
Sanjoy Paul

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37EESumathi Gopal, Sanjoy Paul, Dipankar Raychaudhuri: Leveraging MAC-layer information for single-hop wireless transport in the Cache and Forward Architecture of the Future Internet. COMSWARE 2007
36EESumathi Gopal, Sanjoy Paul: TCP Dynamics in 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks. ICC 2007: 1905-1910
35 Xue Li, Sanjoy Paul: Class-based bandwidth allocation and admission control for QoS VPN with DiffServ. COMSWARE 2006
34EESarit Mukherjee, Anand Kagalkar, John Lin, Sarang Gadgil, Sanjoy Paul: The wireless edge router: A network processor-based packet data serving node for a CDMA2000star network. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(1): 83-104 (2005)
33EESampath Rangarajan, John Lin, Sanjoy Paul: A campus-wide hybrid 802.11/3G network and its implementation. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(2): 21-38 (2005)
32EEMarina Thottan, Erran L. Li, Bin Yao, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Sanjoy Paul: Distributed Network Monitoring for Evolving IP Networks. ICDCS 2004: 712-719
31EEMarina Thottan, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Hüseyin Uzunalioglu, Sanjoy Paul: A Simple Polynomial Time Framework For Reduced Path Decomposition in Multi-Path Routing. INFOCOM 2004
30EESarit Mukherjee, Sampath Rangarajan, John Lin, Sanjoy Paul: User Identity Based Session Redirection in CDMA2000 Networks. MobiQuitous 2004: 105-110
29EEKatherine Guo, Sarit Mukherjee, Sanjoy Paul, Sampath Rangarajan: Optimal Customer Provisioning in Network-Based Mobile VPNs. MobiQuitous 2004: 95-104
28EESampath Rangarajan, Anil Takkallapalli, Sarit Mukherjee, Sanjoy Paul, Scott Miller: Adaptive VPN: Tradeoff between security levels and value-added services in virtual private networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 8(4): 93-113 (2004)
27EEM. Ali Siddiqui, Katherine Guo, Sampath Rangarajan, Sanjoy Paul: End-to-end QoS support for SIP sessions in CDMA2000* networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 9(3): 135-153 (2004)
26EEErran L. Li, Marina Thottan, Bin Yao, Sanjoy Paul: Distributed Network Monitoring with Bounded Link Utilization in IP Networks. INFOCOM 2003
25EEKatherine Guo, Sarit Mukherjee, Sampath Rangarajan, Sanjoy Paul: A fair message exchange framework for distributed multi-player games. NETGAMES 2003: 29-41
24EEMarina Thottan, George K. Swanson, Michael Cantone, Tin Kam Ho, Yansong (Jennifer) Ren, Sanjoy Paul: SEQUIN: An SNMP-based MPLS network monitoring system. Bell Labs Technical Journal 8(1): 95-111 (2003)
23EEYuan Gao, Jennifer C. Hou, Sanjoy Paul: RACCOOM: A Rate-Based Congestion Control Approach for Multicast. IEEE Trans. Computers 52(12): 1521-1534 (2003)
22EEBrian Neil Levine, Sanjoy Paul, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves: Organizing multicast receivers deterministically by packet-loss correlation. Multimedia Syst. 9(1): 3-14 (2003)
21EEYow-Jian Lin, Katherine Guo, Sanjoy Paul: Sync-MS: Synchronized Messaging Service for Real-Time Multi-Player Distributed Games. ICNP 2002: 155-164
20 Sanjoy Paul, Zongming Fei: Distributed caching with centralized control. Computer Communications 24(2): 256-268 (2001)
19EEEthendranath Bommaiah, Katherine Guo, Markus Hofmann, Sanjoy Paul: Design and Implementation of a Caching System for Streaming Media over the Internet. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2000: 111-
18EESudhir Aggarwal, Sanjoy Paul, Daniel Massey, Daniela Caldararu: A flexible multicast routing protocol for group communication. Computer Networks 32(1): 35-60 (2000)
17EESrinivasan Keshav, Sanjoy Paul: Centralized Multicast. ICNP 1999: 59-68
16EEBrian Neil Levine, Sanjoy Paul, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves: Organizing Multicast Receivers Deterministically by Packet-Loss Correlation. ACM Multimedia 1998: 201-210
15 Xue Li, Sanjoy Paul, Mostafa H. Ammar: Layered Video Multicast with Retransmissions (LVMR): Evaluation of Hierarchical Rate Control. INFOCOM 1998: 1062-1072
14 Sanjoy Paul, Krishan K. Sabnani, John C.-H. Lin, Supratik Bhattacharyya: Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol (RMTP). IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(3): 407-421 (1997)
13 John C.-H. Lin, Sanjoy Paul: RMTP: A Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol. INFOCOM 1996: 1414-1424
12EESteven H. Low, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk, Sanjoy Paul: Anonymous credit cards and their collusion analysis. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(6): 809-816 (1996)
11EEMohamed G. Gouda, Sanjoy Paul: A wireless link protocol: design by refinement. ICNP 1995: 192-200
10 Sanjoy Paul, Ender Ayanoglu, Thomas F. La Porta, Kuo-Wei Herman Chen, Krishan K. Sabnani, Richard D. Gitlin: An Asymmetric Protocol for Digital Cellular Communications. INFOCOM 1995: 1053-1062
9 Sanjoy Paul, Raymond E. Miller: Locating Faults in a Systematic Manner in a Large Heterogeneous Network. INFOCOM 1995: 522-529
8 Ender Ayanoglu, Sanjoy Paul, Thomas F. La Porta, Krishan K. Sabnani, Richard D. Gitlin: AIRMAIL: a link-layer protocol for wireless networks. Wireless Networks 1(1): 47-60 (1995)
7 Zygmunt J. Haas, Sanjoy Paul: Limited-lifetime shared-access in mobile systems. Wireless Networks 1(2): 139-146 (1995)
6EESteven H. Low, Sanjoy Paul, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk: Anonymous Credit Cards. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1994: 108-117
5EERaymond E. Miller, Sanjoy Paul: Structural analysis of protocol specifications and generation of maximal fault coverage conformance test sequences. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 2(5): 457-470 (1994)
4 David Lee, Krishan K. Sabnani, David M. Kristol, Sanjoy Paul, M. Ümit Uyar: Conformance Testing of Protocols Specified as Communicating FSMs. INFOCOM 1993: 115-127
3EERaymond E. Miller, Sanjoy Paul: On the generation of minimal-length conformance tests for communication protocols. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 1(1): 116-129 (1993)
2 Raymond E. Miller, Sanjoy Paul: Generating Conformance Test Sequences for Combined Control and Data Flow of Communication Protocols. PSTV 1992: 13-27
1 Raymond E. Miller, Sanjoy Paul: Generating Minimal Length Test Sequences for Conformance Testing of Communication Protocols. INFOCOM 1991: 970-979

