
Andreas Thiel

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13 Andreas Thiel, Marco Eichelberg, Berthold B. Wein, Tuncay Namli, Asuman Dogac: Goals and Challenges for the Realization of a European wide eHealth Infrastructure. ECEH 2007: 53-64
12EEAndreas Thiel, Martin Greschner, Josef Ammermüller: The temporal structure of transient ON/OFF ganglion cell responses and its relation to intra-retinal processing. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 21(2): 131-151 (2006)
11EEAndreas Thiel, Helmut Schwegler, Christian W. Eurich: Complex dynamics is abolished in delayed recurrent systems with distributed feedback times. Complexity 8(4): 102-108 (2003)
10EEAndreas Thiel, Christian W. Eurich, Helmut Schwegler: Stabilized Dynamics in Physiological and Neural Systems Despite Strongly Delayed Feedback. ICANN 2002: 15-20
9EEStefan D. Wilke, Andreas Thiel, Christian W. Eurich, Martin Greschner, Markus Bongard, Josef Ammermüller, Helmut Schwegler: Extracting motion information using a biologically realistic model retina. ESANN 2001: 323-328
8EEJohannes Bernarding, Andreas Thiel, I. Decker, Thomas Tolxdorff: Implementation of a dynamic platform-independent DICOMM-server. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 65(1): 71-78 (2001)
7EEStefan D. Wilke, Andreas Thiel, Christian W. Eurich: Processing of Movement Information in the Early Stages of the Visual System. IJCNN (5) 2000: 425-430
6EEChristian W. Eurich, Klaus Pawelzik, Udo Ernst, Andreas Thiel, Jack D. Cowan, John G. Milton: Delay adaptation in the nervous system. Neurocomputing 32-33: 741-748 (2000)
5 Gunter Bellaire, Daniel Steines, Georgi Graschew, Andreas Thiel, Johannes Bernarding, Thomas Tolxdorff, Peter M. Schlag: A PC-Based Voice-Controlled Front-End of an Endoscopic Video Server in DICOM. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999: 258-262
4 Johannes Bernarding, Andreas Thiel, Jürgen Braun, Christian Koennecke, Thorsten Schaaf, Jochen Hohmann, Gunter Bellaire, Karl-Jürgen Wolf, Thomas Tolxdorff: Aufbau einer JAVA/DICOM-basierten Hirninfarkt/Bilddatenbank mit integriertem Datenschutz. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999: 342-346
3EEGunter Bellaire, Daniel Steines, Georgi Graschew, Andreas Thiel, Johannes Bernarding, Thomas Tolxdorff, Peter M. Schlag: OP 2000 and MedSeC. A concept to extend the DICOM standard to include digital stereoscopic video sequences. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1998
2EEMichael Scheffler, Daniel Ammann, Andreas Thiel, Claus M. Habiger, Gerhard Tröster: Modeling and Optimizing the Costs of Electronic Systems. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 15(3): 20-26 (1998)
1 Andreas Thiel, Johannes Bernarding, Manfred Krauss, Thomas Tolxdorff: Nutzung erweiterter medizinischer Dienste im Berliner Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetz mittels DICOM 3.0 und WWW. GMDS 1996: 270-273

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Ammann [2]
2Josef Ammermüller [9] [12]
3Gunter Bellaire [3] [4] [5]
4Johannes Bernarding [1] [3] [4] [5] [8]
5Markus Bongard [9]
6Jürgen Braun [4]
7Jack D. Cowan [6]
8I. Decker [8]
9Asuman Dogac [13]
10Marco Eichelberg [13]
11Udo Ernst (Udo A. Ernst) [6]
12Christian W. Eurich [6] [7] [9] [10] [11]
13Georgi Graschew [3] [5]
14Martin Greschner [9] [12]
15Claus M. Habiger [2]
16Jochen Hohmann [4]
17Christian Koennecke [4]
18Manfred Krauss [1]
19John G. Milton [6]
20Tuncay Namli [13]
21Klaus Pawelzik (Klaus R. Pawelzik) [6]
22Thorsten Schaaf [4]
23Michael Scheffler [2]
24Peter M. Schlag [3] [5]
25Helmut Schwegler [9] [10] [11]
26Daniel Steines [3] [5]
27Thomas Tolxdorff [1] [3] [4] [5] [8]
28Gerhard Tröster [2]
29Berthold B. Wein [13]
30Stefan D. Wilke [7] [9]
31Karl-Jürgen Wolf [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)