
Mats Daniels

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17EEMats Daniels, Anders Berglund, Arnold Neville Pears: Five Myths of Assessment. ACE 2004: 57-61
16EEIan Newman, Mats Daniels, Xristine Faulkner: Open Ended Group Projects a `Tool' for More Effective Teaching. ACE 2003: 95-103
15EEArnold Neville Pears, Mats Daniels: Structuring CSed research studies: connecting the pieces. ITiCSE 2003: 149-153
14EELiz Adams, Mats Daniels, Annegret Goold, Orit Hazzan, Kathy Lynch, Ian Newman: Challenges in teaching capstone courses. ITiCSE 2003: 219-220
13EESylvia Alexander, Martyn Clark, Ken Loose, June Amillo, Mats Daniels, Roger D. Boyle, Cary Laxer, Dermot Shinners-Kennedy: Case studies in admissions to and early performance in computer science degrees. SIGCSE Bulletin 35(4): 137-147 (2003)
12EEMats Daniels, Xristine Faulkner, Ian Newman: Open Ended Group Projects, Motivating Students and Preparing them for the "Real World". CSEE&T 2002: 128-139
11EEMary Z. Last, Mats Daniels, Martha L. Hause, Mark Woodroffe: Learning from students: continuous improvement in international collaboration. ITiCSE 2002: 136-140
10EETony Clear, Mats Daniels: A cyber-icebreaker for an effective virtual group? ITiCSE 2001: 121-124
9EEAnna Sandström, Mats Daniels: Time studies as a tool for (computer science) education research. ACSE 2000: 208-214
8EEMats Daniels, Marian Petre, Anders Berglund: Building a rigorous research agenda into changes to teaching. ACSE 1998: 203-209
7EEAnders Berglund, Mats Daniels, Vicki L. Almstrum: A smorgasbord of pedagogical dishes. ACSE 1997: 40-46
6EEAnders Berglund, Mats Daniels: Improving education quality, a full scale study. SIGCSE 1997: 330-334
5EEMats Daniels, Judith Gal-Ezer, Ian Sanders, G. Joy Teague: Teaching computer science: experience from four continents. SIGCSE 1996: 102-106
4 Wang Yi, Paul Pettersson, Mats Daniels: Automatic verification of real-time communicating systems by constraint-solving. FORTE 1994: 243-258
3 Mats Daniels: Modelling Real-Time Behaviour with an Interval Time Calculus. FTRTFT 1992: 53-71
2 Ari Ahtiainen, S. Alfonzetti, V. Chari, Mats Daniels, Michel Diaz, Alberto Faro, Hans A. Hansson, Guy Juanole, Ulla Karjalainen, Gesualdo Le Moli, Juhani Malka, Sergio Palazzo, Orlando Pereda: An approach for evaluating formal description techniques. PSTV 1985: 421-438
1 Mats Daniels, Hans A. Hansson: An ASYL/EFSM Description of the ISO Transport Protocol. PSTV 1984: 349-373

Coauthor Index

1Liz Adams [14]
2Ari Ahtiainen [2]
3Sylvia Alexander [13]
4S. Alfonzetti [2]
5Vicki L. Almstrum [7]
6June Amillo [13]
7Anders Berglund [6] [7] [8] [17]
8Roger D. Boyle [13]
9V. Chari [2]
10Martyn Clark [13]
11Tony Clear [10]
12Michel Diaz [2]
13Alberto Faro [2]
14Xristine Faulkner [12] [16]
15Judith Gal-Ezer [5]
16Annegret Goold [14]
17Hans A. Hansson [1] [2]
18Martha L. Hause [11]
19Orit Hazzan [14]
20Guy Juanole [2]
21Ulla Karjalainen [2]
22Mary Z. Last [11]
23Cary Laxer [13]
24Ken Loose [13]
25Kathy Lynch [14]
26Juhani Malka [2]
27Gesualdo Le Moli [2]
28Ian Newman [12] [14] [16]
29Sergio Palazzo [2]
30Arnold Neville Pears [15] [17]
31Orlando Pereda [2]
32Marian Petre [8]
33Paul Pettersson [4]
34Ian Sanders [5]
35Anna Sandström [9]
36Dermot Shinners-Kennedy [13]
37G. Joy Teague [5]
38Mark Woodroffe [11]
39Wang Yi [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)