
Liang Li

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30EELiang Li, Evangeline F. Y. Young: Obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree construction. ICCAD 2008: 523-528
29EELong Meng, Liang Li, Shuqi Mei, Weiguo Wu: Directional entropy feature for human detection. ICPR 2008: 1-4
28EELiang Li, Jun Han, Xiaoyang Zeng, Jia Zhao: A full-custom design of AES SubByte module with signal independent power consumption. ISCAS 2008: 3302-3305
27EELiang Li, Xin Li, Tian Liu, Ke Xu: From k-SAT to k-CSP: Two Generalized Algorithms CoRR abs/0801.3147: (2008)
26EELiang Li, Tian Liu, Ke Xu: Exact phase transition of backtrack-free search with implications on the power of greedy algorithms CoRR abs/0811.3055: (2008)
25EELiang Li, Bin Li, Junwu Zhu: Towards a Coordination Infrastructure for Pervasive Computing Environment Based on Tuplespace and Semantic Web. JDCTA 2(1): 35-45 (2008)
24EELiang Li, Wei-Qiang Jiang, Jie Tian, Yi-Xian Yang, Cai-Ping Jiang, Zhe Wu, Xin Yang: A Networking Identity Authentication Scheme Combining Fingerprint Coding and Identity Based Encryption. ISI 2007: 129-132
23EEZhe Wu, Jie Tian, Liang Li, Cai-Ping Jiang, Xin Yang: A Secure Email System Based on Fingerprint Authentication Scheme. ISI 2007: 250-253
22EEPingping Lu, Bin Li, Maolin Xing, Liang Li: D-S Theory-based Trust Model FIRE+ in Multi-agent Systems. SNPD (1) 2007: 255-260
21EEJianxin Li, Bin Li, Liang Li, Tongsheng Che: A Policy Language for Adaptive Web Services Security Framework. SNPD (1) 2007: 261-266
20EEAsif Iqbal, Ning He, Liang Li, Naeem Ullah Dar: A fuzzy expert system for optimizing parameters and predicting performance measures in hard-milling process. Expert Syst. Appl. 32(4): 1020-1027 (2007)
19EEAsif Iqbal, Ning He, Naeem Ullah Dar, Liang Li: Comparison of fuzzy expert system based strategies of offline and online estimation of flank wear in hard milling process. Expert Syst. Appl. 33(1): 61-66 (2007)
18EEXiaoguang He, Jie Tian, Liang Li, Yuliang He, Xin Yang: Modeling and Analysis of Local Comprehensive Minutia Relation for Fingerprint Matching. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(5): 1204-1211 (2007)
17EEDavid S. Wishart, Dan Tzur, Craig Knox, Roman Eisner, Anchi Guo, Nelson Young, Dean Cheng, Kevin Jewell, David Arndt, Summit Sawhney, Chris Fung, Lisa Nikolai, Mike Lewis, Marie-Aude Coutouly, Ian J. Forsythe, Peter Tang, Savita Shrivastava, Kevin Jeroncic, Paul Stothard, Godwin Amegbey, David Block, David. D. Hau, James Wagner, Jessica Miniaci, Melisa Clements, Mulu Gebremedhin, Natalie Guo, Ying Zhang, Gavin E. Duggan, Glen D. MacInnis, Alim M. Weljie, Reza Dowlatabadi, Fiona Bamforth, Derrick Clive, Russell Greiner, Liang Li, Tom Marrie, Brian D. Sykes, Hans J. Vogel, Lori Querengesser: HMDB: the Human Metabolome Database. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 521-526 (2007)
16EEZhigang Yang, Jing Chen, Qiang Huang, Xihong Wu, Yanhong Wu, Bruce A. Schneider, Liang Li: The effect of voice cuing on releasing Chinese speech from informational masking. Speech Communication 49(12): 892-904 (2007)
15 Asif Iqbal, Ning He, Liang Li, Naeem Ullah Dar: Simulated Annealing Assisted Optimization of Fuzzy Rules for Maximizing Tool Life in High-Speed Milling Process. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2006: 335-340
14EEYunni Xia, Hanpin Wang, Chunxiang Xu, Liang Li: Stochastic Modeling and Quality Evaluation of Workflow Systems Based on QWF-Nets. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 988-995
13EEHuafeng Liu, Liang Li, Shiyao Jin: Cluster Number Variability Problem in LEACH. UIC 2006: 429-437
12EELiang Li, Jie Tian, Xin Yang: A Novel Identity Authentication Technique Without Trustworthy Third-Party Based on Fingerprint Verification. WISI 2006: 175-176
