
Danny Dolev

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187EEDanny Bickson, Ezra N. Hoch, Harel Avissar, Danny Dolev: Self-stabilizing Numerical Iterative Computation CoRR abs/0901.2682: (2009)
186EEDanny Bickson, Yoav Tock, Argyris Zymnis, Stephen Boyd, Danny Dolev: Distributed Large Scale Network Utility Maximization CoRR abs/0901.2684: (2009)
185EEDanny Bickson, Tzachy Reinman, Danny Dolev, Benny Pinkas: Peer-to-Peer Secure Multi-Party Numerical Computation Facing Malicious Adversaries CoRR abs/0901.2689: (2009)
184EEDanny Bickson, Alexander T. Ihler, Danny Dolev: A Low Density Lattice Decoder via Non-Parametric Belief Propagation CoRR abs/0901.3197: (2009)
183EEJason K. Johnson, Danny Bickson, Danny Dolev: Fixing Convergence of Gaussian Belief Propagation CoRR abs/0901.4192: (2009)
182EEYaron Weinsberg, Danny Dolev, Tal Anker, Muli Ben-Yehuda, Pete Wyckoff: Tapping into the fountain of CPUs: on operating system support for programmable devices. ASPLOS 2008: 179-188
181EEDanny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch: Constant-Space Localized Byzantine Consensus. DISC 2008: 167-181
180EEKrzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birman, Danny Dolev, Jong Hoon Ahnn: Programming with Live Distributed Objects. ECOOP 2008: 463-489
179EETal Anker, Danny Bickson, Danny Dolev, Bracha Hod: Efficient Clustering for Improving Network Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks. EWSN 2008: 221-236
178EEYee Jiun Song, Robbert van Renesse, Fred B. Schneider, Danny Dolev: The Building Blocks of Consensus. ICDCN 2008: 54-72
177EEShay Horovitz, Danny Dolev: LiteLoad: Content unaware routing for localizing P2P protocols. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
176EEKrzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birman, Danny Dolev: Quicksilver Scalable Multicast (QSM). NCA 2008: 9-18
175EEChi Ho, Robbert van Renesse, Mark Bickford, Danny Dolev: Nysiad: Practical Protocol Transformation to Tolerate Byzantine Failures. NSDI 2008: 175-188
174EEMichael Ben-Or, Danny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch: Fast self-stabilizing byzantine tolerant digital clock synchronization. PODC 2008: 385-394
173EEDanny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch: OCD: obsessive consensus disorder (or repetitive consensus). PODC 2008: 395-404
172EEIttai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern: An almost-surely terminating polynomial protocol forasynchronous byzantine agreement with optimal resilience. PODC 2008: 405-414
171EEDanny Bickson, Danny Dolev, Genia Bezman, Benny Pinkas: Peer-to-Peer Secure Multi-party Numerical Computation. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2008: 257-266
170EEEzra N. Hoch, Danny Bickson, Danny Dolev: Self-stabilizing Numerical Iterative Computation. SSS 2008: 79-93
169EEIttai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern: Lower Bounds on Implementing Robust and Resilient Mediators. TCC 2008: 302-319
168EETal Anker, Danny Dolev, Bracha Hod: Belief Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks - A Practical Approach. WASA 2008: 466-479
167EEAriel Daliot, Danny Dolev, Hanna Parnas: Self-Stabilizing Pulse Synchronization Inspired by Biological Pacemaker Networks CoRR abs/0803.0241: (2008)
166EEIttai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern: An Almost-Surely Terminating Polynomial Protocol for Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement with Optimal Resilience CoRR abs/0808.1505: (2008)
165EEOri Shental, Danny Bickson, Paul H. Siegel, Jack K. Wolf, Danny Dolev: Gaussian Belief Propagation for Solving Systems of Linear Equations: Theory and Application CoRR abs/0810.1119: (2008)
164EEDanny Bickson, Genia Bezman, Danny Dolev, Benny Pinkas: Peer-to-Peer Secure Multi-Party Numerical Computation CoRR abs/0810.1624: (2008)
163EEDanny Bickson, Ori Shental, Danny Dolev: Distributed Kalman Filter via Gaussian Belief Propagation CoRR abs/0810.1628: (2008)
162EEDanny Bickson, Yoav Tock, Ori Shental, Danny Dolev: Polynomial Linear Programming with Gaussian Belief Propagation CoRR abs/0810.1631: (2008)
