
Guy Juanole

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26EEMohamad El Masri, Slim Abdellatif, Guy Juanole: An Uplink Bandwidth Management Framework for IEEE 802.16 with QoS Guarantees. Networking 2009: 651-663
25EEMohamad El Masri, Guy Juanole, Slim Abdellatif: Hybrid Admission Control Algorithm for IEEE 802.11e EDCA: Analysis. ICN 2008: 93-98
24EEMohamad El Masri, Guy Juanole, Slim Abdellatif: On Enhancing a Hybrid Admission Control Algorithm for IEEE 802.11e EDCA. MWCN/PWC 2008: 299-310
23EEUsman Ashraf, Slim Abdellatif, Guy Juanole: An Interference and Link-Quality Aware Routing Metric for Wireless Mesh Networks. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
22EEGuy Juanole, Gerard Mouney: Networked Control Systems: Definition and Analysis of a Hybrid Priority Scheme for the Message Scheduling. RTCSA 2007: 267-274
21EETarik Khoutaif, Guy Juanole: Formal modelling and evaluation of the data transfer phase of the ACL links on the WPAN Bluetooth. ETFA 2006: 30-37
20EESlim Abdellatif, Guy Juanole: Improving the admissibility of flows with bounded arrivals and bounded delay requirements in rate-controlled packet networks. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2005: 304-312
19 Guy Juanole, Laurent Gallon: Concept of Quantified Abstract Quotient Automaton and its Advantage. FORTE 1997: 223-238
18 Guy Juanole, Laurent Gallon: Critical Time Distributed Systems: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Based on Stochastic Timed Petri Nets. FORTE 1995: 351-366
17 Youcef Atamna, Guy Juanole: Methodology for Obtaining Abstract Views of State Graphs Labeled with Probabilities and Times: An Example of Application to a Communication Protocol. MASCOTS 1995: 299-306
16 Khalil Drira, Youcef Atamna, Guy Juanole: Quantified reduced views of state graphs using Markovian and timed observational equivalence. PSTV 1995: 253-268
15 Rosa M. L. R. Carmo, Francisco Vasques, Guy Juanole: Real-Time Communication Services in a DQDB Network. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1994: 249-258
14 Rosa M. L. R. Carmo, Guy Juanole: Modeling and Evaluating the DQDB Protocol with Stochastic Timed Petri Nets. MASCOTS 1994: 269-275
13 N. Bergé, Mazen Samaan, Guy Juanole, Youcef Atamna: Methodology for LAN Modeling and Analysis Using Petri Nets Based Models. MASCOTS 1994: 335-342
12EEMichel Diaz, Guy Juanole, Jean-Pierre Courtiat: Observer-A Concept for Formal On-Line Validation of Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 20(12): 900-913 (1994)
11EEGuy Juanole: Petri Net Performance Models. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 20(7): 505 (1994)
10 Omar Amyay, Guy Juanole, Stella Zwecker: An Epistemic Logic Based Synthesis of Communication Services and Protocols. ICDCS 1992: 674-681
9 Guy Juanole, Youcef Atamna: Dealing with Arbitrary Time Distributions with the Stochastic Timed Petri Net Model - Application to Queueing Systems. PNPM 1991: 32-41
8 Stella Zwecker, Guy Juanole, Omar Amyay: Utilisation de Prolog dans la conception d'Architectures Multicouches pour l'interconnexion de Réseaux. SPLT 1990: 23-
7 Guy Juanole, C. Faure: On Gateway for Internetworking through ISDN: Architecture and Formal Modelling with Petri Nets. INFOCOM 1989: 458-467
6 Guy Juanole, J. L. Roux: On the Pertinence of the Extended Time Petri Net Model for Analyzing Communication Activities. PNPM 1989: 230-239
5 J. L. Roux, Guy Juanole: Functional and Performance Analysis Using Extended Time Petri Nets. PNPM 1987: 14-23
4 Ari Ahtiainen, S. Alfonzetti, V. Chari, Mats Daniels, Michel Diaz, Alberto Faro, Hans A. Hansson, Guy Juanole, Ulla Karjalainen, Gesualdo Le Moli, Juhani Malka, Sergio Palazzo, Orlando Pereda: An approach for evaluating formal description techniques. PSTV 1985: 421-438
3 Guy Juanole, B. Algayres, J. Dufau: On communication protocol modelling and design. European Workshop on Applications and Theory in Petri Nets 1984: 267-287
2 Guy Juanole: Reliability of a Data Link Service: Modelling Methodology - Protocols Comparison. PSTV 1984: 577-600
1 Guy Juanole, B. Algayres: Analysis for the Design of a Couple Service-Protocol: Application to the Transport Connection Etablishment Phase. Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification 1983: 273-282

Coauthor Index

1Slim Abdellatif [20] [23] [24] [25] [26]
2Ari Ahtiainen [4]
3S. Alfonzetti [4]
4B. Algayres [1] [3]
5Omar Amyay [8] [10]
6Usman Ashraf [23]
7Youcef Atamna [9] [13] [16] [17]
8N. Bergé [13]
9Rosa M. L. R. Carmo [14] [15]
10V. Chari [4]
11Jean-Pierre Courtiat [12]
12Mats Daniels [4]
13Michel Diaz [4] [12]
14Khalil Drira [16]
15J. Dufau [3]
16Alberto Faro [4]
17C. Faure [7]
18Laurent Gallon [18] [19]
19Hans A. Hansson [4]
20Ulla Karjalainen [4]
21Tarik Khoutaif [21]
22Juhani Malka [4]
23Mohamad El Masri [24] [25] [26]
24Gesualdo Le Moli [4]
25Gerard Mouney [22]
26Sergio Palazzo [4]
27Orlando Pereda [4]
28J. L. Roux [5] [6]
29Mazen Samaan [13]
30Francisco Vasques [15]
31Stella Zwecker [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)