
Chris Clifton

Christopher W. Clifton

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69EEJaideep Vaidya, Christopher W. Clifton: Privacy-Preserving Kth Element Score over Vertically Partitioned Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 21(2): 253-258 (2009)
68EEChristopher W. Clifton: Opportunities for private and secure machine learning. AISec 2008: 31-32
67EEWei Jiang, Mummoorthy Murugesan, Chris Clifton, Luo Si: Similar Document Detection with Limited Information Disclosure. ICDE 2008: 735-743
66EEWei Jiang, Chris Clifton, Murat Kantarcioglu: Transforming semi-honest protocols to ensure accountability. Data Knowl. Eng. 65(1): 57-74 (2008)
65EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton, Murat Kantarcioglu, A. Scott Patterson: Privacy-preserving decision trees over vertically partitioned data. TKDD 2(3): (2008)
64EEJaideep Vaidya, Murat Kantarcioglu, Chris Clifton: Privacy-preserving Naïve Bayes classification. VLDB J. 17(4): 879-898 (2008)
63EEMingwu Zhang, Wei Jiang, Chris Clifton, Sunil Prabhakar: Identifying Rare Classes with Sparse Training Data. DEXA 2007: 751-760
62EEMehmet Ercan Nergiz, Chris Clifton, A. Erhan Nergiz: MultiRelational k-Anonymity. ICDE 2007: 1417-1421
61EEWei Jiang, Chris Clifton: AC-Framework for Privacy-Preserving Collaboration. SDM 2007
60EEMehmet Ercan Nergiz, Maurizio Atzori, Chris Clifton: Hiding the presence of individuals from shared databases. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 665-676
59EEMehmet Ercan Nergiz, Chris Clifton: Thoughts on k-anonymization. Data Knowl. Eng. 63(3): 622-645 (2007)
58EEChristopher W. Clifton, Xindong Wu, Christos Faloutsos: TKDE Guidelines for Survey Papers. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(11): 1449 (2007)
57EEMehmet Ercan Nergiz, Chris Clifton: Thoughts on k-Anonymization. ICDE Workshops 2006: 96
56EEWei Jiang, Chris Clifton: Transforming Semi-Honest Protocols to Ensure Accountability. ICDM Workshops 2006: 524-529
55EEWei Jiang, Chris Clifton: A secure distributed framework for achieving k-anonymity. VLDB J. 15(4): 316-333 (2006)
54EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Privacy-Preserving Decision Trees over Vertically Partitioned Data. DBSec 2005: 139-152
53EEWei Jiang, Chris Clifton: Privacy-Preserving Distributed k-Anonymity. DBSec 2005: 166-177
52EEMurat Kantarcioglu, Chris Clifton: Security Issues in Querying Encrypted Data. DBSec 2005: 325-337
51EEWei Jiang, Jaideep Vaidya, Zahir Balaporia, Chris Clifton, Brett Banich: Knowledge Discovery from Transportation Network Data. ICDE 2005: 1061-1072
50EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Privacy-Preserving Top-K Queries. ICDE 2005: 545-546
49EEBhavani M. Thuraisingham, Latifur Khan, Chris Clifton, John A. Maurer, Marion G. Ceruti: Dependable Real-Time Data Mining. ISORC 2005: 158-165
48EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Secure set intersection cardinality with application to association rule mining. Journal of Computer Security 13(4): 593-622 (2005)
47EEXiaodong Lin, Chris Clifton, Michael Y. Zhu: Privacy-preserving clustering with distributed EM mixture modeling. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 8(1): 68-81 (2005)
46EEMourad Ouzzani, Walid G. Aref, Elisa Bertino, Ann Christine Catlin, Christopher W. Clifton, Wing-Kai Hon, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Arif Ghafoor, Susanne E. Hambrusch, Sunil Prabhakar, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, Xiang Zhang: The Indiana Center for Database Systems at Purdue University. SIGMOD Record 34(2): 53-58 (2005)
45EEChris Clifton, Murat Kantarcioglu, AnHai Doan, Gunther Schadow, Jaideep Vaidya, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Dan Suciu: Privacy-preserving data integration and sharing. DMKD 2004: 19-26
44EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Privacy-Preserving Outlier Detection. ICDM 2004: 233-240
43 Olujide A. Adeniran, Andreas Demosthenous, Chris Clifton, Sam Atungsiri, Randeep Soin: A CMOS low-power ADC for DVB-T and DVB-H systems. ISCAS (1) 2004: 209-212
42EEMurat Kantarcioglu, Jiashun Jin, Chris Clifton: When do data mining results violate privacy? KDD 2004: 599-604