161EEDanny Bickson, Elad Yom-Tov, Danny Dolev: A Gaussian Belief Propagation Solver for Large Scale Support Vector Machines CoRR abs/0810.1648: (2008)
160EEDanny Bickson, Danny Dolev, Ori Shental, Paul H. Siegel, Jack K. Wolf: Gaussian Belief Propagation Based Multiuser Detection CoRR abs/0810.1729: (2008)
159EEOri Shental, Paul H. Siegel, Jack K. Wolf, Danny Bickson, Danny Dolev: Gaussian Belief Propagation Solver for Systems of Linear Equations CoRR abs/0810.1736: (2008)
158EEEzra N. Hoch, Danny Bickson, Danny Dolev: Self-stabilizing Numerical Iterative Computation CoRR abs/0811.3176: (2008)
157EEKen Birman, Mahesh Balakrishnan, Danny Dolev, Tudor Marian, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Amar Phanishayee: Scalable Multicast Platforms for a New Generation of Robust Distributed Applications. COMSWARE 2007
156EEDanny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch: On Self-stabilizing Synchronous Actions Despite Byzantine Attacks. DISC 2007: 193-207
155EEKen Birman, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Marin Bertier, Danny Dolev, Robbert van Renesse: Exploiting Gossip for Self-Management in Scalable Event Notification Systems. ICDCS Workshops 2007: 62
154EEYaron Weinsberg, Danny Dolev, Pete Wyckoff, Tal Anker: Accelerating Distributed Computing Applications Using a Network Offloading Framework. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
153EEChi Ho, Danny Dolev, Robbert van Renesse: Making Distributed Applications Robust. OPODIS 2007: 232-246
152EEDanny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch, Robbert van Renesse: Self-stabilizing and Byzantine-Tolerant Overlay Network. OPODIS 2007: 343-357
151EEDanny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch: Byzantine Self-stabilizing Pulse in a Bounded-Delay Model. SSS 2007: 234-252
150EEIttai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern: Lower Bounds on Implementing Robust and Resilient Mediators CoRR abs/0704.3646: (2007)
149EEKrzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birman, Danny Dolev: Live Distributed Objects: Enabling the Active Web. IEEE Internet Computing 11(6): 72-78 (2007)
148EEKrzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birman, Danny Dolev: Extensible Architecture for High-Performance, Scalable, Reliable Publish-Subscribe Eventing and Notification. Int. J. Web Service Res. 4(4): 18-58 (2007)
147EEYair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane, Danny Dolev, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Josh Olsen, David John Zage: Scaling Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication toWide Area Networks. DSN 2006: 105-114
146EEYaron Weinsberg, Tal Anker, Danny Dolev, Scott Kirkpatrick: On a NIC's Operating System, Schedulers and High-Performance Networking Applications. HPCC 2006: 380-389
145EETal Anker, Danny Dolev, G. Greenman, I. Shnaiderman: Wire-speed total order. IPDPS 2006
144EEYaron Weinsberg, Danny Dolev, Tal Anker, Pete Wyckoff: HYDRA: A Novel Framework for Making High-Performance Computing Offload Capable. LCN 2006: 537-539
143EEAriel Daliot, Danny Dolev: Self-stabilizing byzantine agreement. PODC 2006: 143-152
142EEDanny Dolev: Century papers at the first quarter-century milestone. PODC 2006: 3-4
141EEIttai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Rica Gonen, Joseph Y. Halpern: Distributed computing meets game theory: robust mechanisms for rational secret sharing and multiparty computation. PODC 2006: 53-62
140EEEzra N. Hoch, Danny Dolev, Ariel Daliot: Self-stabilizing Byzantine Digital Clock Synchronization. SSS 2006: 350-362
139 Tal Anker, Danny Dolev, Bracha Hod: Cooperative and reliable packet-forwarding on top of AODV. WiOpt 2006: 241-250
138EEShai Carmi, Reuven Cohen, Danny Dolev: Search in Complex Networks : a New Method of Naming CoRR abs/cs/0601082: (2006)
137EEAriel Daliot, Danny Dolev: Self-Stabilizing Byzantine Pulse Synchronization CoRR abs/cs/0608092: (2006)
136EEAriel Daliot, Danny Dolev, Hanna Parnas: Linear-time Self-stabilizing Byzantine Clock Synchronization CoRR abs/cs/0608096: (2006)
135EEIttai Abraham, Danny Dolev: Asynchronous resource discovery. Computer Networks 50(10): 1616-1629 (2006)
