
John Murphy

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51EELuke M. Wachter, John Murphy, Laura E. Ray: Potential function control for multiple high-speed nonholonomic robots. ICRA 2008: 1781-1782
50EEYuansong Qiao, Enda Fallon, John Murphy, Liam Murphy, Austin Hanley: Path Selection of SCTP Fast Retransmission in Multi-homed Wireless Environments. MWCN/PWC 2008: 447-458
49EEJon M. Pearce, John Murphy, Wally Smith: Supporting gardeners to plan domestic watering: a case study of designing an 'everyday simulation'. OZCHI 2008: 227-230
48EEJohn Fitzpatrick, Seán Murphy, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, John Murphy: ECHO: A Quality of Service Based Endpoint Centric Handover Scheme for VoIP. WCNC 2008: 2777-2782
47 John Murphy, Robert Steele: A Framework for Semantically Rich Legal Documents and Applications. WEBIST (2) 2008: 193-200
46EETrevor Parsons, Adrian Mos, Mircea Trofin, Thomas Gschwind, John Murphy: Extracting Interactions in Component-Based Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 34(6): 783-799 (2008)
45EETrevor Parsons, John Murphy: Detecting Performance Antipatterns in Component Based Enterprise Systems. Journal of Object Technology 7(3): 55-91 (2008)
44EEMircea Trofin, John Murphy: Static verification of component composition in contextual composition frameworks. STTT 10(3): 247-261 (2008)
43EEMark Roantree, Colm Noonan, John Murphy: Specifying and Optimising XML Views. BNCOD 2007: 138-146
42EEDalen Kambur, Mark Roantree, John Murphy: Using an Object Reference Approach to Distributed Updates. DEXA 2007: 182-191
41EEBrian Carrig, David Denieffe, John Murphy: A Congestion-Only Charging Mechanism for Multiplayer Gaming in Differentiated Services Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 1917-1921
40EEBrian Carrig, David Denieffe, John Murphy: A Non-Elevated Scheduling Solution for First Person Shooter Games in IEEE 802.11 Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 5277-5282
39 Trevor Parsons, John Murphy, Patrick O'Sullivan: Applying Frequent Sequence Mining to Identify Design Flaws in Enterprise Software Systems. MLDM Posters 2007: 261-275
38EEYuansong Qiao, Enda Fallon, Liam Murphy, John Murphy, Austin Hanley, Xiaosong Zhu, Adrian Matthews, Eoghan Conway, Gregory Hayes: SCTP Performance Issue on Path Delay Differential. WWIC 2007: 43-54
37EEAlexander Ufimtsev, Trevor Parsons, Lucian M. Patcas, John Murphy, Liam Murphy: Introducing performance engineering by means of tools and practical exercises. CASCON 2006: 379
36EERonan Barrett, Lucian M. Patcas, Claus Pahl, John Murphy: Model driven distribution pattern design for dynamic web service compositions. ICWE 2006: 129-136
35EEJames Noonan, Philip Perry, Seán Murphy, John Murphy: Stall and Path Monitoring Issues in SCTP. INFOCOM 2006
34EEOlga Ormond, Gabriel-Miro Muntean, John Murphy: Evaluation of an Intelligent Utility-Based Strategy for Dynamic Wireless Network Selection. MMNS 2006: 158-170
33EEJohn Fitzpatrick, Seán Murphy, John Murphy: RTS/CTS Based Endpoint Admission Control for VoIP Over 802.11e. MMNS 2006: 223-234
32EEBrian Carrig, David Denieffe, John Murphy: A relative delay minimization scheme for multiplayer gaming in differentiated services networks. NETGAMES 2006: 36
