2008 |
113 | EE | Luca Abeti,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Rocco Moretti:
Business Process Modeling for Organizational Knowledge Management.
Concurrency, Graphs and Models 2008: 301-311 |
112 | EE | Alberto Bacchelli,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi:
On the Effectiveness of Manual and Automatic Unit Test Generation.
ICSEA 2008: 252-257 |
111 | EE | Cristiana Rita Alfonsi,
Elena Breno,
Mariacarla Calzarossa,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Paolo Maresca,
Luisa Mich,
Fuliva Sala,
Nello Scarabottolo:
EUCIP in Italian Universities.
Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society 2008: 201-208 |
110 | EE | Yudistira Asnar,
Paolo Giorgini,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Rocco Moretti,
Maurizio Sebastianis,
Nicola Zannone:
An evaluation of business solutions in manufacturing enterprises.
IJBIDM 3(3): 305-329 (2008) |
2007 |
109 | | H. Jaap van den Herik,
Paolo Ciancarini,
H. H. L. M. Donkers:
Computers and Games, 5th International Conference, CG 2006, Turin, Italy, May 29-31, 2006. Revised Papers
Springer 2007 |
108 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Gian Piero Favini:
Representing Kriegspiel States with Metapositions.
IJCAI 2007: 2450-2455 |
107 | EE | Luca Abeti,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Rocco Moretti:
Model Driven Development of Ontology-Based Grid Services.
WETICE 2007: 229-234 |
2006 |
106 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Herbert Wiklicky:
Coordination Models and Languages, 8th International Conference, COORDINATION 2006, Bologna, Italy, June 14-16, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
105 | EE | Sergio Andreozzi,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Danilo Montesi,
Rocco Moretti:
An approach to the quantitative evaluation of Grid services.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(8): 827-836 (2006) |
104 | EE | Laura Bocchi,
Paolo Ciancarini:
On the Impact of Formal Methods in the SOA.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 160: 113-126 (2006) |
103 | EE | Luca Abeti,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Rocco Moretti:
Service oriented software engineering for modeling agents and services in grid systems.
Multiagent and Grid Systems 2(2): 135-148 (2006) |
2005 |
102 | EE | Laura Bocchi,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi:
Transactional Aspects in Semantic Based Discovery of Services.
COORDINATION 2005: 283-297 |
101 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini:
On the education of future software engineers.
ICSE 2005: 649-650 |
100 | EE | Sergio Andreozzi,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Danilo Montesi,
Rocco Moretti:
Towards a Language for a Satisfaction-Based Selection of Grid Services.
PPAM 2005: 723-730 |
99 | EE | Laura Bocchi,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Rocco Moretti,
Valentina Presutti,
Davide Rossi:
An OWL-S based approach to express grid services coordination.
SAC 2005: 1661-1667 |
98 | EE | Andrea Bolognesi,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Rocco Moretti:
On the Education of Future Software Engineers.
Software Education and Training Sessions @ ICSE 2005: 186-205 |
97 | EE | Carlos A. Varela,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Kenjiro Taura:
Worldwide computing: Adaptive middleware and programming technology for dynamic Grid environments.
Scientific Programming 13(4): 255-263 (2005) |
2004 |
96 | EE | Andrea Bolognesi,
Paolo Ciancarini:
Searching over Metapositions in Kriegspiel.
Computers and Games 2004: 246-261 |
95 | EE | Sergio Andreozzi,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Danilo Montesi,
Rocco Moretti:
Towards a Metamodeling Based Method for Representing and Selecting Grid Services.
GSEM 2004: 78-93 |
94 | EE | Sergio Andreozzi,
Danilo Montesi,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Rocco Moretti:
Towards a Model for Quality of Web and Grid Services.
WETICE 2004: 271-276 |
2003 |
93 | | Andrea Bolognesi,
Paolo Ciancarini:
Computer Programming of Kriegspiel Endings: The Case of KR versus K.
ACG 2003: 325-342 |
92 | EE | Laura Bocchi,
Paolo Ciancarini:
A Perspective on Multiagent Coordination Models.
Communication in Multiagent Systems 2003: 146-163 |
91 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Riccardo Gentilucci,
Marco Pirruccio,
Valentina Presutti,
Fabio Vitali:
Metadata on the Web: On the integration of RDF and Topic Maps.
Extreme Markup Languages® 2003 |
90 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Rocco Moretti:
Towards a Framework for Web Sites Quality Evaluation.
SEKE 2003: 721-725 |
89 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Valentina Presutti,
Luca Abeti:
An Ontology Driven Design Method for inter-Agent Communication.
SEKE 2003: 90-94 |
88 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Alexander L. Wolf:
Issues in Coordination Languages and Architectures.