134EEDanny Dolev, Sugih Jamin, Osnat Mokryn, Yuval Shavitt: Internet resiliency to attacks and failures under BGP policy routing. Computer Networks 50(16): 3183-3196 (2006)
133EEDanny Dolev, Osnat Mokryn, Yuval Shavitt: On multicast trees: structure and size estimation. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 14(3): 557-567 (2006)
132EEAriel Daliot, Danny Dolev: Self-stabilization of Byzantine Protocols. Self-Stabilizing Systems 2005: 48-67
131EEIttai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Dahlia Malkhi: LLS: a locality aware location service for mobile ad hoc networks. DIALM-POMC 2004: 75-84
130EETal Anker, Danny Dolev, Yigal Eliaspur: Off-Piste QoS-aware Routing Protocol. ICNP 2004: 24-35
129EEIttai Abraham, Yonatan Amit, Danny Dolev: Optimal Resilience Asynchronous Approximate Agreement. OPODIS 2004: 229-239
128EEAriel Daliot, Danny Dolev, Hanna Parnas: Brief announcement: linear time byzantine self-stabilizing clock synchronization. PODC 2004: 379
127EEGregory Chockler, Dahlia Malkhi, Danny Dolev: A Data-Centric Approach for Scalable State Machine Replication. Future Directions in Distributed Computing 2003: 159-163
126EEDanny Dolev, Osnat Mokryn, Yuval Shavitt: On Multicast Trees: Structure and Size Estimation. INFOCOM 2003
125 David Breitgand, Danny Dolev, Danny Raz, Gleb Shaviner: Facilitating Efficient and Reliable Monitoring through HAMSA. Integrated Network Management 2003: 263-276
124EEDavid Breitgand, Danny Dolev, Danny Raz: Accounting Mechanism for Membership Size-Dependent Pricing of Multicast Traffic. Networked Group Communication 2003: 276-286
123EEAriel Daliot, Danny Dolev, Hanna Parnas: Linear Time Byzantine Self-Stabilizing Clock Synchronization. OPODIS 2003: 7-19
122EEIttai Abraham, Danny Dolev: Asynchronous resource discovery. PODC 2003: 143-150
121EETal Anker, Danny Dolev, Ilya Shnayderman, Innocenty Sukhov: TCP-Friendly Many-to-Many End-to-End Congestion Control. SRDS 2003: 209-218
120EEAriel Daliot, Danny Dolev, Hanna Parnas: Self-Stabilizing Pulse Synchronization Inspired by Biological Pacemaker Networks. Self-Stabilizing Systems 2003: 32-48
119EEReuven Cohen, Danny Dolev, Shlomo Havlin, Tomer Kalisky, Osnat Mokryn, Yuval Shavitt: On the Tomography of Networks and Multicast Trees CoRR cond-mat/0305582: (2003)
118EETal Anker, Danny Dolev, Ilya Shnayderman: Ad Hoc Membership for Scalable Applications. DISC 2002: 191-205
117EEDanny Dolev, Osnat Mokryn, Yuval Shavitt, Innocenty Sukhov: An integrated architecture for the scalable delivery of semi-dynamic Web content. ISCC 2002: 201-206
116EEIdit Keidar, Jeremy B. Sussman, Keith Marzullo, Danny Dolev: Moshe: A group membership service for WANs. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 20(3): 191-238 (2002)
115EEOhad Rodeh, Kenneth P. Birman, Danny Dolev: Using AVL trees for fault-tolerant group key management. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 1(2): 84-99 (2002)
114EEOhad Rodeh, Kenneth P. Birman, Danny Dolev: The architecture and performance of security protocols in the ensemble group communication system: Using diamonds to guard the castle. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 4(3): 289-319 (2001)
113EEDanny Dolev, Yuval Harari, Nathan Linial, Noam Nisan, Michal Parnas: Neighborhood Preserving Hashing and Approximate Queries. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 15(1): 73-85 (2001)
112EEIdit Keidar, Jeremy B. Sussman, Keith Marzullo, Danny Dolev: A Client-Server Oriented Algorithm for Virtually Synchronous Group Membership in WANs. ICDCS 2000: 356-365
111EEGregory Chockler, Danny Dolev, Roy Friedman, Roman Vitenberg: Implementing a Caching Service for Distributed CORBA Objects. Middleware 2000: 1-23
110EEOhad Rodeh, Kenneth P. Birman, Danny Dolev: Optimized Rekey for Group Communication Systems. NDSS 2000
109 Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Moni Naor: Nonmalleable Cryptography. SIAM J. Comput. 30(2): 391-437 (2000)
108EETal Anker, Danny Dolev, Idit Keidar: Fault Tolerant Video on Demand Services. ICDCS 1999: 244-252
107EEGregory Chockler, N. Huleihel, Danny Dolev: An Adaptive Totally Ordered Multicast Protocol That Tolerates Partitions. PODC 1998: 237-246
