
Claude Pégard

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11EECédric Demonceaux, Pascal Vasseur, Claude Pégard: UAV Attitude Computation by Omnidirectional Vision in Urban Environment. ICRA 2007: 2017-2022
10 Cédric Demonceaux, Pascal Vasseur, Claude Pégard: Omnidirectional Vision on UAV for Attitude Computation. ICRA 2006: 2842-2847
9EECédric Demonceaux, Pascal Vasseur, Claude Pégard: Robust Attitude Estimation with Catadioptric Vision. IROS 2006: 3448-3453
8 Khaled Kaaniche, Benjamin Champion, Claude Pégard, Pascal Vasseur: A Vision Algorithm for Dynamic Detection of Moving Vehicles with a UAV. ICRA 2005: 1878-1883
7 Pascal Vasseur, El Mustapha Mouaddib, Claude Pégard: Introduction to Multisensor Data Fusion. The Industrial Information Technology Handbook 2005: 1-10
6 Arnaud Clerentin, Laurent Delahoche, Claude Pégard, Eric Brassart: A Localization Method Based on Two Omnidirectional Perception Systems Cooperation. ICRA 2000: 1219-1224
5 Cyril Drocourt, Laurent Delahoche, Claude Pégard, Arnaud Clerentin: Mobile Robot Localization Based on an Omnidirectional Stereoscopic Vision Perception System. ICRA 1999: 1329-1334
4 Uwe D. Hanebeck, Joachim Horn, Cyril Drocourt, Laurent Delahoche, Claude Pégard, Arnaud Clerentin: A New Estimator for Mixed Stochastic and Set Theoretic Uncertainty Models Applied to Mobile Robot Localization. ICRA 1999: 1335-1340
3EEPascal Vasseur, Claude Pégard, El Mustapha Mouaddib, Laurent Delahoche: Perceptual organization approach based on Dempster-Shafer theory. Pattern Recognition 32(8): 1449-1462 (1999)
2 Laurent Delahoche, Claude Pégard, El Mustapha Mouaddib, Pascal Vasseur: Incremental Map Building for Mobile Robot Navigation in an Indoor Environment. ICRA 1998: 2560-2565
1 Nicolas Hutin, Claude Pégard, Eric Brassart: A MultiAgent FIF Communication Strategy for a Team of Robots. OPODIS 1997: 273-278

Coauthor Index

1Eric Brassart [1] [6]
2Benjamin Champion [8]
3Arnaud Clerentin [4] [5] [6]
4Laurent Delahoche [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Cédric Demonceaux [9] [10] [11]
6Cyril Drocourt [4] [5]
7Uwe D. Hanebeck [4]
8Joachim Horn [4]
9Nicolas Hutin [1]
10Khaled Kaaniche [8]
11El Mustapha Mouaddib [2] [3] [7]
12Pascal Vasseur [2] [3] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)