
Giovanni Fiorenza

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9EEHenry H. K. Tang, Conal E. Murray, Giovanni Fiorenza, Kenneth P. Rodbell, Michael S. Gordon, David F. Heidel: New simulation methodology for effects of radiation in semiconductor chip structures. IBM Journal of Research and Development 52(3): 245-254 (2008)
8EEMary Yvonne Lanzerotti, Giovanni Fiorenza, Rick A. Rand: Impact of interconnect length changes on effective materials properties (dielectric constant). SLIP 2007: 73-80
7EEGerald G. Lopez, Giovanni Fiorenza, Thomas J. Bucelot, Phillip Restle, Mary Yvonne Lanzerotti: Characterization of the impact of interconnect design on the capacitive load driven by a global clock distribution. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005: 38-43
6EEMary Yvonne Lanzerotti, Giovanni Fiorenza, Rick A. Rand: Predicting interconnect requirements in ultra-large-scale integrated control logic circuitry. SLIP 2005: 43-50
5EEMary Yvonne Lanzerotti, Giovanni Fiorenza, Rick A. Rand: Microminiature packaging and integrated circuitry: The work of E. F. Rent, with an application to on-chip interconnection requirements. IBM Journal of Research and Development 49(4-5): 777-803 (2005)
4EEMary Yvonne Lanzerotti, Giovanni Fiorenza, Rick A. Rand: Assessment of on-chip wire-length distribution models. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 12(10): 1108-1112 (2004)
3EEMary Yvonne Lanzerotti, Giovanni Fiorenza, Rick A. Rand: Interpretation of rent's rule for ultralarge-scale integrated circuit designs, with an application to wirelength distribution models. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 12(12): 1330-1347 (2004)
2EEMary Y. L. Wisniewski, Emmanuel Yashchin, Robert L. Franch, David P. Conrady, Giovanni Fiorenza, I. Cevdet Noyan: Estimating the efficiency of collaborative problem-solving, with applications to chip design. IBM Journal of Research and Development 47(1): 77-88 (2003)
1EEMary Y. L. Wisniewski, Emmanuel Yashchin, Robert L. Franch, David P. Conrady, Daniel N. Maynard, Giovanni Fiorenza, I. Cevdet Noyan: The physical design of on-chip interconnections. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 22(3): 254-276 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas J. Bucelot [7]
2David P. Conrady [1] [2]
3Robert L. Franch [1] [2]
4Michael S. Gordon [9]
5David F. Heidel [9]
6Mary Yvonne Lanzerotti [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Gerald G. Lopez [7]
8Daniel N. Maynard [1]
9Conal E. Murray [9]
10I. Cevdet Noyan [1] [2]
11Rick A. Rand [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
12Phillip Restle (Phillip J. Restle) [7]
13Kenneth P. Rodbell [9]
14Henry H. K. Tang [9]
15Mary Y. L. Wisniewski [1] [2]
16Emmanuel Yashchin [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)