
Hans Moritsch

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14EEDaniel Martin, David de Francisco Marcos, Reto Krummenacher, Hans Moritsch, Daniel Wutke: An Architecture for a QoS-Aware Application Integration Middleware. BIS 2008: 333-344
13EEKia Teymourian, Lyndon J. B. Nixon, Daniel Wutke, Reto Krummenacher, Hans Moritsch: Implementation of a Novel Semantic Web Middleware Approach Based on Triplespaces. ICSC 2008: 518-523
12EEHans Moritsch, Georg Ch. Pflug: Using a Distributed Active Tree in Java for the Parallel and Distributed Implementation of a Nested Optimization Algorithm. ICPP Workshops 2003: 244-
11 Hans Moritsch: A Programming Model for Tree Structured Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and its Implementation in a Java Environment. PARCO 2003: 71-78
10EERadu Prodan, Thomas Fahringer, Michael Geissler, Georg Madsen, Franz Franchetti, Hans Moritsch: On Using ZENTURIO for Performance and Parameter Studies on Cluster and Grid Architectures. PDP 2003: 185-192
9EEClovis Seragiotto Jr., Thomas Fahringer, Michael Geissler, Georg Madsen, Hans Moritsch: On Using Aksum for Semi-Automatically Searching of Performance Problems in Parallel and Distributed Programs. PDP 2003: 385-392
8EEThomas Fahringer, Alexandru Jugravu, Beniamino Di Martino, Salvatore Venticinque, Hans Moritsch: On the Evaluation of JavaSymphony for Cluster Applications. CLUSTER 2002: 394-
7 Hans Moritsch, Siegfried Benkner: High-performance numerical pricing methods. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(8-9): 665-678 (2002)
6EEThomas Fahringer, K. Sowa-Pieklo, J. Luitz, Hans Moritsch: On Using SPiDER to Examine and Debug Real-World Data-Parallel Applications. PaCT 2001: 211-225
5EEHong Linh Truong, Thomas Fahringer, Georg Madsen, Allen D. Malony, Hans Moritsch, Sameer Shende: On using SCALEA for performance analysis of distributed and parallel programs. SC 2001: 34
4 Thomas Fahringer, P. Blaha, A. Hössinger, J. Luitz, Eduard Mehofer, Hans Moritsch, Bernhard Scholz: Development and performance analysis of real-world applications for distributed and parallel architectures. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 13(10): 841-868 (2001)
3EEThomas Fahringer, A. Pozgaj, Hans Moritsch, J. Luitz: Evaluation of P3T+: A Performance Estimator for Distributed and Parallel Applications. IPDPS 2000: 229-234
2EEBarbara M. Chapman, Piyush Mehrotra, Hans Moritsch, Hans P. Zima: Dynamic data distributions in Vienna Fortran. SC 1993: 284-293
1 Michael Gerndt, Hans Moritsch: Parallelization for Multiprocessors with Memory Hierarchies. ACPC 1991: 89-101

Coauthor Index

1Siegfried Benkner [7]
2P. Blaha [4]
3Barbara M. Chapman [2]
4Thomas Fahringer [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
5Franz Franchetti [10]
6Michael Geissler [9] [10]
7Michael Gerndt [1]
8A. Hössinger [4]
9Alexandru Jugravu [8]
10Reto Krummenacher [13] [14]
11J. Luitz [3] [4] [6]
12Georg Madsen [5] [9] [10]
13Allen D. Malony [5]
14David de Francisco Marcos [14]
15Daniel Martin [14]
16Beniamino Di Martino [8]
17Eduard Mehofer [4]
18Piyush Mehrotra [2]
19Lyndon J. B. Nixon [13]
20Georg Ch. Pflug [12]
21A. Pozgaj [3]
22Radu Prodan [10]
23Bernhard Scholz [4]
24Clovis Seragiotto Jr. [9]
25Sameer Shende [5]
26K. Sowa-Pieklo [6]
27Kia Teymourian [13]
28Hong Linh Truong [5]
29Salvatore Venticinque [8]
30Daniel Wutke [13] [14]
31Hans P. Zima [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)