106EEGadi Shamir, Michael Ben-Or, Danny Dolev: BARTER: A Backbone Architecture for Trade of Electronic Content. Trends in Distributed Systems for Electronic Commerce 1998: 65-79
105 Gadi Shamir, Michael Ben-Or, Danny Dolev: A Safe and Scalable Payment Infrastructure for Trade of Electronic Content. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 7(4): 331-354 (1998)
104 Idit Keidar, Danny Dolev: Increasing the Resilience of Distributed and Replicated Database Systems. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 57(3): 309-324 (1998)
103EETal Anker, David Breitgand, Danny Dolev, Zohar Levy: CONGRESS: connection-oriented group address resolution services. Broadband Networking Technologies 1997: 89-100
102 Tal Anker, Gregory Chockler, Danny Dolev, Idit Keidar: The Caelum Toolkit for CSCW: The Sky is the Limit. NGITS 1997: 0-
101 Danny Dolev, Roy Friedman, Idit Keidar, Dahlia Malkhi: Failure Detectors in Omission Failure Environments. PODC 1997: 286
100 Esti Yeger Lotem, Idit Keidar, Danny Dolev: Dynamic Voting for Consistent Primary Components. PODC 1997: 63-71
99 Jehoshua Bruck, Danny Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho, Marcel-Catalin Rosu, H. Raymond Strong: Efficient Message Passing Interface (MPI) for Parallel Computing on Clusters of Workstations. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 40(1): 19-34 (1997)
98 Danny Dolev, Rüdiger Reischuk, Fred B. Schneider, H. Raymond Strong: Report Dagstuhl Seminar on Time Services, Schloß Dagstuhl, March 11-15, 1996. Real-Time Systems 12(3): 329-345 (1997)
97 Danny Dolev, Nir Shavit: Bounded Concurrent Time-Stamping. SIAM J. Comput. 26(2): 418-455 (1997)
96 Danny Dolev, Dalia Malki, H. Raymond Strong: A Framework for Partitionable Membership Service (Abstract). PODC 1996: 343
95 Idit Keidar, Danny Dolev: Efficient Message Ordering in Dynamic Networks. PODC 1996: 68-76
94 Danny Dolev, Dalia Malki: The Transis Approach to High Availability Cluster Communication. Commun. ACM 39(4): 64-70 (1996)
93EEJehoshua Bruck, Danny Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho, Rimon Orni, H. Raymond Strong: PCODE: an efficient and reliable collective communication protocol for unreliable broadcast domain. IPPS 1995: 130-139
92EEIdit Keidar, Danny Dolev: Increasing the Resilience of Atomic Commit at No Additional Cost. PODS 1995: 245-254
91EEJehoshua Bruck, Danny Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho, Marcel-Catalin Rosu, H. Raymond Strong: Efficient Message Passing Interface (MPI) for Parallel Computing on Clusters of Workstations. SPAA 1995: 64-73
90 Danny Dolev: Theory and Practice in Distributed Systems (Abstract). WDAG 1995: 71
89 Flaviu Cristian, Houtan Aghili, H. Raymond Strong, Danny Dolev: Atomic Broadcast: From Simple Message Diffusion to Byzantine Agreement Inf. Comput. 118(1): 158-179 (1995)
88EEHagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev: Sharing Memory Robustly in Message-Passing Systems. J. ACM 42(1): 124-142 (1995)
87EEDanny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern, Barbara Simons, H. Raymond Strong: Dynamic Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization. J. ACM 42(1): 143-185 (1995)
86 Danny Dolev, Dalia Malki: The Design of the Transis System. Dagstuhl Seminar on Distributed Systems 1994: 83-98
85 Alain Azagury, Danny Dolev, Gera Goft, John M. Marberg, Julian Satran: Highly Available Cluster: A Case Study. FTCS 1994: 404-413
84 Danny Dolev, Rüdiger Reischuk, H. Raymond Strong: Observable Clock Synchronization (Extended Abstract). PODC 1994: 284-293
83 Jehoshua Bruck, Danny Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho, Rimon Orni, H. Raymond Strong: PCODE: Efficient Parallel Computing over Distributed Environments. PODC 1994: 400
82 Danny Dolev, Yuval Harari, Nathan Linial, Noam Nisan, Michal Parnas: Neighborhood Preserving Hashing and Approximate Queries. SODA 1994: 251-259
81EEYehuda Afek, Danny Dolev, Eli Gafni, Michael Merritt, Nir Shavit: A Bounded First-In, First-Enabled Solution to the l-Exclusion Problem. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 16(3): 939-953 (1994)