Sci. Comput. Program. 46(1-2): 1-3 (2003) |
2002 |
87 | | Michael Wooldridge,
Gerhard Weiß,
Paolo Ciancarini:
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II, Second International Workshop, AOSE 2001, Montreal, Canada, May 29, 2001, Revised Papers and Invited Contributions
Springer 2002 |
86 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Federico Folli,
Davide Rossi,
Fabio Vitali:
XLinkProxy: external linkbases with XLink.
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2002: 57-65 |
85 | EE | Marco Bernardo,
Lorenzo Donatiello,
Paolo Ciancarini:
Stochastic Process Algebra: From an Algebraic Formalism to an Architectural Description Language.
Performance 2002: 236-260 |
84 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Valentina Presutti:
Towards Ontology Driven Software Design.
RISSEF 2002: 122-136 |
83 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Robert Tolksdorf,
Franco Zambonelli:
Coordination middleware for XML-centric applications.
SAC 2002: 336-343 |
82 | EE | Marco Bernardo,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Lorenzo Donatiello:
Architecting families of software systems with process algebras.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 11(4): 386-426 (2002) |
81 | | Luca Bompani,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Fabio Vitali:
XML-Based Hypertext Functionalities for Software Engineering.
Ann. Software Eng. 13(1-4): 231-247 (2002) |
80 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Federico Folli,
Davide Rossi,
Fabio Vitali:
XlinkProxy: external linkbases wih Xlink (Technical Note).
The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 8: (2002) |
2001 |
79 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Michael Wooldridge:
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, First International Workshop, AOSE 2000, Limerick, Ireland, June 10, 2000, Revised Papers
Springer 2001 |
78 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi:
WebCluster: A Web-Accessible Cluster Computing System Based on Coordination and Mobility.
PaCT 2001: 205-210 |
77 | EE | Marco Bernardo,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Lorenzo Donatiello:
Detecting Architectural Mismatches in Process Algebraic Descriptions of Software Systems.
WICSA 2001: 77-86 |
76 | | Nadia Busi,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Roberto Gorrieri,
Gianluigi Zavattaro:
Coordination Models: A Guided Tour.
Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies, and Applications 2001: 6-24 |
75 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi,
Fabio Vitali:
Designing a document-centric coordination application over the Internet.
Interacting with Computers 13(6): 677-693 (2001) |
74 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Michael Wooldridge:
Agent-Based Software Engineering - Guest Editors' Introduction.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 11(3): 205-206 (2001) |
2000 |
73 | EE | Michael Wooldridge,
Paolo Ciancarini:
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: The State of the Art.
AOSE 2000: 1-28 |
72 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Michael Wooldridge:
Agent-oriented software engineering (workshop).
ICSE 2000: 816-817 |
71 | EE | Luca Bompani,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Fabio Vitali:
Software engineering and the Internet: a roadmap.
ICSE - Future of SE Track 2000: 303-315 |
70 | EE | Marco Bernardo,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Lorenzo Donatiello:
On the formalization of architectural types with process algebras.
SIGSOFT FSE 2000: 140-148 |
69 | EE | Marco Bernardo,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Lorenzo Donatiello:
ÆMPA: a process algebraic description language for the performance analysis of software architectures.
Workshop on Software and Performance 2000: 1-11 |
68 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Francesco Franzé,
Cecilia Mascolo:
Using a coordination language to specify and analyze systems containing mobile components.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 9(2): 167-198 (2000) |
67 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Daniela Fogli,
Mauro Gaspari:
A declarative coordination language.
Comput. Lang. 26(2-4): 125-163 (2000) |
1999 |
66 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Alessandro Fantechi,
Roberto Gorrieri:
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, IFIF TC6/WG6.1 Third International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems (FMOODS), February 15-18, 1999, Florence, Italy
Kluwer 1999 |
65 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Alexander L. Wolf:
Coordination Languages and Models, Third International Conference, COORDINATION '99, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 26-28, 1999, Proceedings
Springer 1999 |
64 | | Stefan Bussmann,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Keith S. Decker,
Michael N. Huhns,
Michael Wooldridge:
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering.
ATAL 1999: 248-249 |
63 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Andrea Omicini,
Franco Zambonelli:
Multiagent System Engineering: The Coordination Viewpoint.
ATAL 1999: 250-259 |
62 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Andrea Giovannini,
Davide Rossi:
Mobility and Coordination for Distributed Java Applications.
Advances in Distributed Systems 1999: 402-426 |
61 | | Stelvio Cimato,
Paolo Ciancarini:
A Formal Approach to the Specification of Java Components.
ECOOP Workshops 1999: 107-108 |
60 | EE | S. Sancese,
Paolo Ciancarini,
A. Messina:
Message Passing vs. Tuple Space Coordination in an Aerodynamics Application.
