9. FOCS 1968:
9th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,
City, State, October 1968. IEEE Computer Society
- C. J. Tan, Premachandran R. Menon, Arthur D. Friedman:
Structural Simplification and Decomposition of Asynchronous Sequential Circuits.
7-19 BibTeX
- Larry L. Kinney:
A Characterization of Some Asynchronous State Assignments.
20-27 BibTeX
- Scott J. Schwartz:
An Algorithm for Minimizing Read Only Memories for Machine Control.
28-33 BibTeX
- T. T. Nieh, Jack W. Carlyle:
On a Measure of Complexity for Stochastic Sequential Machines.
34-41 BibTeX
- Azaria Paz:
Infinite State Probabilistic Transition Tables and Chains Ergodic Properties.
42-50 BibTeX
- Alan Cobham:
On the Hartmanis-Stearns Problem for a Class of TAG Machines.
51-60 BibTeX
- Eric G. Wagner:
``Tapeless'' Bounded Action Machines.
61-68 BibTeX
- Philip M. Spira:
On the Computation Time of Finite Functions.
69-75 BibTeX
- Fred L. Luconi:
Output Functional Computational Structures.
76-84 BibTeX
- Takayasu Ito:
Some Formal Properties of a Class of Non-Deterministic Program Schemata.
85-98 BibTeX
- Sanat K. Basu:
Transformation of Program Schemes to Standard Forms.
99-105 BibTeX
- Richard Edwin Stearns, Philip M. Lewis II:
Property Grammars and Table Machines.
106-119 BibTeX
- Gordon Whitney:
The Position of Table Languages within the Hierarchy of Nondeterministic On-Line Tape-Bounded Turing Machine Languages.
120-130 BibTeX
- Michael J. Fischer:
Grammars with Macro-Like Productions.
131-142 BibTeX
- Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Automaton Analogs of Syntax Directed Translation Schemata.
143-159 BibTeX
- Luigi Petrone:
Syntax Directed Mappings of Context-Free Languages.
160-175 BibTeX
- Marvin C. Paull, Stephen H. Unger:
Structural Equivalence and LL-k Grammars.
176-186 BibTeX
- C. Dennis Weiss:
Optimal Synthesis of Arbitrary Switching Functions with Regular Arrays of 2-Input, 1-Output Switching Elements.
187-212 BibTeX
- Robert J. Lechner:
A Transform Approach to Logic Design.
213-234 BibTeX
- Melvin A. Breuer:
Fault Detection in a Linear Cascade of Identical Machines.
235-243 BibTeX
- Amar Mukhopadhyay:
Lupanov Decoding Networks.
244-256 BibTeX
- William H. Kautz, James Turner:
Universal Connecting Networks and the Synthesis of Canonical Sequential Circuits.
257-268 BibTeX
- Alvy Ray Smith III:
Simple Computation-Universal Cellular Spaces and Self-Reproduction.
269-277 BibTeX
- Janusz A. Brzozowski:
Regular-Like Expressions for Some Irregular Languages.
278-286 BibTeX
- Sheila A. Greibach:
Checking Automata and One-Way Stack Languages (Extended Abstract).
287-291 BibTeX
- Seymour Ginsburg, John E. Hopcroft:
Two-Way Balloon Automata and AFL.
292-297 BibTeX
- Ronald V. Book:
Grammars with Linear Time Functions.
298-305 BibTeX
- Seymour Ginsburg, Edwin H. Spanier:
Derivation-Bounded Languages.
306-314 BibTeX
- Mario Schkolnick:
Two-Type Bracketed Grammars.
315-326 BibTeX
- Juris Hartmanis, John E. Hopcroft:
Structure of Undecidable Problems in Automata Theory.
327-333 BibTeX
- Paul R. Young:
Toward a Theory of Enumerations.
334-350 BibTeX
- Albert R. Meyer, Patrick C. Fischer:
On Computational Speed-Up.
351-355 BibTeX
- Michael J. Fischer, Arnold L. Rosenberg:
Limited Random Access Turing Machines.
356-367 BibTeX
- Gabor T. Herman:
The Uniform Halting Problem for Generalized One State Turing Machines.
368-372 BibTeX
- Patrick C. Fischer, Juris Hartmanis, Manuel Blum:
Tape Reversal Complexity Hierarchies.
373-382 BibTeX
- Rina S. Cohen:
Transition Graphs and the Star Height Problem.
383-394 BibTeX
- David E. Muller:
Use of Multiple Index Matrices in Generalized Automata Theory.
395-404 BibTeX
- Raymond T. Yeh:
Structural Equivalence of Automata.
405-412 BibTeX
- Jeffrey D. Ullman, Peter Weiner:
Universal Two State Machines: Characterization Theorems and Decomposition Schemes.
413-426 BibTeX
- Wayne A. Davis:
The Linearity of Sequential Machines: A Critical Review.
427-430 BibTeX
- Thomas F. Arnold, Chung-Jen Tan, Monroe M. Newborn:
Iteratively Realized Sequential Circuits.
431-448 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:23 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)