80 Danny Dolev, Shlomo Kramer, Dalia Malki: Early Delivery Totally Ordered Multicast in Asynchronous Environments. FTCS 1993: 544-553
79 Ofir Amir, Yair Amir, Danny Dolev: A Highly Available Application in the Transis Environment. Hardware and Software Architectures for Fault Tolerance 1993: 125-139
78 Danny Dolev, Dalia Malki: On Distributed Algorithms in a Broadcast Domain. ICALP 1993: 371-387
77 Danny Dolev, Yuval Harari, Michal Parnas: Finding the Neighborhood of a Query in a Dictionary. ISTCS 1993: 33-42
76EEDanny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Orli Waarts, Moti Yung: Perfectly Secure Message Transmission. J. ACM 40(1): 17-47 (1993)
75EEYehuda Afek, Hagit Attiya, Danny Dolev, Eli Gafni, Michael Merritt, Nir Shavit: Atomic Snapshots of Shared Memory. J. ACM 40(4): 873-890 (1993)
74 Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev: A Partial Equivalence Between Shared-Memory and Message-Passing in an Asynchronous Fail-Stop Distributed Environment. Mathematical Systems Theory 26(1): 21-39 (1993)
73 Danny Dolev, Zvi Galil, Michael Rodeh: Theory of Computing and Systems, ISTCS'92, Israel Symposium, Haifa, Israel, May 1992 Springer 1992
72 Yair Amir, Danny Dolev, Shlomo Kramer, Dalia Malki: Transis: A Communication Subsystem for High Availability. FTCS 1992: 76-84
71 Yair Amir, Danny Dolev, Shlomo Kramer, Dalia Malki: Membership Algorithms for Multicast Communication Groups. WDAG 1992: 292-312
70 Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, H. Raymond Strong: Shifting Gears: Changing Algorithms on the Fly to Expedite Byzantine Agreement Inf. Comput. 97(2): 205-233 (1992)
69 Danny Dolev, Tomás Feder: Determinism vs. Nondeterminism in Multiparty Communication Complexity. SIAM J. Comput. 21(5): 889-895 (1992)
68 Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Moni Naor: Non-Malleable Cryptography (Extended Abstract) STOC 1991: 542-552
67 Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev: Consensus Algorithms with One-Bit Messages. Distributed Computing 4: 105-110 (1991)
66 Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Daphne Koller, David Peleg: Fault-Tolerant Critical Section Management in Asynchronous Environments Inf. Comput. 95(1): 1-20 (1991)
65 Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Orli Waarts, Moti Yung: Perfectly Secure Message Transmission FOCS 1990: 36-45
64 H. Raymond Strong, Danny Dolev, Flaviu Cristian: New Latency Bounds for Atomic Broadcast. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1990: 156-165
63EEYehuda Afek, Danny Dolev, Hagit Attiya, Eli Gafni, Michael Merritt, Nir Shavit: Atomic Snapshots of Shared Memory. PODC 1990: 1-13
62EEHagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev: Sharing Memory Robustly in Message-Passing Systems. PODC 1990: 363-375
61 Yehuda Afek, Danny Dolev, Eli Gafni: A Bounded First-In, First-Enabled Solution to the 1-Exclusion Problem. WDAG 1990: 422-431
60EEHagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, David Peleg, Rüdiger Reischuk: Renaming in an Asynchronous Environment J. ACM 37(3): 524-548 (1990)
59EEDanny Dolev, Rüdiger Reischuk, H. Raymond Strong: Early Stopping in Byzantine Agreement J. ACM 37(4): 720-741 (1990)
58 Danny Dolev, Tomás Feder: Multiparty Communication Complexity FOCS 1989: 428-433
57 Hagit Attiya, Danny Dolev, Nir Shavit: Bounded Polynomial Randomized Consensus. PODC 1989: 281-293
56 Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev: Shared-Memory vs. Message-Passing in an Asynchronous Distributed Environment. PODC 1989: 307-318
55 Danny Dolev, Nir Shavit: Bounded Concurrent Time-Stamp Systems Are Constructible STOC 1989: 454-466
54 Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Daphne Koller, David Peleg: Fault-Tolerant Critical Section Management in Asynchronous Networks. WDAG 1989: 13-23
53 Amotz Bar-Noy, Michael Ben-Or, Danny Dolev: Choice Coordination with Limited Failure. Distributed Computing 3(2): 61-72 (1989)
52 Brian A. Coan, Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Larry J. Stockmeyer: The Distributed Firing Squad Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 18(5): 990-1012 (1989)
