
Barry M. Pangrle

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12 Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, C. P. Ravikumar, Jörg Henkel, Ali Keshavarzi, Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Barry M. Pangrle: Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2008, Bangalore, India, August 11-13, 2008 ACM 2008
11EELuc Séméria, Renu Mehra, Barry M. Pangrle, Arjuna Ekanayake, Andrew Seawright, Daniel Ng: RTL c-based methodology for designing and verifying a multi-threaded processor. DAC 2002: 123-128
10EEHyuk-Jae Jang, Barry M. Pangrle: A grid-based approach for connectivity binding with geometric costs. ICCAD 1993: 94-99
9 Usha Prabhu, Barry M. Pangrle: Global Mobility Based Scheduling. ICCD 1993: 370-373
8 Hyuk-Jae Jang, Barry M. Pangrle: GB: A New Grid-Based Binding Approach for High-Level Synthesis. VLSI Design 1993: 180-185
7EEUsha Prabhu, Barry M. Pangrle: Superpipelined Control and Data Path Synthesis. DAC 1992: 638-643
6EEBarry M. Pangrle, Forrest Brewer, Donald Lobo, Andrew Seawright: Relevant Issues in High-Level Connectivity Synthesis. DAC 1991: 607-610
5EEDonald Lobo, Barry M. Pangrle: Redundant Operator Creation: A Scheduling Optimization Technique. DAC 1991: 775-778
4EEBarry M. Pangrle: On the complexity of connectivity binding. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 10(11): 1460-1465 (1991)
3EENeerav Berry, Barry M. Pangrle: SCHALLOC: an algorithm for simultaneous scheduling & connectivity binding in a datapath synthesis system. EURO-DAC 1990: 78-82
2EEForrest Brewer, Barry M. Pangrle, Andrew Seawright: Interconnection synthesis with geometric constraints. MICRO 1990: 158-165
1EEBarry M. Pangrle, Daniel D. Gajski: Design Tools for Intelligent Silicon Compilation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 6(6): 1098-1112 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Neerav Berry [3]
2Forrest Brewer [2] [6]
3Arjuna Ekanayake [11]
4Daniel Gajski (Daniel D. Gajski) [1]
5Jörg Henkel [12]
6Hyuk-Jae Jang [8] [10]
7Ali Keshavarzi [12]
8Donald Lobo [5] [6]
9Renu Mehra [11]
10Daniel Ng [11]
11Vojin G. Oklobdzija [12]
12Usha Prabhu [7] [9]
13C. P. Ravikumar [12]
14Andrew Seawright [2] [6] [11]
15Luc Séméria [11]
16Narayanan Vijaykrishnan (Vijaykrishnan Narayanan) [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)