Coauthor Index

1Sudhir Aggarwal [18]
2Mostafa H. Ammar [15]
3Ender Ayanoglu [8] [10]
4Supratik Bhattacharyya [14]
5Ethendranath Bommaiah [19]
6Daniela Caldararu [18]
7Michael Cantone [24]
8Kuo-Wei Herman Chen [10]
9Zongming Fei [20]
10Sarang Gadgil [34]
11Yuan Gao [23]
12J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves (Jose Joaquin Garcia-Luna-Aceves) [16] [22]
13Richard D. Gitlin [8] [10]
14Sumathi Gopal [36] [37]
15Mohamed G. Gouda [11]
16Katherine Guo [19] [21] [25] [27] [29]
17Zygmunt J. Haas [7]
18Tin Kam Ho [24]
19Markus Hofmann [19]
20Jennifer C. Hou (Chao-Ju Hou) [23]
21Anand Kagalkar [34]
22Srinivasan Keshav [17]
23David M. Kristol [4]
24David Lee [4]
25Brian Neil Levine [16] [22]
26Erran L. Li (Li Li, Li (Erran) Li) [26] [32]
27Xue Li [15] [35]
28John Lin [30] [33] [34]
29John C.-H. Lin [13] [14]
30Yow-Jian Lin [21]
31Steven H. Low [6] [12]
32Daniel Massey [18]
33Nicholas F. Maxemchuk [6] [12]
34Raymond E. Miller [1] [2] [3] [5] [9]
35Scott Miller [28]
36Vahab S. Mirrokni (Seyed Vahab Mirrokni) [31] [32]
37Sarit Mukherjee [25] [28] [29] [30] [34]
38Thomas F. La Porta (Tom La Porta) [8] [10]
39Sampath Rangarajan [25] [27] [28] [29] [30] [33]
40Dipankar Raychaudhuri [37]
41Jennifer Ren (Yansong (Jennifer) Ren) [24]
42Krishan K. Sabnani [4] [8] [10] [14]
43M. Ali Siddiqui [27]
44George K. Swanson [24]
45Anil Takkallapalli [28]
46Marina Thottan [24] [26] [31] [32]
47M. Ümit Uyar [4]
48Hüseyin Uzunalioglu [31]
49Bin Yao [26] [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)