51 Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev: Families of Consensus Algorithms. AWOC 1988: 380-390
50 Danny Dolev, H. Raymond Strong: On Safety and Timeliness in Distributed Data Management. Concurrency 1988: 64-72
49 Danny Dolev, Eli Gafni, Nir Shavit: Toward a Non-Atomic Era: \ell-Exclusion as a Test Case STOC 1988: 78-92
48 Alan Siegel, Danny Dolev: Some Geometry for General River Routing. SIAM J. Comput. 17(3): 583-605 (1988)
47 Hagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Daphne Koller, David Peleg, Rüdiger Reischuk: Achievable Cases in an Asynchronous Environment (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1987: 337-346
46 Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, H. Raymond Strong: Shifting Gears: Changing Algorithms on the Fly To Expedite Byzantine Agreement. PODC 1987: 42-51
45 Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern, Barbara Simons, H. Raymond Strong: A New Look at Fault-Tolerant Network Routing Inf. Comput. 72(3): 180-196 (1987)
44 Andrei Z. Broder, Danny Dolev, Michael J. Fischer, Barbara Simons: Efficient Fault-Tolerant Routings in Networks Inf. Comput. 75(1): 52-64 (1987)
43EEDanny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Larry J. Stockmeyer: On the minimal synchronism needed for distributed consensus. J. ACM 34(1): 77-97 (1987)
42 Danny Dolev, H. Raymond Strong: A Simple Model for Agreement in Distributed Systems. Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing 1986: 42-50
41 Flaviu Cristian, Danny Dolev, H. Raymond Strong, Houtan Aghili: Atomic Broadcast in a Real-Time Environment. Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing 1986: 51-71
40 Yoram Moses, Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern: Cheating Husbands and other Stories: A Case Study of Knowledge, Action, and Communication. Distributed Computing 1(3): 167-176 (1986)
39EEDanny Dolev, Nancy A. Lynch, Shlomit S. Pinter, Eugene W. Stark, William E. Weihl: Reaching approximate agreement in the presence of faults. J. ACM 33(3): 499-516 (1986)
38 Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern, H. Raymond Strong: On the Possibility and Impossibility of Achieving Clock Synchronization. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 32(2): 230-250 (1986)
37 Danny Dolev, Eli Upfal, Manfred K. Warmuth: The Parallel Complexity of Scheduling with Precedence Constraints. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 3(4): 553-576 (1986)
36 Allan Borodin, Danny Dolev, Faith E. Fich, Wolfgang J. Paul: Bounds for Width Two Branching Programs. SIAM J. Comput. 15(2): 549-560 (1986)
35 Yoram Moses, Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern: Cheating Husbands and Other Stories: A Case Study of Knowledge, Action, and Communication (Preliminary Version). PODC 1985: 215-223
34 Amotz Bar-Noy, Michael Ben-Or, Danny Dolev: Choice Coordination with Bounded Failure (a Preliminary Version). PODC 1985: 309-316
33 Brian A. Coan, Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Larry J. Stockmeyer: The Distributed Firing Squad Problem (Preliminary Version) STOC 1985: 335-345
32EEDanny Dolev, Rüdiger Reischuk: Bounds on Information Exchange for Byzantine Agreement J. ACM 32(1): 191-204 (1985)
31 Danny Dolev, Manfred K. Warmuth: Scheduling Flat Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 14(3): 638-657 (1985)
30 Andrei Z. Broder, Danny Dolev: Flipping coins in many pockets (Byzantine agreement on uniformly random values) FOCS 1984: 157-170
29 Chagit Attiya, Danny Dolev, Joseph Gil: Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus. PODC 1984: 119-133
28 Joseph Y. Halpern, Barbara Simons, H. Raymond Strong, Danny Dolev: Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization. PODC 1984: 89-102
27 Danny Dolev, David Maier, Harry G. Mairson, Jeffrey D. Ullman: Correcting Faults in Write-Once Memory STOC 1984: 225-229
26 Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern, H. Raymond Strong: On the Possibility and Impossibility of Achieving Clock Synchronization STOC 1984: 504-511
25 Danny Dolev, Joseph Y. Halpern, Barbara Simons, H. Raymond Strong: A New Look at Fault Tolerant Network Routing STOC 1984: 526-535
