
Arindam Mallik

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15EEArindam Mallik, Jack Cosgrove, Robert P. Dick, Gokhan Memik, Peter A. Dinda: PICSEL: measuring user-perceived performance to control dynamic frequency scaling. ASPLOS 2008: 70-79
14EEAlex Shye, Berkin Özisikyilmaz, Arindam Mallik, Gokhan Memik, Peter A. Dinda, Robert P. Dick, Alok N. Choudhary: Learning and Leveraging the Relationship between Architecture-Level Measurements and Individual User Satisfaction. ISCA 2008: 427-438
13EEArindam Mallik, Yu Zhang, Gokhan Memik: Automated task distribution in multicore network processors using statistical analysis. ANCS 2007: 67-76
12EEPeter A. Dinda, Gokhan Memik, Robert P. Dick, Bin Lin, Arindam Mallik, Ashish Gupta, Samuel Rossoff: The user in experimental computer systems research. Experimental Computer Science 2007: 10
11EESerkan Ozdemir, Arindam Mallik, Ja Chun Ku, Gokhan Memik, Yehea I. Ismail: Variable latency caches for nanoscale processor. SC 2007: 20
10EEBin Lin, Arindam Mallik, Peter A. Dinda, Gokhan Memik, Robert P. Dick: Power reduction through measurement and modeling of users and CPUs: summary. SIGMETRICS 2007: 363-364
9EEArindam Mallik, Debjit Sinha, Prithviraj Banerjee, Hai Zhou: Low-Power Optimization by Smart Bit-Width Allocation in a SystemC-Based ASIC Design Environment. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(3): 447-455 (2007)
8EEArindam Mallik, Debjit Sinha, Prithviraj Banerjee, Hai Zhou: Smart bit-width allocation for low power optimization in a systemc based ASIC design environment. DATE 2006: 618-623
7EEArindam Mallik, Bin Lin, Gokhan Memik, Peter A. Dinda, Robert P. Dick: User-Driven Frequency Scaling. Computer Architecture Letters 5(2): (2006)
6EEGokhan Memik, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Arindam Mallik: Load elimination for low-power embedded processors. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005: 282-285
5EEGokhan Memik, Masud H. Chowdhury, Arindam Mallik, Yehea I. Ismail: Engineering Over-Clocking: Reliability-Performance Trade-Offs for High-Performance Register Files. DSN 2005: 770-779
4EEArindam Mallik, Matthew C. Wildrick, Gokhan Memik: Application-Level Error Measurements for Network Processors. IEICE Transactions 88-D(8): 1870-1877 (2005)
3EEArindam Mallik, Gokhan Memik: Low Power Correlating Caches for Network Processors. J. Low Power Electronics 1(2): 108-118 (2005)
2EEArindam Mallik, Matthew C. Wildrick, Gokhan Memik: Design and implementation of correlating caches. ISLPED 2004: 58-61
1EEArindam Mallik, Gokhan Memik: A Case for Clumsy Packet Processors. MICRO 2004: 147-156

Coauthor Index

1Prithviraj Banerjee (Prith Banerjee) [8] [9]
2Alok N. Choudhary [14]
3Masud H. Chowdhury [5]
4Jack Cosgrove [15]
5Robert P. Dick [7] [10] [12] [14] [15]
6Peter A. Dinda [7] [10] [12] [14] [15]
7Ashish Gupta [12]
8Yehea I. Ismail [5] [11]
9Mahmut T. Kandemir [6]
10Ja Chun Ku [11]
11Bin Lin [7] [10] [12]
12Gokhan Memik [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
13Serkan Ozdemir [11]
14Berkin Özisikyilmaz [14]
15Samuel Rossoff [12]
16Alex Shye [14]
17Debjit Sinha [8] [9]
18Matthew C. Wildrick [2] [4]
19Yu Zhang [13]
20Hai Zhou [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)