
Katarzyna Radecka

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15EEYu Pang, Katarzyna Radecka: Optimizing imprecise fixed-point arithmetic circuits specified by Taylor Series through arithmetic transform. DAC 2008: 397-402
14EEZeljko Zilic, Katarzyna Radecka, Ali Kazamiphur: Reversible circuit technology mapping from non-reversible specifications. DATE 2007: 558-563
13EEZeljko Zilic, Katarzyna Radecka: Scaling and Better Approximating Quantum Fourier Transform by Higher Radices. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(2): 202-207 (2007)
12EERong Zhang, Zeljko Zilic, Katarzyna Radecka: Energy Efficient Software-Based Self-Test for Wireless Sensor Network Nodes. VTS 2006: 186-191
11EEAhmed Usman Khalid, Zeljko Zilic, Katarzyna Radecka: FPGA Emulation of Quantum Circuits. ICCD 2004: 310-315
10EEMan Wah Chiang, Zeljko Zilic, Jean-Samuel Chenard, Katarzyna Radecka: Architectures of Increased Availability Wireless Sensor Network Nodes. ITC 2004: 1232-1241
9EEKatarzyna Radecka, Zeljko Zilic: Design Verification by Test Vectors and Arithmetic Transform Universal Test Set. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(5): 628-640 (2004)
8EEKatarzyna Radecka, Zeljko Zilic: Specifying and verifying imprecise sequential datapaths by Arithmetic Transforms. ICCAD 2002: 128-131
7EEZeljko Zilic, Katarzyna Radecka: The Role of Super-Fast Transforms in Speeding Up Quantum Computations. ISMVL 2002: 129-135
6EEKatarzyna Radecka, Zeljko Zilic: Identifying Redundant Wire Replacements for Synthesis and Verification. VLSI Design 2002: 517-523
5 Katarzyna Radecka, Zeljko Zilic: Arithmetic Transforms for Verifying Compositions of Sequential Datapaths. ICCD 2001: 348-353
4 Zeljko Zilic, Katarzyna Radecka: : Identifying redundant gate replacements in verification by error modeling. ITC 2001: 803-812
3EEKatarzyna Radecka, Zeljko Zilic: Using Arithmetic Transform for Verification of Datapath Circuits via Error Modeling. VTS 2000: 271-280
2EEZeljko Zilic, Katarzyna Radecka: On Feasible Multivariate Polynomial Interpolations over Arbitrary Fields. ISSAC 1999: 67-74
1EEKatarzyna Radecka, Janusz Rajski, Jerzy Tyszer: Arithmetic built-in self-test for DSP cores. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 16(11): 1358-1369 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Samuel Chenard [10]
2Man Wah Chiang [10]
3Ali Kazamiphur [14]
4Ahmed Usman Khalid [11]
5Yu Pang [15]
6Janusz Rajski [1]
7Jerzy Tyszer [1]
8Rong Zhang [12]
9Zeljko Zilic [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)