
Andreas Schmidt

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43EEParaskevi K. Tzouveli, Andreas Schmidt, Michael Schneider, Antonis Symvonis, Stefanos D. Kollias: Adaptive Reading Assistance for the Inclusion of Students with Dyslexia: The AGENT-DYSL Approach. ICALT 2008: 167-171
42 Patrick Arnold, Oliver Kusche, Andreas Schmidt: A General-Purpose Tool for Documenting Distributed Laboratory Assays. ICEIS (4) 2008: 301-304
41EENicolai Kuntze, Andreas Schmidt, Zaharina Velikova, Carsten Rudolph: Trust in Business Processes. ICYCS 2008: 1992-1997
40EESimon Heinzle, Olivier Saurer, Sebastian Axmann, Diego Browarnik, Andreas Schmidt, Flavio Carbognani, Peter Luethi, Norbert Felber, Markus H. Gross: A transform, lighting and setup ASIC for surface splatting. ISCAS 2008: 2813-2816
39EERachid El Khayari, Nicolai Kuntze, Andreas Schmidt: Spam Over Internet Telephony and How to Deal with it. ISSA 2008: 1-25
38EESimone Braun, Andreas Schmidt, Andreas Walter, Valentin Zacharias: Using the Ontology Maturing Process Model for Searching, Managing and Retrieving Resources with Semantic Technologies. OTM Conferences (2) 2008: 1568-1578
37EERamón F. Brena, Andreas Schmidt, Mustafa Jarrar, Werner Ceusters, Francisco J. Cantu: OnToContent+QSI 2008 PC Co-chairs' Message. OTM Workshops 2008: 583
36 Markus Dickerhof, Oliver Kusche, Daniel Kimmig, Andreas Schmidt: An Ontology-Based Approach to Supporting Development and Production of Microsystems - Process-Related Documentation for Process and Application Knowledge Management in Microsystems Technology. WEBIST (2) 2008: 512-516
35EESimone Braun, Andreas Schmidt, Andreas Walter, Gábor Nagypál, Valentin Zacharias: Ontology Maturing: a Collaborative Web 2.0 Approach to Ontology Engineering. CKC 2007
34EESimone Braun, Andreas Schmidt, Andreas Walter, Valentin Zacharias: The Ontology Maturing Approach for Collaborative and Work Integrated Ontology Development: Evaluation Results and Future Directions. ESOE 2007: 5-18
33 Andreas Schmidt, Michael Schneider: Adaptive Reading Assistance for Dyslexic Students: Closing the Loop. LWA 2007: 389-391
32 Simone Braun, Andreas Schmidt, Valentin Zacharias: SOBOLEO: vom kollaborativen Tagging zur leichtgewichtigen Ontologie. Mensch & Computer 2007: 209-218
31EEValentin Zacharias, Andreas Abecker, Denny Vrandecic, Imen Borgi, Simone Braun, Andreas Schmidt: Mind the Web. New Forms of Reasoning for the Semantic Web 2007
30EEMustafa Jarrar, Andreas Schmidt, Claude Ostyn, Werner Ceusters: OnToContent 2007 PC Co-chairs' Message. OTM Workshops (1) 2007: 509
29EEAndreas Schmidt: Active Patterns for Self-Optimization. BICC 2006: 147-156
28EEAndreas Schmidt, Simone Braun: Context-Aware Workplace Learning Support: Concept, Experiences, and Remaining Challenges. EC-TEL 2006: 518-524
27EESimone Braun, Andreas Schmidt: Socially-Aware Informal Learning Support: Potentials and Challenges of the Social Dimension. EC-TEL Workshops 2006
26EEAndreas Schmidt: Ontology-Based User Context Management: The Challenges of Imperfection and Time-Dependence. OTM Conferences (1) 2006: 995-1011
25EEAndreas Schmidt, Christine Kunzmann: Towards a Human Resource Development Ontology for Combining Competence Management and Technology-Enhanced Workplace Learning. OTM Workshops (2) 2006: 1078-1087
24 Andreas Schmidt: Potentials and Challenges of Context-Awareness for Learning Solutions. LWA 2005: 63-68
23EEAndreas Schmidt: A Layered Model for User Context Management with Controlled Aging and Imperfection Handling. MRC 2005: 86-100
22 Andreas Schmidt: Bridging the Gap between Knowledge Management and E-Learning with Context-Aware Corporate Learning. Wissensmanagement 2005: 170-175
21EEAndreas Schmidt: Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge Management and E-Learning with Context-Aware Corporate Learning. Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 203-213
20EEGábor Mihály Surányi, Gábor Nagypál, Andreas Schmidt: Intelligent Retrieval of Digital Resources by Exploiting Their Semantic Context. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (1) 2004: 705-723
19 Andreas Schmidt: Kontextgesteuertes E-Learning in Unternehmensumgebungen: Der "Learning in Process"-Ansatz. DeLFI 2004: 259-270
18 Andreas Schmidt: Kontext-Middleware zur Verwaltung dynamischer und unvollkommener Kontextinformationen. Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler Informationstechnologie 2004: 97-103