11EEYuliang He, Jie Tian, Liang Li, Hong Chen, Xin Yang: Fingerprint Matching Based on Global Comprehensive Similarity. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(6): 850-862 (2006)
10EEJie Tian, Liang Li, Xin Yang: Fingerprint-Based Identity Authentication and Digital Media Protection in Network Environment. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(5): 861-870 (2006)
9EELiang Li, Xin Yang, Yuliang He, Jie Tian: Palmprint Recognition Using Fourier-Mellin Transformation Based Registration Method. AVBPA 2005: 730-738
8EEGuoqiang Yu, Liang Li, Jianwei Gu, Li Zhang: Total Variation Based Iterative Image Reconstruction. CVBIA 2005: 526-534
7EELiang Li, Jie Tian, Yuliang He, Xin Yang: Multi-scale Palmprint Recognition Using Registration Information and 2D Gabor Feature. ICAPR (2) 2005: 127-135
6EEJie Tian, Yuliang He, Xin Yang, Liang Li, Xinjian Chen: Improving Fingerprint Recognition Performance Based on Feature Fusion and Adaptive Registration Pattern. SINOBIOMETRICS 2004: 57-66
5EEHuadong Ma, Liang Li, Jianzhong Wang, Naijun Zhan: Automatic Synthesis of the DC Specifications of Lip Synchronisation Protocol. APSEC 2001: 371-
4 Liang Li, Herman D. Hughes, Lewis H. Greenberg: Performance Analysis of a Shortest-Delay Protocol. Berkeley Workshop 1982: 259-281
3 Herman D. Hughes, Liang Li: A Capacity Planning Methodology for Large-Scale Computer Systems. IMACS World Congress 1982: 3-14
2 Herman D. Hughes, Liang Li: A Performance Study of Ethernet. Int. CMG Conference 1982: 79-85
1 Liang Li, Herman D. Hughes, Lewis H. Greenberg: Performance Analysis of a Shortest-Delay Protocol. Computer Networks 6(3): 189-200 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Godwin Amegbey [17]
2David Arndt [17]
3Fiona Bamforth [17]
4David Block [17]
5Tongsheng Che [21]
6Hong Chen [11]
7Jing Chen [16]
8Xinjian Chen [6]
9Dean Cheng [17]
10Melisa Clements [17]
11Derrick Clive [17]
12Marie-Aude Coutouly [17]
13Naeem Ullah Dar [15] [19] [20]
14Reza Dowlatabadi [17]
15Gavin E. Duggan [17]
16Roman Eisner [17]
17Ian J. Forsythe [17]
18Chris Fung [17]
19Mulu Gebremedhin [17]
20Lewis H. Greenberg [1] [4]
21Russell Greiner [17]
22Jianwei Gu [8]
23Anchi Guo [17]
24Natalie Guo [17]
25Jun Han [28]
26David. D. Hau [17]
27Ning He [15] [19] [20]
28Xiaoguang He [18]
29Yuliang He [6] [7] [9] [11] [18]
30Qiang Huang [16]
31Herman D. Hughes [1] [2] [3] [4]
32Asif Iqbal [15] [19] [20]
33Kevin Jeroncic [17]
34Kevin Jewell [17]
35Cai-Ping Jiang [23] [24]
36Wei-Qiang Jiang [24]
37Shiyao Jin [13]
38Craig Knox [17]
39Mike Lewis [17]
40Bin Li [21] [22] [25]
41Jianxin Li [21]
42Xin Li [27]
43Huafeng Liu [13]
44Tian Liu [26] [27]
45Pingping Lu [22]
46Huadong Ma [5]
47Glen D. MacInnis [17]
48Tom Marrie [17]
49Shuqi Mei [29]
50Long Meng [29]
51Jessica Miniaci [17]
52Lisa Nikolai [17]
53Lori Querengesser [17]
54Summit Sawhney [17]
55Bruce A. Schneider [16]
56Savita Shrivastava [17]
57Paul Stothard [17]
58Brian D. Sykes [17]
59Peter Tang [17]
60Jie Tian [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [18] [23] [24]
61Dan Tzur [17]
62Hans J. Vogel [17]
63James Wagner [17]
64Hanpin Wang [14]
65Jianzhong Wang [5]
66Alim M. Weljie [17]
67David S. Wishart [17]
68Weiguo Wu [29]
69Xihong Wu [16]
70Yanhong Wu [16]
71Zhe Wu [23] [24]
72Yunni Xia [14]
73Maolin Xing [22]
74Chunxiang Xu [14]
75Ke Xu [26] [27]
76Xin Yang [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [18] [23] [24]
77Yi-Xian Yang [24]
78Zhigang Yang [16]
79Evangeline F. Y. Young (F. Y. Young, Fung Yu Young) [30]
80Nelson Young [17]
81Guoqiang Yu [8]
82Xiaoyang Zeng [28]
83Naijun Zhan [5]
84Li Zhang [8]
85Ying Zhang [17]
86Jia Zhao [28]
87Junwu Zhu [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)