31EEOlga Ormond, Gabriel-Miro Muntean, John Murphy: Economic Model for Cost Effective Network Selection Strategy in Service Oriented Heterogeneous Wireless Network Environment. NOMS 2006
30EEJon M. Pearce, John Murphy, David Patman: Using a scenario-planning tool to support an engaging online user experience. OZCHI 2006: 167-174
29EEChristine Satchell, Graeme G. Shanks, Steve Howard, John Murphy: Beyond security: implications for the future of federated digital identity management systems. OZCHI 2006: 313-316
28EEOdd Inge Hillestad, Andrew Perkis, Vasken Genc, Seán Murphy, John Murphy: Delivery of on-demand video services in rural areas via IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless access networks. WMuNeP 2006: 43-52
27EEMircea Trofin, John Murphy: Removing Redundant Boundary Checks in Contextual Composition Frameworks. Journal of Object Technology 5(6): (2006)
26EEAda Diaconescu, John Murphy: Automating the performance management of component-based enterprise systems through the use of redundancy. ASE 2005: 44-53
25EEM. Kirsten Mann, Shane Morris, John Murphy, Patrizia Bordignon: Lost in translation. OZCHI 2005
24EEJohn Murphy, Jesper Kjeldskov, Steve Howard, Graeme G. Shanks, Elizabeth Hartnell-Young: The converged appliance: "I love it... but I hate it". OZCHI 2005
23EEBjörn Busch-Geertsema, Sandrine Balbo, John Murphy, Scott Davey: Towards a framework to analyse information architecture work practices. OZCHI 2005
22EEPaul Brebner, Emmanuel Cecchet, Julie Marguerite, Petr Tuma, Octavian Ciuhandu, Bruno Dufour, Lieven Eeckhout, Stéphane Frénot, Arvind S. Krishna, John Murphy, Clark Verbrugge: Middleware benchmarking: approaches, results, experiences. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 17(15): 1799-1805 (2005)
21EEAda Diaconescu, Adrian Mos, John Murphy: Automatic Performance Management in Component Based Software Systems. ICAC 2004: 214-221
20EEOctavian Ciuhandu, John Murphy: A modular QoS-enabled load management framework for component-based middleware. OOPSLA Companion 2003: 320-321
19EEAdrian Mos, John Murphy: Performance Management in Component-Oriented Systems Using a Model Driven ArchitectureTM Approach. EDOC 2002: 227-237
18EEJenny M. Carroll, Steve Howard, Frank Vetere, Jane Peck, John Murphy: Just What Do the Youth of Today Want? Technology Appropriation by Young People. HICSS 2002: 131
17EESteve Howard, Jennie Carroll, John Murphy, Jane Peck: Using 'endowed props' in scenario-based design. NordiCHI 2002: 1-10
16EEAdrian Mos, John Murphy: A framework for performance monitoring, modelling and prediction of component oriented distributed systems. Workshop on Software and Performance 2002: 235-236
15EECristina Hava Muntean, Jennifer McManis, John Murphy: The Influence of Web Page Images on the Performance of Web Servers. ICN (1) 2001: 821-828
14 Jacqueline McFarland, John Murphy: Using an On-Line Discussion Board in a Student Collaborative Learning Experience. WebNet 2001: 884-885
13EELejla Rovcanin, John Murphy: Formal Specification of a Safe ALGEBRA - ``A''. ADBIS (Short Papers) 1999: 214-220
12 John Murphy: The Minerva Method: Layered Use Case Modelling for Requirements Modelling in Federated and Interoperable Systems. EFIS 1999: 167-178
11EEMark Roantree, John Murphy, Wilhelm Hasselbring: The OASIS Multidatabase Prototype. SIGMOD Record 28(1): 97-103 (1999)
