
Herman Herman

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5EEDean M. Anderson, Thomas M. Howard, David Apfelbaum, Herman Herman, Alonzo Kelly: Coordinated Control and Range Imaging for Mobile Manipulation. ISER 2008: 547-556
4EEAlonzo Kelly, Anthony Stentz, Omead Amidi, Mike Bode, David M. Bradley, Antonio Diaz-Calderon, Michael Happold, Herman Herman, Robert Mandelbaum, Thomas Pilarski, Peter Rander, Scott Thayer, Nick Vallidis, Randy Warner: Toward Reliable Off Road Autonomous Vehicles Operating in Challenging Environments. I. J. Robotic Res. 25(5-6): 449-483 (2006)
3EEAlonzo Kelly, Omead Amidi, Mike Bode, Michael Happold, Herman Herman, Thomas Pilarski, Peter Rander, Anthony Stentz, Nick Vallidis, Randy Warner: Toward Reliable Off Road Autonomous Vehicles Operating in Challenging Environments. ISER 2004: 599-608
2 Anthony Stentz, Cristian Dima, Carl Wellington, Herman Herman, David Stager: A System for Semi-Autonomous Tractor Operations. Auton. Robots 13(1): 87-104 (2002)
1 Herman Herman, Sanjiv Singh: First Results in the Autonomous Retrieval of Buried Objects. ICRA 1994: 2584-2590

Coauthor Index

1Omead Amidi [3] [4]
2Dean M. Anderson [5]
3David Apfelbaum [5]
4Mike Bode [3] [4]
5David M. Bradley [4]
6Antonio Diaz-Calderon [4]
7Cristian Dima [2]
8Michael Happold [3] [4]
9Thomas M. Howard [5]
10Alonzo Kelly [3] [4] [5]
11Robert Mandelbaum [4]
12Thomas Pilarski [3] [4]
13Peter Rander [3] [4]
14Sanjiv Singh [1]
15David Stager [2]
16Anthony Stentz [2] [3] [4]
17Scott Thayer [4]
18Nick Vallidis [3] [4]
19Randy Warner [3] [4]
20Carl Wellington [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)