
Justin E. Harlow III

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10EER. Iris Bahar, Dan W. Hammerstrom, Justin E. Harlow III, William H. Joyner Jr., Clifford Lau, Diana Marculescu, Alex Orailoglu, Massoud Pedram: Architectures for Silicon Nanoelectronics and Beyond. IEEE Computer 40(1): 25-33 (2007)
9EEVenkataraman Mahalingam, N. Ranganathan, Justin E. Harlow III: A novel approach for variation aware power minimization during gate sizing. ISLPED 2006: 174-179
8EEJustin E. Harlow III: Toward Design Technology in 2020: Trends, Issues, and Challenges. ISVLSI 2003: 3-4
7EEJustin E. Harlow III, Franc Brglez: Design of experiments and evaluation of BDD ordering heuristics. STTT 3(2): 193-206 (2001)
6EEScott Davidson, Justin E. Harlow III: Guest Editors' Introduction: Benchmarking for Design and Test. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(3): 12-14 (2000)
5EEJustin E. Harlow III: Overview of Popular Benchmark Sets. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(3): 15-17 (2000)
4EEJustin E. Harlow III, Franc Brglez: Mirror, mirror, on the wall...is the new release any different at all? [BDDs]. ISCAS (6) 1999: 452-455
3EEDebabrata Ghosh, Nevin Kapur, Franc Brglez, Justin E. Harlow III: Synthesis of Wiring Signature-Invariant Equivalence Class Circuit Mutants and Applications to Benchmarking. DATE 1998: 656-663
2EEJustin E. Harlow III, Franc Brglez: Design of Experiments for Evaluation of BDD Packages Using Controlled Circuit Mutations. FMCAD 1998: 64-81
1EEJustin E. Harlow III, Franc Brglez: Design of experiments in BDD variable ordering: lessons learned. ICCAD 1998: 646-652

Coauthor Index

1R. Iris Bahar [10]
2Franc Brglez [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
3Scott Davidson [6]
4Debabrata Ghosh [3]
5Dan W. Hammerstrom [10]
6William H. Joyner Jr. [10]
7Nevin Kapur [3]
8Clifford Lau [10]
9Venkataraman Mahalingam [9]
10Diana Marculescu [10]
11Alex Orailoglu [10]
12Massoud Pedram [10]
13N. Ranganathan (Nagarajan Ranganathan) [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)