PaCT 1999: 320-334 |
59 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Robert Tolksdorf,
Fabio Vitali:
The World Wide Web as a Place for Agents.
Artificial Intelligence Today 1999: 175-193 |
58 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Robert Tolksdorf:
Coordination Mechanisms for Web Agents.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2(3): 215-216 (1999) |
57 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Fabio Vitali,
Cecilia Mascolo:
Managing Complex Documents Over the WWW: A Case Study for XML.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 11(4): 629-638 (1999) |
56 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Andrea Omicini,
Franco Zambonelli:
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents.
Nord. J. Comput. 6(3): 215-240 (1999) |
1998 |
55 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi:
Coordinating distributed applets with Shade/Java.
SAC 1998: 130-138 |
54 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi,
Fabio Vitali:
The World Wide Web as a Place to Work in.
WETICE 1998: 118-125 |
53 | EE | Robert Tolksdorf,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Mark Ginsburg,
Jakob Hummes,
Wilfred C. Jamison:
Working Group Report on Coordination Architectures for Distributed Web Applications.
WETICE 1998: 150-153 |
52 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Cecilia Mascolo,
Fabio Vitali:
Visualizing Z Notation in HTML Documents.
ZUM 1998: 81-95 |
51 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Cecilia Mascolo:
Using Formal Methods for Teaching Software Engineering: A Tool-Based Approach.
Ann. Software Eng. 6: 433-453 (1998) |
50 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Alfredo Rizzi,
Fabio Vitali:
An Extensible Rendering Engine for XML.
Computer Networks 30(1-7): 225-237 (1998) |
49 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Robert Tolksdorf,
Fabio Vitali,
Davide Rossi,
Andreas Knoche:
Coordinating Multiagent Aplications on the WWW: A Reference Architecture.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(5): 362-375 (1998) |
48 | | Farhad Arbab,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Chris Hankin:
Coordination Languages for Parallel Programming.
Parallel Computing 24(7): 989-1004 (1998) |
47 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
M. Mazza,
L. Pazzaglia:
A Logic for a Coordination Model with Multiple Spaces.
Sci. Comput. Program. 31(2-3): 231-261 (1998) |
46 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi:
Coordinating Java Agents over the WWW.
World Wide Web 1(2): 87-99 (1998) |
45 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Robert Tolksdorf,
Jan Vitek:
Distributed World Wide Web Processing: Applications and Techniques of Web Agents - Preface.
World Wide Web 1(3): 109 (1998) |
1997 |
44 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
A. Fantini,
Davide Rossi:
A Multi-Agent Process Centered Environment Integrated with the WWW.
WETICE 1997: 113-120 |
43 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Cecilia Mascolo:
Analyzing and Refining an Architectural Style.
ZUM 1997: 349-368 |
42 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Stelvio Cimato,
Cecilia Mascolo:
Engineering Formal Requirements: An Analysis and Testing Method for Z Documents.
Ann. Software Eng. 3: 189-219 (1997) |
41 | EE | Paolo Ciaccia,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Wilma Penzo:
Formal Requirements and Design Specifications: The Clepsydra Methodology.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 7(1): 1-42 (1997) |
1996 |
40 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Chris Hankin:
Coordination Languages and Models, First International Conference, COORDINATION '96, Cesena, Italy, April 15-17, 1996, Proceedings
Springer 1996 |
39 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Robert Tolksdorf:
Using the web to coordinate distributed applications.
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1996: 197-203 |
38 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Robert Tolksdorf,
Fabio Vitali:
Weaving the Web Using Coordination.
COORDINATION 1996: 411-415 |
37 | | Stefania Castellani,
Paolo Ciancarini:
Enhancing Coordination and Modularity Mechanisms for a Language with Objects-as-Multisets.
COORDINATION 1996: 89-106 |
36 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Cecilia Mascolo:
Analyzing the Dynamics of a Z Specification.
DISCO 1996: 138-149 |
35 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Stelvio Cimato:
Animating a Non-executable Formal Specification with a Distributed Symbolic Language.
DISCO 1996: 200-201 |
34 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Daniela Fogli,
Mauro Gaspari:
A Logic Language based on GAMMA-like Multiset Rewriting.
ELP 1996: 83-101 |
33 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi:
Jada - Coordination and Communication for Java Agents.
Mobile Object Systems 1996: 213-226 |
32 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Stelvio Cimato,
Cecilia Mascolo:
Engineering Formal Requirements: Analysis and Testing.
SEKE 1996: 385-392 |
31 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Davide Rossi,
Fabio Vitali,
Andreas Knoche,
Robert Tolksdorf:
Coordination technology for the WWW.
WETICE 1996: 322-327 |
30 | | Paolo Ciancarini:
Coordination Models and Languages as Software Integrators.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(2): 300-302 (1996) |
29 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Mauro Gaspari:
Rule-Based Coordination of Logic Programs.
