2009 |
23 | EE | David Lee,
Sean A. Munson,
Ben Congleton,
Mark W. Newman,
Mark S. Ackerman,
Erik C. Hofer,
Thomas A. Finholt:
Montage: a platform for physically navigating multiple pages of web content.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4477-4482 |
22 | EE | W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman,
Jana Z. Sedivy,
Trevor F. Smith:
Experiences with recombinant computing: Exploring ad hoc interoperability in evolving digital networks.
ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 16(1): (2009) |
2008 |
21 | EE | Victoria Bellotti,
James Bo Begole,
Ed Huai-hsin Chi,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Ji Fang,
Ellen Isaacs,
Tracy H. King,
Mark W. Newman,
Kurt Partridge,
Bob Price,
Paul Rasmussen,
Michael Roberts,
Diane J. Schiano,
Alan Walendowski:
Activity-based serendipitous recommendations with the Magitti mobile leisure guide.
CHI 2008: 1157-1166 |
20 | EE | Koji Yatani,
Kurt Partridge,
Marshall W. Bern,
Mark W. Newman:
Escape: a target selection technique using visually-cued gestures.
CHI 2008: 285-294 |
19 | EE | Mark W. Newman,
Ame Elliott,
Trevor F. Smith:
Providing an Integrated User Experience of Networked Media, Devices, and Services through End-User Composition.
Pervasive 2008: 213-227 |
18 | EE | Ben Congleton,
Mark S. Ackerman,
Mark W. Newman:
The ProD framework for proactive displays.
UIST 2008: 221-230 |
17 | EE | Jason Stewart,
Sara Bauman,
Michelle Escobar,
Jakob Hilden,
Kumud Bihani,
Mark W. Newman:
Accessible contextual information for urban orientation.
UbiComp 2008: 332-335 |
2007 |
16 | EE | Mark W. Newman,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
W. Keith Edwards,
Jana Z. Sedivy,
Trevor F. Smith:
Supporting the unremarkable: experiences with the obje Display Mirror.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(7): 523-536 (2007) |
2006 |
15 | EE | Stephen Voida,
W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman,
Rebecca E. Grinter,
Nicolas Ducheneaut:
Share and share alike: exploring the user interface affordances of file sharing.
CHI 2006: 221-230 |
14 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Trevor F. Smith,
James Bo Begole,
Mark W. Newman,
Chris Beckmann:
The orbital browser: composing ubicomp services using only rotation and selection.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 321-326 |
13 | EE | Mark W. Newman,
Trevor F. Smith,
Bill N. Schilit:
Recipes for Digital Living.
IEEE Computer 39(2): 104-106 (2006) |
2005 |
12 | EE | Amy Voida,
Rebecca E. Grinter,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman:
Listening in: practices surrounding iTunes music sharing.
CHI 2005: 191-200 |
11 | EE | Rebecca E. Grinter,
W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman:
The Work to Make a Home Network Work.
ECSCW 2005: 469-488 |
2004 |
10 | EE | W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman,
Jana Z. Sedivy,
Trevor F. Smith:
Supporting serendipitous integration in mobile computing environments.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 60(5-6): 666-700 (2004) |
2003 |
9 | EE | W. Keith Edwards,
Victoria Bellotti,
Anind K. Dey,
Mark W. Newman:
The challenges of user-centered design and evaluation for infrastructure.
CHI 2003: 297-304 |
2002 |
8 | EE | W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman,
Jana Z. Sedivy,
Trevor F. Smith,
Dirk Balfanz,
Diana K. Smetters,
H. Chi Wong,
Shahram Izadi:
Using speakeasy for ad hoc peer-to-peer collaboration.
CSCW 2002: 256-265 |
7 | EE | W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman,
Jana Z. Sedivy,
Shahram Izadi:
Challenge: : recombinant computing and the speakeasy approach.
MOBICOM 2002: 279-286 |
6 | EE | Mark W. Newman,
Jana Z. Sedivy,
Christine Neuwirth,
W. Keith Edwards,
Jason I. Hong,
Shahram Izadi,
Karen Marcelo,
Trevor F. Smith:
Designing for serendipity: supporting end-user configuration of ubiquitous computing environments.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2002: 147-156 |
5 | EE | Mark W. Newman,
Shahram Izadi,
W. Keith Edwards,
Jana Z. Sedivy,
Trevor F. Smith:
User interfaces when and where they are needed: an infrastructure for recombinant computing.
UIST 2002: 171-180 |
2001 |
4 | EE | Scott R. Klemmer,
Mark W. Newman,
Ryan Farrell,
Mark Bilezikjian,
James A. Landay:
The designers' outpost: a tangible interface for collaborative web site.
UIST 2001: 1-10 |
2000 |
3 | EE | James Lin,
Mark W. Newman,
Jason I. Hong,
James A. Landay:
DENIM: finding a tighter fit between tools and practice for Web site design.
CHI 2000: 510-517 |
2 | EE | Danyel Fisher,
Kris Hildrum,
Jason I. Hong,
Mark W. Newman,
Megan Thomas,
Rich Vuduc:
SWAMI: a framework for collaborative filtering algorithm development and evaluation.
SIGIR 2000: 366-368 |
1 | | Mark W. Newman,
James A. Landay:
Sitemaps, Storyboards, and Specifications: A Sketch of Web Site Design Practice.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000: 263-274 |