
Mohammed Atiquzzaman

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66EEMd. Sazzadur Rahman, Outman Bouidel, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, William Ivancic: Performance Comparison between NEMO BSP and SINEMO. GLOBECOM 2008: 2398-2402
65EESwapna Gurumani, Hassan Moradi, Hazem H. Refai, Peter G. LoPresti, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Dynamic Path Reconfiguration Among Hybrid FSO/RF Nodes. GLOBECOM 2008: 2802-2806
64EEAbu S. Reaz, Sifat Ferdousi, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: mSIGMA: An Efficient Handoff Scheme for Multi-Class Networks. WCNC 2008: 2687-2692
63EEJohn Fitzpatrick, Seán Murphy, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, John Murphy: ECHO: A Quality of Service Based Endpoint Centric Handover Scheme for VoIP. WCNC 2008: 2777-2782
62EESesh Commuri, V. Tadigotla, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Reconfigurable Hardware Based Dynamic Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. IJDSN 4(2): 194-212 (2008)
61EEBing Zheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: A framework to determine the optimal weight parameter of RED in next-generation Internet routers. Int. J. Communication Systems 21(9): 987-1008 (2008)
60EEBing Zheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: A framework to determine bounds of maximum loss rate parameter of RED queue for next generation routers. J. Network and Computer Applications 31(4): 429-445 (2008)
59EEPrasanna Padmanabhan, Le Gruenwald, Anita Vallur, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: A survey of data replication techniques for mobile ad hoc network databases. VLDB J. 17(5): 1143-1164 (2008)
58EESurendra Sivagurunathan, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: PEARS: A Power-Aware End-to-End Mobility Management Scheme. GLOBECOM 2007: 1797-1801
57EEYong-Jin Lee, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: HTTP Transfer Latency over SCTP and TCP in Slow Start Phase. ICC 2007: 196-198
56EEKiran K. Gunnam, Gwan S. Choi, Mark B. Yeary, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: VLSI Architectures for Layered Decoding for Irregular LDPC Codes of WiMax. ICC 2007: 4542-4547
55EEPulak K. Chowdhury, Abu S. Reaz, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, William Ivancic: Performance Analysis of SINEMO: Seamless IP-Diversity Based Network Mobility. ICC 2007: 6032-6037
54EEJustin Jones, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Transport Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions. IJDSN 3(1): 119-133 (2007)
53EEShaojian Fu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Hierarchical Location Management for Transport Layer Mobility. GLOBECOM 2006
52EEPulak K. Chowdhury, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, William Ivancic: Performance of End-to-End Mobility Management in Satellite IP Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
51EEAbu S. Reaz, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Comparative Performance Analysis of Domain Name based Location Management. ICWMC 2006: 83
50EEBing Zheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: DSRED: A New Queue Management Scheme for the Next Generation Internet. IEICE Transactions 89-B(3): 764-774 (2006)
49EEHaowei Bai, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, David J. Lilja: Layered view of QoS issues in IP-based mobile wireless networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(2): 141-161 (2006)
48EEYong-Jin Lee, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Optimal Multicast Loop Algorithm for Multimedia Traffic Distribution. EUC 2005: 1099-1106
47EEYong-Jin Lee, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Least Cost Multicast Spanning Tree Algorithm for Local Computer Network. ICCNMC 2005: 268-275
46EEShaojian Fu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: DualRTT: detecting spurious timeouts in wireless mobile environments. IPCCC 2005: 129-133
45EEYong-Jin Lee, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Optimal Delay-Constrained Minimum Cost Loop Algorithm for Local Computer Network. ISCC 2005: 501-506
44EEYong-Jin Lee, Ho-sang Ham, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: SCTP Based Framework for Mobile Web Agent. ISCIS 2005: 13-22
43EEYong-Jin Lee, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Web Agent Supporting Transport Layer Mobility. MATA 2005: 1-11
