
Jean-Samuel Chenard

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5EEMarc Boule, Jean-Samuel Chenard, Zeljko Zilic: Assertion Checkers in Verification, Silicon Debug and In-Field Diagnosis. ISQED 2007: 613-620
4EEMarc Boule, Jean-Samuel Chenard, Zeljko Zilic: Adding Debug Enhancements to Assertion Checkers for Hardware Emulation and Silicon Debug. ICCD 2006
3EEJean-Samuel Chenard, Chun Yiu Chu, Zeljko Zilic, Milica Popovic: Design methodology for wireless nodes with printed antennas. DAC 2005: 291-296
2EEJean-Samuel Chenard, Ahmed Usman Khalid, M. Prokic, Rong Zhang, K.-L. Lim, Atanu Chattopadhyay, Zeljko Zilic: Expandable and Robust Laboratory for Microprocessor Systems. MSE 2005: 65-66
1EEMan Wah Chiang, Zeljko Zilic, Jean-Samuel Chenard, Katarzyna Radecka: Architectures of Increased Availability Wireless Sensor Network Nodes. ITC 2004: 1232-1241

Coauthor Index

1Marc Boule [4] [5]
2Atanu Chattopadhyay [2]
3Man Wah Chiang [1]
4Chun Yiu Chu [3]
5Ahmed Usman Khalid [2]
6K.-L. Lim [2]
7Milica Popovic [3]
8M. Prokic [2]
9Katarzyna Radecka [1]
10Rong Zhang [2]
11Zeljko Zilic [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)