
Alberto Faro

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30EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano, Francesco Maiorana: Input Noise Robustness and Sensitivity Analysis to Improve Large Datasets Clustering by Using the GRID. Discovery Science 2008: 234-245
29EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano, Manuela Pennisi, Giacomo Scarciofalo, Concetto Spampinato, Francesco Tramontana: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to Evaluate and Classify Mental Diseases Using Neural Networks. AIME 2005: 310-314
28 Alberto Faro, Daniela Giordano, Francesco Maiorana: Discovering Complex Regularities by Adaptive Self Organizing Classification. WEC (2) 2005: 27-30
27 Alberto Faro, Daniela Giordano, Manuela Pennisi, Giacomo Scarciofalo, Concetto Spampinato, Francesco Tramontana: A Fuzzy System to Analyze SIVD Diseases Using the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. WEC (2) 2005: 31-34
26EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano, Simona Mineo: Reusable learning objects in a distributed content management system for a project-based pedagogy. IJLT 1(4): 443-457 (2005)
25EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano, Simona Mineo: A fuzzy processor based distributed system for implementing affective human-computer interfaces. SMC (3) 2004: 2693-2698
24EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano, Salvatore Zinna: A Knowledge Management Environment for Knowledge Working Communities Fostering Local Development. KMGov 2003: 250-261
23EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano: Ontology, esthetics and creativity at the crossroads in Information System design. Knowl.-Based Syst. 13(7-8): 515-525 (2000)
22EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano: Ontology, aesthetics and creativity at the crossroads in information system design. Creativity & Cognition 1999: 124-131
21 Alberto Faro, Daniela Giordano: StoryNet: an evolving network of cases to learn information systems design. IEE Proceedings - Software 145(4): 119-128 (1998)
20EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano, Corrado Santoro: Link-based Shaping of Hypermedia Webs Assisted by a Neural Agent. J. UCS 4(7): 630-651 (1998)
19EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano: Concept formation from design cases: why reusing experience and why not. Knowl.-Based Syst. 11(7-8): 437-448 (1998)
18EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano: A Theory of Interactions and Scenes for User Centered Systems Specification and Verification. APSEC 1997: 364-373
17 Alberto Faro, Daniela Giordano: Towards a Situated Action Calculus for Modelling Interactions. BCS HCI 1997: 101-116
16EEAlberto Faro, Daniela Giordano: From Documenting Design to Design by Documenting. SIGDOC 1997: 45-54
15 Alberto Faro, Corrado Santoro, Daniela Giordano: In Search of Web Forms: a Neural Agent for Organizing "Reusable" Notes Documents. WebNet 1997
14 Vincenza Carchiolo, Antonella Di Stefano, Alberto Faro, Giuseppe Pappalardo: Case study in protocol verification. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 5(3): 178-186 (1990)
13EEVincenza Carchiolo, Antonella Di Stefano, Alberto Faro, Giuseppe Pappalardo: ECCS and LIPS: Two Languages for OSI Systems Specification and Verification. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 11(2): 284-329 (1989)
12EESalvatore Casale, Vincenzo Catania, Alberto Faro, Nikolai Parchenkov, Lorenzo Vita: Design and performance evaluation of an optical fibre LAN with double token rings. Computer Communications 12(3): 158-166 (1989)
11 Vincenza Carchiolo, Alberto Faro: BIP system: A tool for protocol verification. ICCC 1988: 191-198
10 Vincenza Carchiolo, Alberto Faro, Michele Malgeri: A Tool for the Performance Analysis of Concurrent Systems. Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems 1988: 121-139
9EEVincenza Carchiolo, Antonella Di Stefano, Alberto Faro, Giuseppe Pappalardo: Behavioural approach to OSI system design. Computer Communications 11(6): 291-298 (1988)
8 S. Costanzo, Antonella Di Stefano, Alberto Faro: Toward an Expert System for Logic Circuit Synthesis. COMPCON 1987: 462-468
7 Vincenza Carchiolo, Alberto Faro, Orazio Mirabella, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Giuseppe Scollo: A LOTOS Specification of the PROWAY Highway Service. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(11): 949-968 (1986)
6 Ari Ahtiainen, S. Alfonzetti, V. Chari, Mats Daniels, Michel Diaz, Alberto Faro, Hans A. Hansson, Guy Juanole, Ulla Karjalainen, Gesualdo Le Moli, Juhani Malka, Sergio Palazzo, Orlando Pereda: An approach for evaluating formal description techniques. PSTV 1985: 421-438
5 Vincenza Carchiolo, Alberto Faro, F. Minissale, Giuseppe Scollo: Some Topics in the Design of the Specification Language Lotos. Symposium on Programming 1984: 47-58
4EEVincenza Carchiolo, Alberto Faro, Giuseppe Scollo: A temporal ordering specification of some session services. Computer Communication Review 14(2): 107-114 (1984)
3 Alberto Faro, Gaetano Messina: A Layered Approach for Performance Evaluation of Computer Networks. IMACS World Congress 1982: 123-131
2 Alberto Faro, Gaetano Messina, A. Serra: A Network Operating System for Local Computer Networks. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1981: 13-21
1EEAlberto Faro, Gaetano Messina: Internetworking analysis. Computer Communications 4(4): 169-173 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Ari Ahtiainen [6]
2S. Alfonzetti [6]
3Vincenza Carchiolo [4] [5] [7] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14]
4Salvatore Casale [12]
5Vincenzo Catania [12]
6V. Chari [6]
7S. Costanzo [8]
8Mats Daniels [6]
9Michel Diaz [6]
10Daniela Giordano [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]
11Hans A. Hansson [6]
12Guy Juanole [6]
13Ulla Karjalainen [6]
14Francesco Maiorana [28] [30]
15Michele Malgeri [10]
16Juhani Malka [6]
17Gaetano Messina [1] [2] [3]
18Simona Mineo [25] [26]
19F. Minissale [5]
20Orazio Mirabella [7]
21Gesualdo Le Moli [6]
22Sergio Palazzo [6]
23Giuseppe Pappalardo [7] [9] [13] [14]
24Nikolai Parchenkov [12]
25Manuela Pennisi [27] [29]
26Orlando Pereda [6]
27Corrado Santoro [15] [20]
28Giacomo Scarciofalo [27] [29]
29Giuseppe Scollo [4] [5] [7]
30A. Serra [2]
31Concetto Spampinato [27] [29]
32Antonella Di Stefano [8] [9] [13] [14]
33Francesco Tramontana [27] [29]
34Lorenzo Vita [12]
35Salvatore Zinna [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)