1. POPL 1973:
Conference Record of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,
Boston, Massachusetts, October 1973.
- Alfred V. Aho, Steven C. Johnson, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Deterministic Parsing of Ambiguous Grammars.
1-21 BibTeX
- Matthew M. Geller, Michael A. Harrison:
Strict Deterministic Versus LR(0) Parsing.
22-32 BibTeX
- Mario Schkolnick:
Labelled Precedence Parsing.
33-40 BibTeX
- Vaughan R. Pratt:
Top Down Operator Precedence.
41-51 BibTeX
- Susan L. Graham, Steven P. Rhodes:
Practical Syntactic Error Recovery.
52-58 BibTeX
- Mary Zosel:
A Parallel Approach to Compilation.
59-70 BibTeX
- John W. Backus:
Programming Language Semantics and Closed Applicative Languages.
71-86 BibTeX
- David Beech:
On the Definitional Method of Standard PL/1.
87-94 BibTeX
- Robert D. Tennent:
Mathematical Semantics of Snobol 4.
95-107 BibTeX
- Louis Nolin, G. Ruggiu:
Formalization of Exel.
108-119 BibTeX
- James H. Morris Jr.:
Types are Not Sets.
120-124 BibTeX
- Clayton H. Lewis, Barry K. Rosen:
Recursively Defined Data Types.
125-138 BibTeX
- Alice E. Fischer, Michael J. Fischer:
Mode Modules as Representations of Domains.
139-143 BibTeX
- F. Lockwood Morris:
Advice on Structuring Compilers and Proving Them Correct.
144-152 BibTeX
- Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, Irene Greif, Brian Cantwell Smith, Todd Matson, Richard Steiger:
Actor Induction and Meta-Evaluation.
153-168 BibTeX
- Richard J. Waldinger, Karl N. Levitt:
Reasoning About Programs.
169-182 BibTeX
- Andrea Maggiolo-Schettini, Barry K. Rosen, H. Raymond Strong:
Procedure Linkage Optimization.
183-193 BibTeX
- Gary A. Kildall:
A Unified Approach to Global Program Optimization.
194-206 BibTeX
- Matthew S. Hecht, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Analysis of a Simple Algorithm for Global Flow Problems.
207-217 BibTeX
- Arnold L. Rosenberg:
Transitions in Extendible Arrays.
218-225 BibTeX
- Gloria J. Lambert:
Large Scale File Processing - Pogol.
226-234 BibTeX
- Ashok K. Chandra:
On the Decision Problems of Program Schemas with Commutative and Invertable Functions.
235-242 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:34:37 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)