17 Andreas Schmidt: Context-steered Learning: The Learning in Process Approach. ICALT 2004
16EEAndreas Schmidt: Management of Dynamic and Imperfect User Context Information. OTM Workshops 2004: 779-786
15EEAndreas Schmidt, Jürgen Schmitz, Wolfgang Wilke: Erfolgreiches E-Business - die virtuelle Filiale der Deutschen Post. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 239: (2004)
14EEAndreas Schmidt, Claudia Winterhalter: User Context Aware Delivery of E-Learning Material: Approach and Architecture. J. UCS 10(1): 28-36 (2004)
13 Volker Hammer, Dörte Neundorf, Albrecht Rosenhauer, Andreas Schmidt: Das Verzeichnisdienstkonzept für die PKI-1-Verwaltung. GI Jahrestagung (Schwerpunkt "Sicherheit - Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit") 2003: 363-374
12EEHuaien Gao, Andreas Schmidt, Amitava Gupta, Peter Luksch: Load Balancing for Spatial-grid-based Parallel Numeric Simulations on Clusters of SMPs. PDP 2003: 75-82
11 Andreas Schmidt, Andres Kriete: Konzept für die integrative, funktionelle Visualisierung des Bronchialbaums der menschlichen Lunge. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2002: 299-301
10 Carsten Binnig, Andreas Schmidt: Development of an UIML Renderer for Different Target Languages. CADUI 2002: 267-274
9 Andreas Schmidt, Carsten Binnig: Experience Gained in the Development of a Route Planner for Mobile End Devices. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2002: 42-47
8EEAndreas Schmidt, Markus Junker: Mining Documents for Complex Semantic Relations by the Use of Context Classification. Document Analysis Systems 2002: 400-411
7EEMarkus Dickerhof, Peter Jakobs, Andreas Schmidt: INFOFLOW: A Flexible Process-Oriented Workflow and Information System Based on Standard Office Products. HICSS 2002: 208
6 Martina Rohde, Andreas Schmidt, Timo Hauschild: IT Security - A Crucial Success Factor for e-Government! I3E 2002: 211-225
5EEMichael Gerndt, Andreas Schmidt, Martin Schulz, Roland Wismüller: Performance Analysis for Teraflop Computers: A Distributed Automatic Approach. PDP 2002: 23-30
4EEAlexey Valikov, Alexei Akhounov, Andreas Schmidt: A Model-Transformers Architecture for Web Applications. TES 2002: 29-37
3 Andreas Schmidt, Markus Dickerhof: The Employment of Generic Tools in the Field of Web based Database Applications. IMSA 2001: 278-283
2 Christoph Breitner, Axel Freyberg, Andreas Schmidt: Towards a Flexible and Integrated Environment for Knowledge Discovery. KDOOD/TDOOD 1995: 28-35
1 Volker Henkel, Cornelius Frankenfeld, Kai Klapdohr, Kerstin Menzer, Andreas Schmidt: A High Performance ATM/DQDB Cell to Slot Interworking Unit. Broadband Islands 1994: 453-456

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Abecker [31]
2Alexei Akhounov [4]
3Patrick Arnold [42]
4Sebastian Axmann [40]
5Carsten Binnig [9] [10]
6Imen Borgi [31]
7Simone Braun [27] [28] [31] [32] [34] [35] [38]
8Christoph Breitner [2]
9Ramón F. Brena [37]
10Diego Browarnik [40]
11Flavio Carbognani [40]
12Werner Ceusters [30] [37]
13Markus Dickerhof [3] [7] [36]
14Norbert Felber [40]
15Cornelius Frankenfeld [1]
16Axel Freyberg [2]
17Huaien Gao [12]
18Michael Gerndt [5]
19Markus H. Gross [40]
20Amitava Gupta [12]
21Volker Hammer [13]
22Timo Hauschild [6]
23Simon Heinzle [40]
24Volker Henkel [1]
25Peter Jakobs [7]
26Mustafa Jarrar [30] [37]
27Markus Junker [8]
28Rachid El Khayari [39]
29Daniel Kimmig [36]
30Kai Klapdohr [1]
31Stefanos D. Kollias [43]
32Andres Kriete [11]
33Nicolai Kuntze [39] [41]
34Christine Kunzmann [25]
35Oliver Kusche [36] [42]
36Peter Luethi [40]
37Peter Luksch [12]
38Kerstin Menzer [1]
39Gábor Nagypál [20] [35]
40Dörte Neundorf [13]
41Francisco J. Cantú Ortiz (Francisco J. Cantu) [37]
42Claude Ostyn [30]
43Martina Rohde [6]
44Albrecht Rosenhauer [13]
45Carsten Rudolph [41]
46Olivier Saurer [40]
47Jürgen Schmitz [15]
48Michael Schneider [33] [43]
49Martin Schulz [5]
50Gábor Mihály Surányi [20]
51Antonis Symvonis [43]
52Paraskevi K. Tzouveli [43]
53Alexey Valikov [4]
54Zaharina Velikova [41]
55Denny Vrandecic [31]
56Andreas Walter [34] [35] [38]
57Wolfgang Wilke [15]
58Claudia Winterhalter [14]
59Roland Wismüller [5]
60Valentin Zacharias [31] [32] [34] [35] [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)