41EEMurat Kantarcioglu, Chris Clifton: Privately Computing a Distributed k-nn Classifier. PKDD 2004: 279-290
40EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Privacy Preserving Naïve Bayes Classifier for Vertically Partitioned Data. SDM 2004
39EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Why, How, and When. IEEE Security & Privacy 2(6): 19-27 (2004)
38EEChris Clifton, Robert Cooley, Jason Rennie: TopCat: Data Mining for Topic Identification in a Text Corpus. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(8): 949-964 (2004)
37EEMurat Kantarcioglu, Chris Clifton: Privacy-Preserving Distributed Mining of Association Rules on Horizontally Partitioned Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(9): 1026-1037 (2004)
36EEMurat Kantarcioglu, Chris Clifton: Assuring privacy when big brother is watching. DMKD 2003: 88-93
35EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Privacy-preserving k-means clustering over vertically partitioned data. KDD 2003: 206-215
34EEChris Clifton, Irini Fundulaki, Richard Hull, Bharat Kumar, Daniel F. Lieuwen, Arnaud Sahuguet: Privacy-Enhanced Data Management for Next-Generation e-Commerce. VLDB 2003: 1147
33EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Leveraging the "Multi" in secure multi-party computation. WPES 2003: 53-59
32EESiddhartha K. Goel, Chris Clifton, Arnon Rosenthal: Derived access control specification for XML. XML Security 2003: 1-14
31 Chris Clifton: Change Detection in Overhead Imagery Using Neural Networks. Appl. Intell. 18(2): 215-234 (2003)
30EEMurat Kantarcioglu, Chris Clifton: Privacy-Preserving Distributed Mining of Association Rules on Horizontally Partitioned Data. DMKD 2002
29EEJaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton: Privacy preserving association rule mining in vertically partitioned data. KDD 2002: 639-644
28EEChris Clifton, Murat Kantarcioglu, Jaideep Vaidya, Xiaodong Lin, Michael Y. Zhu: Tools for Privacy Preserving Data Mining. SIGKDD Explorations 4(2): 28-34 (2002)
27 Chris Clifton, John Griffith, Rod Holland: GeoNode: An End-to-End System from Research Components. ICDE Demo Sessions 2001: 12-14
26EEBhavani M. Thuraisingham, Chris Clifton, John A. Maurer, Marion G. Ceruti: Real-Time Data Mining of Multimedia Objects. ISORC 2001: 360-365
25EEBhavani M. Thuraisingham, Chris Clifton, Amar Gupta, Elisa Bertino, Elena Ferrari: Directions for Web and E-Commerce Applications Security. WETICE 2001: 200-204
24EEYücel Saygin, Vassilios S. Verykios, Chris Clifton: Using Unknowns to Prevent Discovery of Association Rules. SIGMOD Record 30(4): 45-54 (2001)
23EEWen-Syan Li, Chris Clifton: SEMINT: A tool for identifying attribute correspondences in heterogeneous databases using neural networks. Data Knowl. Eng. 33(1): 49-84 (2000)
22 Chris Clifton: Using Sample Size to Limit Exposure to Data Mining. Journal of Computer Security 8(4): (2000)
21EEWen-Syan Li, Chris Clifton, Shu-Yao Liu: Database Integration Using Neural Networks: Implementation and Experiences. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 2(1): 73-96 (2000)
20 Chris Clifton: Protecting Against Data Mining through Samples. DBSec 1999: 193-207
19 T. C. Ting, Ming-Yuh Huang, D. Shayne Pitcock, Chris Clifton, Tsau Young Lin: Panel on Intrusion Detection. DBSec 1999: 227-234
18 Chris Clifton, Robert Cooley: TopCat: Data Mining for Topic Identification in a Text Corpus. PKDD 1999: 174-183
17EEChris Clifton, Rick Steinheiser: Data Mining on Text. COMPSAC 1998: 630-635
16EEShalom Tsur, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Serge Abiteboul, Chris Clifton, Rajeev Motwani, Svetlozar Nestorov, Arnon Rosenthal: Query Flocks: A Generalization of Association-Rule Mining. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 1-12
15 Peter Scheuermann, Wen-Syan Li, Chris Clifton: Multidatabase Query Processing with Uncertainty in Global Keys and Attribute Values. JASIS 49(3): 283-301 (1998)
14 Bhavani M. Thuraisingham, Linda Schlipper, Pierangela Samarati, Tsau Young Lin, Sushil Jajodia, Chris Clifton: Security Issues in Data Warehousing and Data Mining: Panel Discussion. DBSec 1997: 3-16
