
Bernd Trenkler

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5 Rick Janda, Matthias S. Müller, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Bernd Trenkler: Analyzing Mutual Influences of High Performance Computing Programs on SGI Altix 3700 and 4700 Systems with PARbench. PARCO 2007: 373-380
4EERick Janda, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Bernd Trenkler: Analyzing the Interaction of OpenMP Programs Within Multiprogramming Environments on a Sun Fire E25K System with PARbench. Euro-Par 2006: 89-98
3 H. Dietze, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Bernd Trenkler: Scheduling issues on IBM p690: Performance Analysis with the PARbench Environment. PARCO 2005: 717-724
2EEThomas Brandes, Helmut Schwamborn, Michael Gerndt, Jürgen Jeitner, Edmond Kereku, Martin Schulz, Holger Brunst, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Reinhard Neumann, Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Bernd Trenkler, Wolfgang Karl, Jie Tao, Hans-Christian Hoppe: Monitoring cache behavior on parallel SMP architectures and related programming tools. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(8): 1298-1311 (2005)
1EERalph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Bernd Trenkler: Optimizing Cache Access: A Tool for Source-to-Source Transformations and Real-Life Compiler Tests. Euro-Par 2004: 72-81

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Brandes [2]
2Holger Brunst [2]
3H. Dietze [3]
4Michael Gerndt [2]
5Hans-Christian Hoppe [2]
6Rick Janda [4] [5]
7Jürgen Jeitner [2]
8Wolfgang Karl [2]
9Edmond Kereku [2]
10Matthias S. Müller [5]
11Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn [1] [2]
12Wolfgang E. Nagel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
13Reinhard Neumann [2]
14Martin Schulz [2]
15Helmut Schwamborn [2]
16Jie Tao [2]

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