: 141-152

Coauthor Index

1Pavel Brazdil [1]
2Peter I. Cowling [2] [6] [8]
3Peter A. Flach [1]
4Thor Ole Gulsrud [11]
5Qian Huang [5] [12]
6Jianmin Jiang [3] [5] [10] [11] [15]
7Ping Jiang [4] [5]
8Yutao Ma [13]
9Quentin Mair [4]
10Wuchao Situ [12]
11Carlos Soares [1]
12Fadi A. Thabtah [2] [6] [8]
13Yuan Wu [12]
14Zhi Qing Wu [11] [15]
15Bin Yao [3] [10]
16Mingwei Yuan [4]
17Xuegong Zhang [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)