
Mariacarla Calzarossa

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12EECristiana Rita Alfonsi, Elena Breno, Mariacarla Calzarossa, Paolo Ciancarini, Paolo Maresca, Luisa Mich, Fuliva Sala, Nello Scarabottolo: EUCIP in Italian Universities. Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society 2008: 201-208
11EEMariacarla Calzarossa, Daniele Tessera: Characterization of the evolution of a news Web site. Journal of Systems and Software 81(12): 2336-2344 (2008)
10EEMariacarla Calzarossa, Daniele Tessera: Models of Dynamic Web Content. FIRB-Perf 2005: 26-33
9EEKen Ferschweiler, Scott Harrah, Dylan Keon, Mariacarla Calzarossa, Daniele Tessera, Cherri M. Pancake: The Tracefile Testbed: a community repository for identifying and retrieving HPC performance data. IJHPCN 3(2/3): 95-102 (2005)
8 Mariacarla Calzarossa, Erol Gelenbe: Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems, Revised Tutorial Lectures [from MASCOTS 2003] Springer 2004
7EEAntonio Barili, Mariacarla Calzarossa, Daniele Tessera: Modeling Dynamic Web Content. ISCIS 2004: 648-656
6EEMariacarla Calzarossa: Perf: An Ongoing Research Project on Performance Evaluation. MASCOTS 2003: 2-
5EEMariacarla Calzarossa: Performance Evaluation of Mail Systems. MASCOTS Tutorials 2003: 51-67
4 Mariacarla Calzarossa, Salvatore Tucci: Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems: Techniques and Tools, Performance 2002, Tutorial Lectures Springer 2002
3EEKen Ferschweiler, Scott Harrah, Dylan Keon, Mariacarla Calzarossa: The Tracefile Testbed - A Community Repository for Identifying and Retrieving HPC Performance Data. ICPP 2002: 177-184
2EEKen Ferschweiler, Mariacarla Calzarossa, Cherri M. Pancake, Daniele Tessera, Dylan Keon: A Community Databank for Performance Tracefiles. PVM/MPI 2001: 233-240
1 Laura Bertolotti, Mariacarla Calzarossa: Models of mail server workloads. Perform. Eval. 46(2-3): 65-76 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Cristiana Rita Alfonsi [12]
2Antonio Barili [7]
3Laura Bertolotti [1]
4Elena Breno [12]
5Paolo Ciancarini [12]
6Ken Ferschweiler [2] [3] [9]
7Erol Gelenbe [8]
8Scott Harrah [3] [9]
9Dylan Keon [2] [3] [9]
10Paolo Maresca [12]
11Luisa Mich [12]
12Cherri M. Pancake [2] [9]
13Fuliva Sala [12]
14Nello Scarabottolo [12]
15Daniele Tessera [2] [7] [9] [10] [11]
16Salvatore Tucci [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)