42EEYong-Jin Lee, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Least cost heuristic for the delay-constrained capacitated minimum spanning tree problem. Computer Communications 28(11): 1371-1379 (2005)
41EEBing Zheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: System design and network requirements for interactive multimedia. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(1): 145-153 (2005)
40EEShaojian Fu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Liran Ma, Yong-Jin Lee: Signaling cost and performance of SIGMA: A seamless handover scheme for data networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5: 825-845 (2005)
39EEHaowei Bai, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, David J. Lilja: Wireless Sensor Network for Aircraft Health Monitoring. BROADNETS 2004: 748-750
38 Yong-Jin Lee, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: A Study on Exact Algorithm for Topology Discovery of Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Network. Communications in Computing 2004: 147-153
37 Haowei Bai, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, David J. Lilja: Using ECN Marks to Improve TCP Performance over Lossy Links. ICETE (3) 2004: 437-445
36 Mohammed Atiquzzaman: TraSH: A Transport Layer Handoff Protocol for Mobile Terrestrial and Space Networks. ICETE (Invited Speakers) 2004: 15
35EENorio Shiratori, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Recent Advances in Communication and Internet Technology. Telecommunication Systems 25(3-4): 169-172 (2004)
34EEBing Zheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Interactive video over ATM: state of the art. Computer Communications 26(7): 747-758 (2003)
33EEHongjun Su, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: ItswTCM: a new aggregate marker to improve fairness in DiffServ. Computer Communications 26(9): 1018-1027 (2003)
32EEHaowei Bai, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Error Modeling Schemes for Fading Channels in Wireless Communications: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 5(2): (2003)
31EEBing Zheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Network Requirement for Management of Multimedia over Wireless Channel. MMNS 2002: 49-61
30EEMohammed Atiquzzaman, Mahbub Hassan: Guest Editorial: Adaptive Real-Time Multimedia Transmission over Packet Switching Networks. Real-Time Imaging 7(3): 219-220 (2001)
29EEBing Zheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: DSRED: An Active Queue Management Scheme for Next Generation Networks. LCN 2000: 242-251
28EEMohammad F. Alam, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Mohammad A. Karim: Traffic shaping for MPEG video transmission over the next generation internet. Computer Communications 23(14-15): 1336-1348 (2000)
27EEMahmoud Saleh, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Analysis of shared buffer switches under non-uniform traffic pattern and global flow control. Computer Networks 34(2): 297-315 (2000)
26 Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Pradip K. Srimani: Parallel computing on clusters of workstations. Parallel Computing 26(2-3): 175-177 (2000)
25EEMohammed Yakoob Siyal, Mahmood Fathy, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: A Parallel Pipeline Based Multiprocessor System For Real-Time Measurement of Road Traffic Parameters. Real-Time Imaging 6(3): 241-249 (2000)
24EEMohammed Atiquzzaman: Special Issue: Enterprise Networks. Computer Communications 22(14): 1281-1282 (1999)
23EEMahbub Hassan, Harsha Sirisena, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: A congestion control mechanism for enterprise network traffic over asynchronous transfer mode networks. Computer Communications 22(14): 1296-1306 (1999)
22EEMohammed Atiquzzaman: Introduction to Queuing Networks; E. Gelenbe, G. Pujolle. Computer Communications 22(17): 1621- (1999)
21EEMahmoud Saleh, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: An accurate performance model of shared buffer ATM switches under hot spot traffic. Computer Communications 22(6): 516-522 (1999)
20EEMahbub Hassan, James Breen, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: HG-RCP: A rate-based flow control mechanism for intranets interconnected by ATM networks. Computer Networks 31(22): 2361-2379 (1999)
19EEPhilip Branch, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Congestion Control for Interactive Video-on-Demand over ATM. Real-Time Imaging 5(5): 315-328 (1999)
