
Elizabeth Hartnell-Young

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5EEElizabeth Hartnell-Young, Karen Corneille: Supporting learning communities for children on Think.com. IJWBC 3(2): 183-197 (2007)
4EEElizabeth Hartnell-Young: ePortfolios in Australian Schools: Supporting Learners' Self-esteem, Multiliteracies and Reflection on Learning. ISSEP 2006: 279-289
3EEJohn Murphy, Jesper Kjeldskov, Steve Howard, Graeme G. Shanks, Elizabeth Hartnell-Young: The converged appliance: "I love it... but I hate it". OZCHI 2005
2EEElizabeth Hartnell-Young, Frank Vetere: Lifeblog: A New Concept in Mobile Learning? WMTE 2005: 174-178
1 Elizabeth Hartnell-Young: From Facilitator to Knowledge-Builder: A New Role for the Teacher of the Future. ICT and the Teacher of the Future 2003: 159-163

Coauthor Index

1Karen Corneille [5]
2Steve Howard [3]
3Jesper Kjeldskov [3]
4John Murphy [3]
5Graeme G. Shanks [3]
6Frank Vetere [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)