Proceedings of the Sixth Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks,
Asilomar, February 16-19, 1982. Technical Information Department,
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720,
LBL-13452, UC-32, CONF-820201
- Neil B. Cohen, Charles B. Haley, Scott Henderson, Chak Won:
Gemini - A reliable Local Network.
1-22 BibTeX
- Wing Kai Cheng, Geneva G. Belford:
The Resiliency of Fully Replicated Distributed Databases.
23-44 BibTeX
- Bernd Walter:
A Robust and Efficient Protocol for Checking the Availability of Remote Sites.
45-67 BibTeX
- Dale Skeen:
A Quorum-Based Commit Protocol.
69-80 BibTeX
- Deborah DuBourdieux:
Implementation of Distributed Transactions.
81-94 BibTeX
- Gautam Barua:
Mutual Consistency of Copies of Files based on Request Characteristics.
95-115 BibTeX
- Stefano Ceri, Susan S. Owicki:
On the Use of Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases.
117-129 BibTeX
- Wen-Te K. Lin, Jerry Nolte:
Performance of Two Phase Locking.
131-160 BibTeX
- Douglas Stott Parker Jr., Raimundo A. Ramos:
A Distributed File System Architecture Supporting High Availability.
161-183 BibTeX
- Rony Attar, Philip A. Bernstein, Nathan Goodman:
Site Initialization, Recovery, and Back-Up in a Distributed Database System.
185-202 BibTeX
journal version:
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(6): 645-650(1984) BibTeX
- Umeshwar Dayal, Hai-Yann Hwang:
View Definition and Generalization for Database Integration in Multibase: A System for Heterogeneous Distributed Databases.
203-238 BibTeX
- David W. Wall:
Selective Broadcast in Packet-Switched Networks.
239-258 BibTeX
- Liang Li, Herman D. Hughes, Lewis H. Greenberg:
Performance Analysis of a Shortest-Delay Protocol.
259-281 BibTeX
- J. A. Melici:
The BX.25 Certfication Facility.
283-310 BibTeX
- Marvin H. Solomon, Lawrence H. Landweber, Donald Neuhengen:
The Design of the CSNET Name Server.
311-327 BibTeX
- Ravi Krishnamurthy, Umeshwar Dayal:
On the Correct and Efficient Scheduling of Transactions in a Highly Parallel Database Machine.
329-361 BibTeX
- Clement T. Yu, K. Lam, C. C. Chang, S. K. Chang:
Promising Approach to Distributed Query Processing.
363-390 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:59:25 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)