IMACS World Congress 1982:
Manfred Ruschitzka (Ed.):
Parallel and Large-Scale Computers:
Proceedings of the IMACS World Congress on Systems Simulation and Scientific Computation,
8-12 August 1982. North-Holland,
ISBN 0-444-86608-6
Computer System Performance
Computer System and Network Simulators
- Ronald H. Perrott, C. King:
Simulation of the Computation Section of a Vector Processor.
101-105 BibTeX
- Udo W. Pooch:
The Design of an Integrated Packet/Circuit Switched Network Simulator.
107-115 BibTeX
- Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Raul Weber, Jairo Prezzi, Maurizio Tazza:
SSIP - A Processor Interconnection Simulator.
117-122 BibTeX
- Alberto Faro, Gaetano Messina:
A Layered Approach for Performance Evaluation of Computer Networks.
123-131 BibTeX
- Hendrik Decker:
Performance Evaluation of Nets of Agencies with BORIS.
133-139 BibTeX
- E. Pearse O'Grady:
Software Simulator for Multiple Computer Simulation System.
141-147 BibTeX
- Marjorie K. Kirchoff, Richard A. Rogers:
An Emulation Based Simulator Technique.
149-152 BibTeX
- Roberto Vaccaro, Felice Cennamo, A. D'Orta:
A Multilevel Adaptable Architecture Parallel Simulator.
153-157 BibTeX
- Vincent C. Rideout, J. Eastman, Adel Said Elmaghraby, Raphael A. Finkel, A. A. Frank, T. J. Kaminsky, Charles R. Kime, John A. McPherson, Michael Jon Redmond, S. Diane Smith:
WISPAC: A Parallel Array Computer for Simulation Applications.
159-169 BibTeX
Computations and Architecture of Parallel Computers
- Myron Ginsberg:
Some Observations on Supercomputer Computational Environments.
173-184 BibTeX
- Joseph F. Gloudeman, J. C. Hodge:
The Adaptation of MSC/NASTRAN to a Supercomputer.
185-189 BibTeX
- John R. Wallis, J. Rodney Grisham:
Petroleum Reservoir Simulation on the CRAY-1 and on the FPS-164.
191-199 BibTeX
- Roger W. Hockney:
Characterization of Parallel Computers.
201-206 BibTeX
- Jules J. Lambiotte Jr., Shahid H. Bokhari, M. Yousuff Hussaini, Steven A. Orszag:
Navier-Stokes Solution on the CYBER-203 by a Pseudospectral Technique.
207-212 BibTeX
- Willi Schönauer, Karlheinz Raith:
A Polyalgorithm with Diagonal Storing for the Solution of Very Large Indefinite Linear Banded Systems on a Vector Computer.
213-220 BibTeX
- Yukio Kaneda, Masaki Kohata:
Highly Parallel Computing of Linear Equations on the Matrix-Broadcast-Memory Connected Array Processor System.
221-225 BibTeX
- Edward J. Kushner, M. Edward Borasky:
The Application of Array Processors to Large-Scale Scientific Simulation: Some Recent Developments.
227-233 BibTeX
- Gyula A. Magó, Roy P. Pargas:
Solving Partial Differential Equations on a Cellular Tree Machine.
235-241 BibTeX
- Robert G. Reynolds, T. L. Chang:
The PAL System - A Parallel Algorith Design System for VLSI Based Array Architectures.
243-250 BibTeX
- Walter Ameling:
Parallelism in Computer Architecture.
251-260 BibTeX
- Johannes Milde, Lothar Krings, Walter Ameling:
Realization of Synchronization Tools and their Efficiency in the Muliprocessor M5PS.
261-265 BibTeX
- Willard L. Miranker:
Ultra-Arithmetic: The Digital Computer Set in Function Space.
275-279 BibTeX
- Ulrich W. Kulisch:
A New Arithmetic for Scientific Computation.
281-284 BibTeX
- Gerd Bohlender, Kurt Grüner:
Realization of an Optimal Computer Arithmetic.
285-290 BibTeX
- Harald Böhm:
Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions with Maximum Accuracy.
291-294 BibTeX
- Edgar Kaucher:
Solving Functional Equations with Guaranteed Close Bounds.
295-298 BibTeX
- Siegfried M. Rump:
Solving Algebraic Problems with High Accuracy.
299-300 BibTeX
- Christian P. Ullrich:
A FORTRAN Extension for Scientific Computation.
301-305 BibTeX
- Jürgen Wolff von Gudenberg:
PASCAL-SC: A PASCAL Extension for Scientific Computation.
307-310 BibTeX
- Steven D. Johnson:
Circuits and Systems: Implementing Communication with Streams.
311-319 BibTeX
- Thomas J. Myers, A. Toni Cohen:
Through a Glass Darkly: Observations on Referential Translucency.
321-327 BibTeX
The information on this page was contributed by Hendrik Decker
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:23:41 2009
by Michael Ley (