
Jie Gong

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11EEKaikuo Xu, Yu Chen, Yexi Jiang, Rong Tang, Yintian Liu, Jie Gong: A Comparative Study of Correlation Measurements for Searching Similar Tags. ADMA 2008: 709-716
10EEDingxuan Zhao, Gongjie Cui, Yingjie Li, Jie Gong, Shubo Liu, Yuankun Zhang: Automatic Shift with 4-parameter of Construction Vehicle based on Neural Network Model. RAM 2008: 688-692
9EECarlos H. Caldas, Seokho Chi, Jochen Teizer, Jie Gong: Intelligent Computing and Sensing for Active Safety on Construction Sites. EG-ICE 2006: 101-108
8EEDaniel Gajski, Frank Vahid, Sanjiv Narayan, Jie Gong: System-level exploration with SpecSyn. DAC 1998: 812-817
7EEJie Gong, Chih-Tung Chen, Kayhan Küçükçakar: Architectural Rule Checking for High-level Synthesis. DATE 1998: 949-950
6EEKayhan Küçükçakar, Chih-Tung Chen, Jie Gong, Wim Philipsen, Thomas E. Tkacik: Matisse: An Architectural Design Tool for Commodity ICs. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 15(2): 22-33 (1998)
5EEDaniel D. Gajski, Frank Vahid, Sanjiv Narayan, Jie Gong: SpecSyn: an environment supporting the specify-explore-refine paradigm for hardware/software system design. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 6(1): 84-100 (1998)
4EEJie Gong, Daniel Gajski, Smita Bakshi: Model refinement for hardware-software codesign. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 2(1): 22-41 (1997)
3EEJie Gong, Daniel D. Gajski, Alexandru Nicolau: Performance evaluation for application-specific architectures. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 3(4): 483-490 (1995)
2EEFrank Vahid, Daniel D. Gajski, Jie Gong: A binary-constraint search algorithm for minimizing hardware during hardware/software partitioning. EURO-DAC 1994: 214-219
1EEJie Gong, Daniel D. Gajski, Alex Nicolau: A performance evaluator for parameterized ASIC architectures. EURO-DAC 1994: 66-71

Coauthor Index

1Smita Bakshi [4]
2Carlos H. Caldas [9]
3Chih-Tung Chen [6] [7]
4Yu Chen [11]
5Seokho Chi [9]
6Gongjie Cui [10]
7Daniel Gajski (Daniel D. Gajski) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]
8Yexi Jiang [11]
9Kayhan Küçükçakar [6] [7]
10Yingjie Li [10]
11Shubo Liu [10]
12Yintian Liu [11]
13Sanjiv Narayan [5] [8]
14Alexandru Nicolau (Alex Nicolau) [1] [3]
15Wim Philipsen [6]
16Rong Tang [11]
17Jochen Teizer [9]
18Thomas E. Tkacik [6]
19Frank Vahid [2] [5] [8]
20Kaikuo Xu [11]
21Yuankun Zhang [10]
22Dingxuan Zhao [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)