24 Andrei Z. Broder, Danny Dolev, Michael J. Fischer, Barbara Simons: Efficient Fault Tolerant Routings in Networks STOC 1984: 536-541
23 Danny Dolev, Manfred K. Warmuth: Scheduling Precedence Graphs of Bounded Height. J. Algorithms 5(1): 48-59 (1984)
22 Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Larry J. Stockmeyer: On the Minimal Synchronism Needed for Distributed Consensus FOCS 1983: 393-402
21 Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Nicholas Pippenger, Avi Wigderson: Superconcentrators, Generalizers and Generalized Connectors with Limited Depth (Preliminary Version) STOC 1983: 42-51
20 Allan Borodin, Danny Dolev, Faith E. Fich, Wolfgang J. Paul: Bounds for Width Two Branching Programs STOC 1983: 87-93
19 Danny Dolev, Nancy A. Lynch, Shlomit S. Pinter, Eugene W. Stark, William E. Weihl: Reaching Approximate Agreement in the Presence of Faults. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1983: 145-154
18 Danny Dolev, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao: On the security of public key protocols. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(2): 198-207 (1983)
17 Danny Dolev, H. Raymond Strong: Authenticated Algorithms for Byzantine Agreement. SIAM J. Comput. 12(4): 656-666 (1983)
16 Danny Dolev, Avi Wigderson: On the Security of Multi-Party Protocols in Distributed Systems. CRYPTO 1982: 167-175
15 Danny Dolev, Shimon Even, Richard M. Karp: On the Security of Ping-Pong Protocols. CRYPTO 1982: 177-186
14 Danny Dolev, H. Raymond Strong: Requirements for Agreement in a Distributed System. DDB 1982: 115-129
13 Danny Dolev, Rüdiger Reischuk, H. Raymond Strong: `Eventual' Is Earlier than `Immediate' FOCS 1982: 196-203
12 Danny Dolev, Rüdiger Reischuk: Bounds on Information Exchange for Byzantine Agreement. PODC 1982: 132-140
11 Danny Dolev, José Meseguer, Marshall C. Pease: Finding Safe Paths in a Faulty Environment. PODC 1982: 95-103
10 Danny Dolev, H. Raymond Strong: Polynomial Algorithms for Multiple Processor Agreement STOC 1982: 401-407
9 Danny Dolev, Michael J. Fischer, Robert J. Fowler, Nancy A. Lynch, H. Raymond Strong: An Efficient Algorithm for Byzantine Agreement without Authentication Information and Control 52(3): 257-274 (1982)
8 Danny Dolev, Shimon Even, Richard M. Karp: On the Security of Ping-Pong Protocols Information and Control 55(1-3): 57-68 (1982)
7 Danny Dolev: The Byzantine Generals Strike Again. J. Algorithms 3(1): 14-30 (1982)
6 Danny Dolev, Maria M. Klawe, Michael Rodeh: An O(n log n) Unidirectional Distributed Algorithm for Extrema Finding in a Circle. J. Algorithms 3(3): 245-260 (1982)
5 Danny Dolev: Unanimity in an Unknown and Unreliable Environment FOCS 1981: 159-168
4 Danny Dolev, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao: On the Security of Public Key Protocols (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1981: 350-357
3 Danny Dolev, Kevin Karplus, Alan Siegel, Alex Strong, Jeffrey D. Ullman: Optimal Wiring between Rectangles STOC 1981: 312-317
2 Danny Dolev: Commutation Preperties and Generating Sets Characterize Slices of Various Synchronization Primitives. Theor. Comput. Sci. 8: 379-391 (1979)
1 Danny Dolev, Eliahu Shamir: Commutation Relations of Slices Characterize Some Synchronization Primitives. Inf. Process. Lett. 7(1): 7-9 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1Ittai Abraham [122] [129] [131] [135] [141] [150] [166] [169] [172]
2Yehuda Afek [61] [63] [75] [81]
3Houtan Aghili [41] [89]
4Jong Hoon Ahnn [180]
5Ofir Amir [79]
6Yair Amir [71] [72] [79] [147]
7Yonatan Amit [129]
8Tal Anker [102] [103] [108] [118] [121] [130] [139] [144] [145] [146] [154] [168] [179] [182]
9Hagit Attiya (Chagit Attiya) [29] [47] [57] [60] [62] [63] [75] [88]
10Harel Avissar [187]
11Alain Azagury [85]
12Mahesh Balakrishnan [157]
13Amotz Bar-Noy [34] [46] [47] [51] [53] [54] [56] [60] [62] [66] [67] [70] [74] [88]
14Michael Ben-Or [34] [53] [105] [106] [174]
15Muli Ben-Yehuda [182]
16Marin Bertier [155]
17Genia Bezman [164] [171]
18Mark Bickford [175]
19Danny Bickson [158] [159] [160] [161] [162] [163] [164] [165] [170] [171] [179] [183] [184] [185] [186] [187]