18EEBing Zheng, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Multimedia over ATM: Progress, Status and Future. ICCCN 1998: 114-121
17EEBin Zhou, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Performance of ATM switch fabric using cross-point buffers. Computer Communications 20(13): 1146-1159 (1997)
16EEBin Zhou, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Efficient Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Networks Using Finite Output-Buffered Switching Elements. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(13): 1809-1829 (1996)
15 Bin Zhou, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Performance Analysis of Finite Output-Buffered Multistage ATM Switching Fabrics. INFOCOM 1995: 16-23
14 C.-K. Chen, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: An Improved Model for the Performance Analysis of Multistage Switches. MASCOTS 1995: 105-109
13EEMohammed Atiquzzaman, M. S. Akhtar: Performance of Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks in a Nonuniform Traffic Environment. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 30(1): 52-63 (1995)
12EEMohammed Atiquzzaman, Mohammed W. Akhtar: A Robust Hough Transform Technique for Complete Line Segment Description. Real-Time Imaging 1(6): 419-426 (1995)
11 Bin Zhou, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Performance of Output-Multibuffered Multistage Interconnection Networks Under General Traffic Patterns. INFOCOM 1994: 1448-1455
10 M. A. Sayeed, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Performance of Multiple-Bus Multiprocessor under Non-Uniform Memory Reference. MASCOTS 1994: 169-173
9 Bin Zhou, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Performance of Output-Multibuffered Multistage Interconnection Networks. MASCOTS 1994: 405-406
8EEMohammed Atiquzzaman, Mohammed W. Akhtar: Determination of End Points and Length of a Straight Line using the Hough Transform. MVA 1994: 247-250
7EEMohammed Atiquzzaman: A Coarse to Fine Search Technique to Detect Circles in Images. MVA 1994: 379-382
6EEMohammed Atiquzzaman, Mohammed W. Akhtar: Complete line segment description using the Hough transform. Image Vision Comput. 12(5): 267-273 (1994)
5EEMohammed Atiquzzaman: Pipelined implementation of the multiresolution Hough transform in a pyramid multiprocessor. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(9): 841-851 (1994)
4 Mohammed Atiquzzaman, M. S. Akhtar: Performance of Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks in Non Uniform Traffic Environment. IPPS 1993: 762-767
3 Mohammed Atiquzzaman, M. M. Banat: Effect of Hot-Spots on the Performance of Crossbar Multiprocessor Systems. Parallel Computing 19(4): 455-461 (1993)
2 Mohammed Atiquzzaman, W. H. Shehadah: A Microprocessor-Based Office Image Processing System-An Extension of Work. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(3): 379-384 (1992)
1EEMohammed Atiquzzaman: Multiresolution Hough Transform-An Efficient Method of Detecting Patterns in Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(11): 1090-1095 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1M. S. Akhtar [4] [13]
2Mohammed W. Akhtar [6] [8] [12]
3Mohammad F. Alam [28]
4Haowei Bai [32] [37] [39] [49]
5M. M. Banat [3]
6Outman Bouidel [66]
7Philip Branch [19]
8James Breen [20]
9C.-K. Chen [14]
10Gwan S. Choi (Gwan Choi) [56]
11Pulak K. Chowdhury [52] [55]
12Sesh Commuri [62]
13Mahmood Fathy [25]
14Sifat Ferdousi [64]
15John Fitzpatrick [63]
16Shaojian Fu [40] [46] [53]
17Le Gruenwald [59]
18Kiran K. Gunnam [56]
19Swapna Gurumani [65]
20Ho-sang Ham [44]
21Mahbub Hassan [20] [23] [30]
22William Ivancic [52] [55] [66]
23Justin Jones [54]
24Mohammad A. Karim [28]
25Yong-Jin Lee [38] [40] [42] [43] [44] [45] [47] [48] [57]
26David J. Lilja [37] [39] [49]
27Peter G. LoPresti [65]
28Liran Ma [40]
29Hassan Moradi [65]
30John Murphy [63]
31Seán Murphy [63]
32Prasanna Padmanabhan [59]
33Md. Sazzadur Rahman [66]
34Abu S. Reaz [51] [55] [64]
35Hazem H. Refai [65]
36Mahmoud Saleh [21] [27]
37M. A. Sayeed [10]
38W. H. Shehadah [2]
39Norio Shiratori [35]
40Harsha Sirisena [23]
41Surendra Sivagurunathan [58]
42Mohammed Yakoob Siyal [25]
43Pradip K. Srimani [26]
44Hongjun Su [33]
45V. Tadigotla [62]
46Anita Vallur [59]
47Mark B. Yeary [56]
48Bing Zheng [18] [29] [31] [34] [41] [50] [60] [61]
49Bin Zhou [9] [11] [15] [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)