
Srinivas Reddy

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3EEDavid M. Lewis, Elias Ahmed, Gregg Baeckler, Vaughn Betz, Mark Bourgeault, David Cashman, David R. Galloway, Mike Hutton, Christopher Lane, Andy Lee, Paul Leventis, Sandy Marquardt, Cameron McClintock, Ketan Padalia, Bruce Pedersen, Giles Powell, Boris Ratchev, Srinivas Reddy, Jay Schleicher, Kevin Stevens, Richard Yuan, Richard Cliff, Jonathan Rose: The Stratix II logic and routing architecture. FPGA 2005: 14-20
2EEDavid M. Lewis, Vaughn Betz, David Jefferson, Andy Lee, Christopher Lane, Paul Leventis, Sandy Marquardt, Cameron McClintock, Bruce Pedersen, Giles Powell, Srinivas Reddy, Chris Wysocki, Richard Cliff, Jonathan Rose: The StratixTM routing and logic architecture. FPGA 2003: 12-20
1EEDavid Jefferson, Srinivas Reddy, Christopher Lane, Ninh Ngo, Wanli Chang, Manuel Mijia, Ketan Zaveri, Cameron McClintock, Richard Cliff: A 100 MHz PLL Implemented on a 100K Gate Programmable Logic Device (Abstract). FPGA 1998: 256

Coauthor Index

1Elias Ahmed [3]
2Gregg Baeckler [3]
3Vaughn Betz [2] [3]
4Mark Bourgeault [3]
5David Cashman [3]
6Wanli Chang [1]
7Richard Cliff [1] [2] [3]
8David R. Galloway [3]
9Michael Hutton (Michael D. Hutton, Mike Hutton) [3]
10David Jefferson [1] [2]
11Christopher Lane [1] [2] [3]
12Andy Lee [2] [3]
13Paul Leventis [2] [3]
14David M. Lewis [2] [3]
15Sandy Marquardt [2] [3]
16Cameron McClintock [1] [2] [3]
17Manuel Mijia [1]
18Ninh Ngo [1]
19Ketan Padalia [3]
20Bruce Pedersen [2] [3]
21Giles Powell [2] [3]
22Boris Ratchev [3]
23Jonathan Rose [2] [3]
24Jay Schleicher [3]
25Kevin Stevens [3]
26Chris Wysocki [2]
27Richard Yuan [3]
28Ketan Zaveri [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)