20Kenneth P. Birman (Ken Birman) [110] [114] [115] [148] [149] [155] [157] [176] [180]
21Allan Borodin [20] [36]
22Stephen Boyd [186]
23David Breitgand [103] [124] [125]
24Andrei Z. Broder [24] [30] [44]
25Jehoshua Bruck [83] [91] [93] [99]
26Shai Carmi [138]
27Gregory Chockler [102] [107] [111] [127]
28Brian A. Coan [33] [52]
29Reuven Cohen [119] [138]
30Flaviu Cristian [41] [64] [89]
31Ariel Daliot [120] [123] [128] [132] [136] [137] [140] [143] [167]
32Claudiu Danilov [147]
33Cynthia Dwork [21] [22] [33] [43] [46] [52] [65] [68] [70] [76] [109]
34Yigal Eliaspur [130]
35Faith Ellen (Faith Ellen Fich, Faith E. Fich) [20] [36]
36Shimon Even [8] [15]
37Tomás Feder [58] [69]
38Michael J. Fischer [9] [24] [44]
39Robert J. Fowler [9]
40Roy Friedman [101] [111]
41Eli Gafni [49] [61] [63] [75] [81]
42Zvi Galil [73]
43Joseph Gil (Yossi Gil) [29]
44Gera Goft [85]
45Rica Gonen [141]
46G. Greenman [145]
47Joseph Y. Halpern [25] [26] [28] [35] [38] [40] [45] [87] [141] [150] [166] [169] [172]
48Yuval Harari [77] [82] [113]
49Shlomo Havlin [119]
50C. T. Howard Ho (Howard Ho, Ching-Tien Ho) [83] [91] [93] [99]
51Chi Ho [153] [175]
52Ezra N. Hoch [140] [151] [152] [156] [158] [170] [173] [174] [181] [187]
53Bracha Hod [139] [168] [179]
54Shay Horovitz [177]
55N. Huleihel [107]
56Alexander T. Ihler [184]
57Sugih Jamin [134]
58Jason K. Johnson [183]
59Tomer Kalisky [119]
60Richard M. Karp [8] [15]
61Kevin Karplus [3]
62Idit Keidar [92] [95] [100] [101] [102] [104] [108] [112] [116]
63Anne-Marie Kermarrec [155]
64Scott Kirkpatrick [146]
65Jonathan Kirsch [147]
66Maria M. Klawe [6]
67Daphne Koller [47] [54] [66]
68Shlomo Kramer [71] [72] [80]
69John Lane [147]
70Zohar Levy [103]
71Nathan Linial (Nati Linial) [82] [113]
72Esti Yeger Lotem [100]
73Nancy A. Lynch [9] [19] [39]
74David Maier [27]
75Harry G. Mairson [27]
76Dahlia Malkhi (Dalia Malki) [71] [72] [78] [80] [86] [94] [96] [101] [127] [131]
77John M. Marberg [85]
78Tudor Marian [157]
79Keith Marzullo [112] [116]
80Michael Merritt [63] [75] [81]
81José Meseguer [11]
82Osnat Mokryn [117] [119] [126] [133] [134]
83Yoram Moses [35] [40]
84Moni Naor [68] [109]
85Noam Nisan [82] [113]
86Cristina Nita-Rotaru [147]
87Josh Olsen [147]
88Rimon Orni [83] [93]
89Krzysztof Ostrowski [148] [149] [155] [157] [176] [180]
90Hanna Parnas [120] [123] [128] [136] [167]
91Michal Parnas [77] [82] [113]
92Wolfgang J. Paul [20] [36]
93Marshall C. Pease [11]
94David Peleg [47] [54] [60] [66]
95Amar Phanishayee [157]
96Benny Pinkas [164] [171] [185]
97Shlomit S. Pinter [19] [39]
98Nicholas Pippenger [21]
99Danny Raz [124] [125]
100Tzachy Reinman [185]
101Rüdiger Reischuk [12] [13] [32] [47] [59] [60] [84] [98]
102Robbert van Renesse [152] [153] [155] [175] [178]
103Michael Rodeh [6] [73]
104Ohad Rodeh [110] [114] [115]
105Marcel-Catalin Rosu [91] [99]
106Julian Satran [85]
107Fred B. Schneider [98] [178]
108Eliahu Shamir [1]
109Gadi Shamir [105] [106]
110Gleb Shaviner [125]
111Nir Shavit [49] [55] [57] [63] [75] [81] [97]
112Yuval Shavitt [117] [119] [126] [133] [134]
113Ori Shental [159] [160] [162] [163] [165]
114I. Shnaiderman [145]
115Ilya Shnayderman [118] [121]
116Alan Siegel [3] [48]
117Paul H. Siegel [159] [160] [165]
118Barbara B. Simons (Barbara Simons) [24] [25] [28] [44] [45] [87]
119Yee Jiun Song [178]
120Eugene W. Stark [19] [39]
121Larry J. Stockmeyer [22] [33] [43] [52]
122Alex Strong [3]
123H. Raymond Strong [9] [10] [13] [14] [17] [25] [26] [28] [38] [41] [42] [45] [46] [50] [59] [64] [70] [83] [84] [87] [89] [91] [93] [96] [98] [99]
124Innocenty Sukhov [117] [121]
125Jeremy B. Sussman [112] [116]
126Yoav Tock [162] [186]
127Jeffrey D. Ullman [3] [27]
128Eli Upfal [37]
129Roman Vitenberg [111]
130Orli Waarts [65] [76]
131Manfred K. Warmuth [23] [31] [37]
132William E. Weihl [19] [39]
133Yaron Weinsberg [144] [146] [154] [182]
134Avi Wigderson [16] [21]
135Jack K. Wolf [159] [160] [165]
136Pete Wyckoff [144] [154] [182]
137Andrew Chi-Chih Yao [4] [18]
138Elad Yom-Tov [161]
139Moti Yung (Mordechai M. Yung) [65] [76]
140David John Zage [147]
141Argyris Zymnis [186]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)