
Rocco Moretti

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13EEYudistira Asnar, Rocco Moretti, Maurizio Sebastianis, Nicola Zannone: Risk as Dependability Metrics for the Evaluation of Business Solutions: A Model-driven Approach. ARES 2008: 1240-1247
12EELuca Abeti, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti: Business Process Modeling for Organizational Knowledge Management. Concurrency, Graphs and Models 2008: 301-311
11EEYudistira Asnar, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti, Maurizio Sebastianis, Nicola Zannone: An evaluation of business solutions in manufacturing enterprises. IJBIDM 3(3): 305-329 (2008)
10EELuca Abeti, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti: Model Driven Development of Ontology-Based Grid Services. WETICE 2007: 229-234
9EESergio Andreozzi, Paolo Ciancarini, Danilo Montesi, Rocco Moretti: An approach to the quantitative evaluation of Grid services. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(8): 827-836 (2006)
8EELuca Abeti, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti: Service oriented software engineering for modeling agents and services in grid systems. Multiagent and Grid Systems 2(2): 135-148 (2006)
7EESergio Andreozzi, Paolo Ciancarini, Danilo Montesi, Rocco Moretti: Towards a Language for a Satisfaction-Based Selection of Grid Services. PPAM 2005: 723-730
6EELaura Bocchi, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti, Valentina Presutti, Davide Rossi: An OWL-S based approach to express grid services coordination. SAC 2005: 1661-1667
5EEAndrea Bolognesi, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti: On the Education of Future Software Engineers. Software Education and Training Sessions @ ICSE 2005: 186-205
4EESergio Andreozzi, Danilo Montesi, Rocco Moretti: XMatch: A language for satisfaction-based selection of Grid services. Scientific Programming 13(4): 299-316 (2005)
3EESergio Andreozzi, Paolo Ciancarini, Danilo Montesi, Rocco Moretti: Towards a Metamodeling Based Method for Representing and Selecting Grid Services. GSEM 2004: 78-93
2EESergio Andreozzi, Danilo Montesi, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti: Towards a Model for Quality of Web and Grid Services. WETICE 2004: 271-276
1 Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti: Towards a Framework for Web Sites Quality Evaluation. SEKE 2003: 721-725

Coauthor Index

1Luca Abeti [8] [10] [12]
2Sergio Andreozzi [2] [3] [4] [7] [9]
3Yudistira Asnar [11] [13]
4Laura Bocchi [6]
5Andrea Bolognesi [5]
6Paolo Ciancarini [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
7Paolo Giorgini [11]
8Danilo Montesi [2] [3] [4] [7] [9]
9Valentina Presutti [6]
10Davide Rossi [6]
11Maurizio Sebastianis [11] [13]
12Nicola Zannone [11] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)