10 Deepak Bapna, Eric Rollins, John Murphy, Mark W. Maimone, William Whittaker, David Wettergreen: The Atacama Desert Trek: Outcomes. ICRA 1998: 597-604
9 John Murphy, Jane Grimson: Cooperative Information Systems: Interoperability in Health Care Legacy Applications. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 7(1): 1-18 (1998)
8 Mark Roantree, John Murphy: An Architecture for Federated Database Metadata. EFDBS 1997: 23-32
7 Pierce Hickey, Mark Roantree, Alan Crilly, John Murphy: Architectural Issues For Integrating Legacy Systems Using CORBA 2 in the LIOM Project. OOIS 1996: 135-
6 Liam Murphy, John Murphy: Feedback and pricing in ATM networks. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1995: 197-212
5 Kieran Curley, John Murphy: The Rationale for Developing a Corporate Data Warehouse and the Development of a Model for Data Sharing in a Data Warehouse Environment. OOIS 1995: 351-366
4 John Murphy, Jane Grimson: The Jupiter System: A Prototype for Multidatabase Interoperability. BNCOD 1994: 205-220
3 John Murphy, Liam Murphy: Bandwidth Allocation By Pricing In ATM Networks. Broadband Communications 1994: 333-351
2 John Murphy, Jane Grimson: Multidatabase Interoperability in Health Case Legacy Applications. CoopIS 1994: 166-176
1 John Murphy, Jane Grimson: Jupiter/MDD : The Jupiter Interoperator Multidatabase Dictionary. OOIS 1994: 321-335

Coauthor Index

1Mohammed Atiquzzaman [48]
2Sandrine Balbo [23]
3Deepak Bapna [10]
4Ronan Barrett [36]
5Patrizia Bordignon [25]
6Paul Brebner [22]
7Björn Busch-Geertsema [23]
8Brian Carrig [32] [40] [41]
9Jennie Carroll [17]
10Jenny M. Carroll [18]
11Emmanuel Cecchet [22]
12Octavian Ciuhandu [20] [22]
13Eoghan Conway [38]
14Alan Crilly [7]
15Kieran Curley [5]
16Scott Davey [23]
17David Denieffe [32] [40] [41]
18Ada Diaconescu [21] [26]
19Bruno Dufour [22]
20Lieven Eeckhout [22]
21Enda Fallon [38] [50]
22John Fitzpatrick [33] [48]
23Stéphane Frénot [22]
24Vasken Genc [28]
25Jane Grimson [1] [2] [4] [9]
26Thomas Gschwind [46]
27Austin Hanley [38] [50]
28Elizabeth Hartnell-Young [24]
29Wilhelm Hasselbring [11]
30Gregory Hayes [38]
31Pierce Hickey [7]
32Odd Inge Hillestad [28]
33Steve Howard [17] [18] [24] [29]
34Dalen Kambur [42]
35Jesper Kjeldskov [24]
36Arvind S. Krishna [22]
37Mark W. Maimone [10]
38M. Kirsten Mann [25]
39Julie Marguerite [22]
40Adrian Matthews [38]
41Jacqueline McFarland [14]
42Jennifer McManis [15]
43Shane Morris [25]
44Adrian Mos [16] [19] [21] [46]
45Cristina Hava Muntean [15]
46Gabriel-Miro Muntean [31] [34]
47Liam Murphy [3] [6] [37] [38] [50]
48Seán Murphy [28] [33] [35] [48]
49Colm Noonan [43]
50James Noonan [35]
51Patrick O'Sullivan [39]
52Olga Ormond [31] [34]
53Claus Pahl [36]
54Trevor Parsons [37] [39] [45] [46]
55Lucian M. Patcas [36] [37]
56David Patman [30]
57Jon M. Pearce [30] [49]
58Jane Peck [17] [18]
59Andrew Perkis [28]
60Philip Perry [35]
61Yuansong Qiao [38] [50]
62Laura E. Ray [51]
63Mark Roantree [7] [8] [11] [42] [43]
64Eric Rollins [10]
65Lejla Rovcanin [13]
66Christine Satchell [29]
67Graeme G. Shanks [24] [29]
68Wally Smith [49]
69Robert Steele (Robert James Steele) [47]
70Mircea Trofin [27] [44] [46]
71Petr Tuma [22]
72Alexander Ufimtsev [37]
73Clark Verbrugge [22]
74Frank Vetere [18]
75Luke M. Wachter [51]
76David Wettergreen [10]
77William Whittaker (Red Whittaker) [10]
78Xiaosong Zhu [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)