13 Chris Clifton, E. Housman, Arnon Rosenthal: Experience with a Combined Approach to Attribute-Matching Across Heterogeneous Databases. DS-7 1997: 428-
12 Peter Scheuermann, Wen-Syan Li, Chris Clifton: Dynamic Integration and Query Processing with Ranked Role Sets. CoopIS 1996: 157-166
11 Chris Clifton, Peter Gemmel, Ed Means, Matt J. Merges, J. D. Tygar: How are We Going to Pay for This? Fee-for-Service in Distributed Systems: Research and Policy Issues (Panel). ICDCS 1995: 344-348
10 Chris Clifton, Wen-Syan Li: Classifying Software Components Using Design Characteristics. KBSE 1995: 139-146
9EEWen-Syan Li, Chris Clifton: Semint: A System Prototype for Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 484
8EEChris Clifton, Hector Garcia-Molina, David Bloom: HyperFile: A Data and Query Model for Documents VLDB J. 4(1): 45-86 (1995)
7EEWen-Syan Li, Chris Clifton: Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases Using Neural Networks. VLDB 1994: 1-12
6 Daniel Barbará, Chris Clifton: Information Brokers: Sharing Knowledge in a Heterogeneous Distributed System. DEXA 1993: 80-91
5EEDaniel Barbará, Chris Clifton, Fred Douglis, Hector Garcia-Molina, Stephen Johnson, Ben Kao, Sharad Mehrotra, Jens Tellefsen, Rosemary Walsh: The Gold Mailer. ICDE 1993: 92-99
4 Wen-Syan Li, Chris Clifton: Using Field Specifications to Determine Attribute Equivalence in Heterogeneous Databases. RIDE-IMS 1993: 174-177
3EEChris Clifton, Hector Garcia-Molina: Distributed processing of filtering queries in HyperFile. ICDCS 1991: 54-64
2 Hector Garcia-Molina, Robert K. Abbott, Chris Clifton, Carl Staelin, Kenneth Salem: Data Management with Massive Memory: A Summary. PRISMA Workshop 1990: 63-70
1EEChris Clifton, Hector Garcia-Molina: Indexing in a Hypertext Database. VLDB 1990: 36-49

Coauthor Index

1Robert K. Abbott [2]
2Serge Abiteboul [16]
3Olujide A. Adeniran [43]
4Walid G. Aref [46]
5Sam Atungsiri [43]
6Maurizio Atzori [60]
7Zahir Balaporia [51]
8Brett Banich [51]
9Daniel Barbará [5] [6]
10Elisa Bertino [25] [46]
11David Bloom [8]
12Ann Christine Catlin [46]
13Marion G. Ceruti [26] [49]
14Robert Cooley [18] [38]
15Andreas Demosthenous [43]
16AnHai Doan [45]
17Fred Douglis [5]
18Ahmed K. Elmagarmid [45] [46]
19Christos Faloutsos [58]
20Elena Ferrari [25]
21Irini Fundulaki [34]
22Hector Garcia-Molina [1] [2] [3] [5] [8]
23Peter Gemmel [11]
24Arif Ghafoor [46]
25Siddhartha K. Goel [32]
26John Griffith [27]
27Amar Gupta [25]
28Susanne E. Hambrusch [46]
29Rod Holland [27]
30Wing-Kai Hon [46]
31E. Housman [13]
32Ming-Yuh Huang [19]
33Richard Hull [34]
34Sushil Jajodia [14]
35Wei Jiang [51] [53] [55] [56] [61] [63] [66] [67]
36Jiashun Jin [42]
37Stephen Johnson [5]
38Murat Kantarcioglu [28] [30] [36] [37] [41] [42] [45] [52] [64] [65] [66]
39Ben Kao (Benjamin C. M. Kao) [5]
40Latifur Khan [49]
41Bharat Kumar [34]
42Wen-Syan Li [4] [7] [9] [10] [12] [15] [21] [23]
43Daniel F. Lieuwen [34]
44Tsau Young Lin [14] [19]
45Xiaodong Lin [28] [47]
46Shu-Yao Liu [21]
47John A. Maurer [26] [49]
48Ed Means [11]
49Sharad Mehrotra [5]
50Matt J. Merges [11]
51Rajeev Motwani [16]
52Mummoorthy Murugesan [67]
53A. Erhan Nergiz [62]
54Mehmet Ercan Nergiz [57] [59] [60] [62]
55Svetlozar Nestorov [16]
56Mourad Ouzzani [46]
57A. Scott Patterson [65]
58D. Shayne Pitcock [19]
59Sunil Prabhakar [46] [63]
60Jason Rennie [38]
61Arnon Rosenthal (Arnie Rosenthal) [13] [16] [32]
62Arnaud Sahuguet [34]
63Kenneth Salem [2]
64Pierangela Samarati [14]
65Yücel Saygin [24]
66Gunther Schadow [45]
67Peter Scheuermann [12] [15]
68Linda Schlipper [14]
69Luo Si [67]
70Randeep Soin [43]
71Carl Staelin [2]
72Rick Steinheiser [17]
73Dan Suciu [45]
74Jens Tellefsen [5]
75Bhavani M. Thuraisingham [14] [25] [26] [49]
76T. C. Ting [19]
77Shalom Tsur [16]
78J. Doug Tygar (J. D. Tygar) [11]
79Jeffrey D. Ullman [16]
80Jaideep Vaidya [28] [29] [33] [35] [39] [40] [44] [45] [48] [50] [51] [54] [64] [65] [69]
81Vassilios S. Verykios [24]
82Jeffrey Scott Vitter [46]
83Rosemary Walsh [5]
84Xindong Wu [58]
85Mingwu Zhang [63]
86Xiang Zhang [46]
87Michael Y. Zhu [28] [47]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)