Comput. Lang. 22(2/3): 95-113 (1996) |
28 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Andreas Knoche,
Robert Tolksdorf,
Fabio Vitali:
PageSpace: An Architecture to Coordinate Distributed Applications on the Web.
Computer Networks 28(7-11): 941-952 (1996) |
27 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Leon Sterling:
Guest Editor's Introduction.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 6(1): 1-3 (1996) |
26 | EE | Leon Sterling,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Todd Turnidge:
On the Animation of "not Executable" Specifications by Prolog.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 6(1): 63-87 (1996) |
1995 |
25 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Oscar Nierstrasz,
Akinori Yonezawa:
Object-Based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems, ECOOP'94 Workshop on Models and Languages for Coordination of Parallelism and Distribution, Bologna, Italy, July 5, 1994, Selected Papers
Springer 1995 |
24 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Daniela Fogli,
Mauro Gaspari:
A Logic Language Based on GAMMA-Like Multiset Rewriting.
GULP-PRODE 1995: 125-138 |
23 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
P. Mancini:
Distributing Search and Knowledge Using a Coordination Language.
PaCT 1995: 400-410 |
22 | | Paolo Ciaccia,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Wilma Penzo:
From Formal Requirements to Formal Design.
SEKE 1995: 23-30 |
21 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini:
Modeling the software process using coordination rules.
WETICE 1995: 46-53 |
20 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
V. Juggy Jagannathan,
Mark Klein,
Wil M. P. van der Aalst:
Working group report on process [production process workflow in cooperative virtual enterprises].
WETICE 1995: 8- |
19 | | Paolo Ciaccia,
Paolo Ciancarini:
A Course on Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Matching Requirements with Design.
ZUM 1995: 482-496 |
18 | | Paolo Ciaccia,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Wilma Penzo:
A Formal Approach to Software Design: The Clepsydra Methodology.
ZUM 1995: 5-24 |
17 | | Vincenzo Ambriola,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Andrea Corradini:
Declarative Specification of the Architecture of a Software Development Environment.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 25(2): 143-174 (1995) |
1994 |
16 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
Keld K. Jensen,
Daniel Yankelevich:
On the Operational Sematics of a Coordination Language.
ECOOP Workshop 1994: 77-106 |
15 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini,
Mauro Gaspari:
Parallel Symbolic Computing with the Shared Dataspace Coordination Model.
ICLP Workshop: Process-Based Parallel Logic Programming 1994: 11-37 |
14 | | Paolo Ciancarini:
Distributed Programming with Logic Tuple Spaces.
New Generation Comput. 12(3): 251-284 (1994) |
1993 |
13 | EE | Paolo Ciancarini:
Coordinating Rule-Based Software Processes with ESP.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 2(3): 203-227 (1993) |
12 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
N. Guerrini:
Linda meets Minix.
Operating Systems Review 27(4): 76-92 (1993) |
1992 |
11 | | Paolo Ciancarini,
David Gelernter:
A Distributed Programming Environment based on Logic Tuple Spaces.
FGCS 1992: 926-933 |
10 | | Paolo Ciancarini:
A Linda-Based Runtime System for a Distributed Logic Language.
LCPC 1992: 356-368 |
9 | | Paolo Ciancarini:
Parallel Programming with Logic Languages: A Survey.
Comput. Lang. 17(4): 213-239 (1992) |
1991 |
8 | | Paolo Ciancarini:
Parallel Logic Programming Using the Linda Model of Computation.
Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages 1991: 110-125 |
7 | EE | Antonio Brogi,
Paolo Ciancarini:
The Concurrent Language, Shared Prolog.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 13(1): 99-123 (1991) |
6 | | Tiziana Castagnetti,
Paolo Ciancarini:
Static Analysis of a Parallel Logic Language Based on the Blackboard Model.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 13(4): 412-423 (1991) |
5 | EE | Vincenzo Ambriola,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Andrea Corradini,
Nicoletta De Francesco:
Towards innovative software engineering environments.
Journal of Systems and Software 14(1): 17-29 (1991) |
1990 |
4 | | Paolo Ciancarini:
Coordination Languages for Open System Design.
ICCL 1990: 252-260 |
3 | | Vincenzo Ambriola,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Carlo Montangero:
Software processes as a hierarchy.
ISPW 1990: 57-60 |
2 | | Vincenzo Ambriola,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Carlo Montangero:
The Logic Language ESP and its Programming Environment.
LPE 1990: 12-15 |
1 | | Vincenzo Ambriola,
Paolo Ciancarini,
Marco Danelutto:
Design and Distributed Implementation of the Parallel Logic Language Shared Prolog.
PPOPP 1990: 40-49 |